Give Matt a Tip:
We’ll call him “Joe” and protect his identity. Joe has sent me several very informative emails over the years. He worked at the Disney Theme parks years ago and agrees that “woke” is part of “making things bad on purpose” which is part of a demoralization strategy. Now the water ride, “Splash Mountain” is racist, and hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent updating the rides around the world to change to a woke theme.
OMG, Matt, when I got up this Sunday morning the first thing I did was listen to Mike Williams’ interview with Jordon Maxwell, well actually I couldn’t get past the first 1/2 hour I got so depressed. So…to cheer myself up I created a new piece of art for QofC called the NOTnilc LOOSH farm / factory anyway, someday you’ll likely see that…
That’s how I handled Jordon’s shock and awe interview, so I still have to finish that later today, funny you mentioned Maxwell.
Yeah, I haven’t finished Jordan Maxwell’s interview yet. How much cognative dissonace do I have left to go? Like Mike Williams, I’m not going down without a fight. I’ve adopted the Salvation Army’s motto, Do The Most Good. My shere of influence is whereever I have my feet. I’m a political athiest but a local activist. #letscreatearemarkablefuture #everlocalbe
Vanguard does not “own” all these companies. They hold and manage millions of individual and business accounts. These accounts then relinquish their proxy rights to Vanguard. Then Vanguard can “control” these companies through their Board of Directors. Big difference…
He never said vanguard owns these companies (timestamp: 5:18) He said that the companies that own these are “under the control” of Vanguard (Blackrock,etc). Therefore Vanguard can “control” these companies….big difference.
Is that Lucis Trust or Looshes Trust?
I grew up in Central Florida. We had compulsory Disney field trips almost every year. It was 1994 when I realized the place was a massive miIitary industrial installation. I had been watching stuff on NORAD and Mount Weather a few days before the trip. This was the first time they brought us down for a tour of the underground infrastructure and tunnels. I was in 4th grade at the time. As soon as we got down below it hit me that we were in a bunker facility capable of riding out WW3. I asked the tour guide if this was the top level of a fallout bunker. It was the first time I remember making an adult nervous. She froze for a second, acted like she didn’t hear me, and put as much distance between us as possible. Thats when I first started seeing the real world. I started seeing the manipulation, the contradictory logic and morals… I was a child trying to point out that Disney was sinister. How could none of the adults see it? I instantly felt alone and horribly out of place. Been that way since. This is the stuff der furher was talking about in his book. The intention inversion, perversion, and destruction of art, literature, entertainment, and culture.
Wait, what? Matt makes a video about someone named “Joe” and then you type this??? (I’m just kidding) but yeah I know what you mean. I got a very similar reaction when I was about the same age asking about Dinosaurs in Bible school around 1970, that adult did not want to broach that subject . . .
I asked in Bible school, when about 7yrs old, if Adam & Eve had boys, how did life continue? The teacher couldnt answer me. I have many questions unanswered when I was a child, they added up to cover ups that I still remember, many many decades later.
That’s pretty wild.
It’s hahd out here for a pimp, tryna get the $$ for a Peter Stuyvesant.. you ain’t knowin.
Imagine. How more ominous of a name could they have possibly chosen besides Black Rock. Black Sun – Totalitarianism.
Black Robes – Saturn. They’re coming right out and telling us that … yeah, we’re evil. So what are you going to do about it?
Rock = placenta
Kurtis R. Kallenbach
This is a very good expose of Disney:
As for your Freudian-slip over Obama-Osama, the first time I ever heard of Obama was back in 2007 when NPR ran a story about how there had been some embarrassment earlier when a newscaster referred to “potential presidential candidate Obama” by the name Osama. My ears perked up; there’s a guy running for president who’s name is so similar to Osama that the mistake had already been made on live radio? At that point I knew that whoever this Obama guy was he was certainly going to be the next president. I don’t understand why others can’t recognize it for what it is when they see the NOTNILC in action.
Maybe this Jordan maxwell would have been accurate if the collective energy field was very, very low ☯️
Maybe that dragon burning the second time, maybe they were ready and they weren’t successful with the first, the energy wasn’t low enough then.
Now maybe the collective energy field is abysmal, I can feel it, nothing like when I was a kid. It is a different now, sort of heavy. Too much thought.
And they’ve gotten further. The time issue is tangible and nothing for them. I mean they’re not waiting until this time. They’ve had everything.
The bare bones of this reality is energy. Bodies and tangible stuff (including minds) are an illusion. We’re beyond all of this, but we don’t know it. They’re just strengthening the altered mind. They want to entertain us and put us into this fakeness. It’s not real. The mind has been altered by them.
I need to go beyond that to the silence that is energy, and awareness ,and bliss, the self.
