Jerry Maguire’s “memo” was called The Things We Think and Do Not Say. Regarding criticism of the Gay Community for how it presents itself and who it associates with, in this society, no one dare say a thing against it lest they be ruined and fired from their job.

As someone who is already an outcast, I’m not afraid to speak. It’s a sad state of affairs that the FACTS presented in this podcast will be called “homophobic,” just because someone had the balls to point out what should be obvious to the LGBT! – Matt

Matt McKinley

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Danielle Marin
Danielle Marin
3 years ago

I think we all know at this point it was never about the rights of the gay community, or the rights and equal treatment of minorities. It’s always been about the continued degradation and destruction of a sane and wholesome society, as some of us may have once known it.
It stopped being about fairness and equal treatment a long time ago. We are living in the end result of it and it ain’t pretty, BOY!

Yo Momma Was Good
Yo Momma Was Good
3 years ago
Reply to  Danielle Marin

Very well said, and I 100% agree.

Max Lathrop
Max Lathrop
3 years ago
Reply to  Danielle Marin

In the 90’s, during the big gay rights acceptance push, I thought those whacky christians were crazy for saying accepting that degenerate lifestyle into society would lead to our children. Who’s laughing now?

Aileen Doysan
Aileen Doysan
3 years ago

I know one Gay man who I deem a good friend who has pulled away from aligning himself with Pride or LGBT Community. As a heterosexual woman he gave me his insights as to why he has moved away. It’s not that he is ashamed of being a gay man, on the contrary he is open from the start with anyone he meets that he is gay. His issue has been the exploitation of children, like Desmond is Amazing and other children that attend the Pride parades. He feels that children shouldn’t be exposed to this as they are innocent. His major issue is the infiltration as he sees it of Pedophiles who want to use the issues the LGBT Community experienced and aired to the world as their reasoning for acceptance within society, that being a Pedophile is natural, normal and comes with no consequences. As my friend states, be it homosexual or heterosexual sex, its acceptable, so long as its consenting adults. However, his stance regarding children is one I uphold too as well. Children cannot consent to sex and their bodies are not designed to be