It’s definitely not “boring”…well your MIND will tell you that, because it wants to play with you nice games, if you’ve had a great day or dreadful games, if you’ve had a sucky day.
Interesting comment. I’d counter with, if we were in fact “beyond all this”, then we’d be beyond all this. We’re not. We’re still making an awful mess of things. We’re still completely mired in the mucky-muck of this wholly brutal meat grinder of a reality. Literally the only way this current phase of Earth can function is by turning every single living thing into food for whatever living thing is above it in the hierarchy.
“Spiritual” people are always going on about how beautiful this Earth is. I can’t get on board with that sentiment. Why, because a sunset is pretty? This place isn’t beautiful… it’s got beautiful things precariously perched on a foundation of horrors. It’s nothing but mouths chewing, chewing, chewing everything to pulp and pushing it back out as nutrients to feed the next wave of mouths chewing, chewing, chewing. Death upon death upon death to sustain a perpetual machine of struggle.
I sometimes think about all the creepy, crawly things of this place… the consciousness of all these living things that exist down in the soil, doing the filthy work required to keep nature moving through its cycles. What a nightmare it is, down there at that level of this place. I don’t find any of this beautiful. This fallen Earth is attempting to convince us that beauty can only exist on top of a mountain of suffering… that without an infinite array of death there can be no life.
I sure hope that isn’t baseline reality, that this place doesn’t represent the fundamental state of existence.
Downloading in progress I download all your videos for prosperity just in case I’ll always have a copy love your work and wanted to let you know my hubby and I jumped off the ship a long lime ago and always watch like Flys on the wall sorry we rarely comment. I do comment occasionally on yt as Shanna Honea
Thanks Matt. 💜
Splash Mountain closed on 5/30? Can you see the numerology? 5×3=15; 1+5=6; 6 flipped upside down is a ‘9’!
Hi Matt, Every time I hear about the banana taped to the wall and it’s spoken about as art in news articles I think Bernays, Chiquita, CIA, propaganda and Guatemala. Maybe it’s an advertisement or the writing is on the wall message to someone.
Sorry, this isn’t relevant to the video so much. It is relevant to recent and ongoing discussions about the digital-everything reality push that has been accelerating these past years.
The moment I saw the Apple VisionPro in action, it made me think of a particular skit from ‘Kids in the Hall’ and I had to create this meme.
I sell and install kitchen cabinets for a living and am a distributor for a major name brand (one of the first to use the Magenta in their branding several years ago). They have switched us over to paperless entry so we don’t interact with anyone at the company. They can reduce their work force that way. The thing is the program is HORRIBLE. The program won’t load then it locks up, doesn’t allow any construction mods, deletes your order. You can’t get a hold of anyone in any kind of a timely fashion to ever resolve anything. It is crazy because orders coming in are the life blood of any manufacturer. And yet if I want to access 100,000 porn videos on my computer it would load in about 2 seconds! (or so I’m told) 🙂
Hard not to see this as by design on some level.
Also we went from interesting cabinet doors and stains and colors with different customers making real individual choices to suddenly all the consumers marching in lock step to – Shaker Style, White or Grey Painted. Like 90% of the kitchens. No nice crown molding, just a flat piece of 1″x 3″ on top. Primer grey is not a food color. It is the color of rotten meat. When I was in the restaurant business we avoided grey like the plague because it kills apatite along with teal green – the color of molding food.
Just some random thoughts.
Thanks for all you do Matt.
Awesome comment, I know what you mean. Though I’ve been out of the corporate advertising world for about 12 years I was in the middle of the mess, creating art for the AT&T, Budweiser and many others.
When you describe the way the program is so messed up, yet porn is delivered in a micro second and yet our family and friends can’t see this, make excuses and so forth.
Thanks William. Have you ever visited this site?
Bang on target about the demoralization strategy; when we come into this world, we all tend to accept things at face value at first. Discernment comes a bit later. My first big take away from the Tartaria crowd was the comparison of beautiful breathtaking buildings and the modernist crap that passes for “architecture” now (post 1945 it really started the downward slide). Along with the endless “city fire” narratives in US history (“nothing to see here, just a cow kicking over another oil lamp…”), I’d posit that the damage from the US Civil war and World Wars was quite by design and in part designed to destroy much of that aesthetic from our awareness.
There most certainly is a reason for the take down of society along with the passionate hatred for Anglo whites, men especially; unfortunately, it’s more of a 12 beer discussion and not for here. I just laugh at stuff now: PBS has a series with a black Anne Boleyn; K, so that would make her daughter, Elizabeth 1, a black woman too. As all the history books and paintings tell us she was, of course. Clown world.
And with no disrespect to black folks – I owe a huge debt to black American musicians in jazz, blues and soul etc., who defined much of the best of America’s popular musical heritage. But the perpetration of the anti-white rhetoric doesn’t come from them for the most part – it’s created by others; the story has very deep historical roots, and not what most people think it is…!
Yes, I still think the Civil war was orchestrated to destroy much of what already existed here (and wasn’t supposed to) according to the fairy tale narrative of the “land of the free” (heh-heh), somebody tell a joke.
Playing devil’s advocate for a sec regarding Anne Boleyn and Hamilton being portrayed as black people: if you look over some folks’ work like Michelle Gibson, she suggests that there used to be a worldwide Moorish civilization in the past; so maybe these PBS etc. portrayals are more accurate than our given history. In truth, it’s probably fair to say that we are a species with amnesia; all we really know is that we don’t know for sure what our past history was. Was Pompeii buried in 79AD or 1615? Or should that be J615, with the 1000 year Fomenko block subtracted?
A huge rabbit hole to be sure, but we see our past “through a glass darkly” at best. Still, at least we have the creeps to keep us distracted…!
Matt and Friends of Matt I think you also enjoy the content here although this person passed away in 2015 – his daughter maintains the web site.
Just a reminder…
2023 is a year of the Water Rabbit, starting from January 22nd, 2023 (Chinese New Year), and ending on February 9th, 2024 (Chinese New Year’s Eve).
The 2012 video ‘I, Pet Goat II’ is about eclipses and coronas – check
Classroom darkening (Mass division phase over. In fact the vines actually spell “Division” on the back wall of the “classroom”) – check
Rabbit highlighted (2023 is the year of the WATER Rabbit and the rabbits’ eye is used as one of the “i’s” in the word “Division” written on the back wall)- check
Exit sign highlighted – check
Big apple (NYC) highlighted – check
Jewish New Year highlighted (Honey circle/apples, Sept 15th) – check
This past Saturday, I spent the evening at Lincoln Center, in New York City. I was there to see an avant-garde version of Mozart’s “The Magic Flute.” Lincoln Center represents the cultural pinnacle of NYC, with ballet, opera, music and theater. The Julliard School of Music is also there.
The entire experience was a dreamlike odyssey, showing what was once “the future,” a redefined world. I can only write this in stream of consciousness…
Looking for the ladies room in the Philharmonic building, they’ve changed the names of the buildings I remember from my childhood, scanners, like the airport, evolv, glowing light, Laurie Anderson said “we’re so pretty,” scanning phones, inspecting bags, All Gender Restroom with a long-winded explanation underneath (for those in other countries, this is new in the US, for men and women to share a multiple stall restroom, this is the first time I’ve seen it, I will say, the stalls had full length doors, according to my son), I just want to urinate, how did that get complicated?, a line of men and women, an elderly man who seems confused, I sense discomfort, I can’t do it, there’s another option, “Companion Restroom,” what the hell is that?, another explanation, I’m losing brain cells, people don’t have sex in here, do they?, no, not at Lincoln Center, I don’t know anymore, make a decision, the companion one, it’s fine, points for the warrior, look at the poor slobs, looks like a concentration camp, people weirdly making comments about it, “I’m trying to be progressive,” “This ends the conversation, makes it simple,” who benefits?, take a walk, guy yelling at cops, gives them the finger, says he hates them, they smile at him, will he start shooting?, I want to get out of here fast, all these cops but I don’t feel safe, he keeps ranting, back to Philharmonic restaurant, waitresses in ultra mini-skirts, do they provide other services?, in the Metropolitan Opera building, first thing I see, wall of benefactors, who has given these orders?, all the usual suspects, get scanned, open my doggie bag packed with frozen veggies my son just bought from Target down the street (I raised a genius), we may in fact be the only people ever to bring frozen broccoli to the opera, the wall of stars, what happened to Maria Callas?, she gave master classes here, what happened to Pavarotti?, he gave most of his performances here, I recognize no one, the wall of Covid masks?, like I always say these days, I don’t know what I’m looking at, the opera starts, why are they dressed so sloppy?, looks like they should be rapping, not singing arias, I’m all for experimental, but this does not work, second half, much-improved, the stark minimalism against the soul-wrenching voices, the human heart must prevail, I have hope, with all the attempts to mask, to mute the human voice, it will fail.
Nowadays, just talking about Splash Mountain being racist is racist !!
Just to clarify, I never recieved a check from Disney, but I did several consultations for their lead imagineer concerning parks, and for some other imagineers, and received some payments from their private accounts.
I knew Walt Disney as a child, he chose my (german) grade school, my mother worked there, and the grandfather of my stepfather was a bagman for the mafia that brought Disney bags of cash in the middle 1950’s, when Walt was short on cash. (Just like in Las Vegas)
The rabbit holes are endless in my life and are interesting, but of what spiritual use?
see –
Thanks Matt!! Everything else correct.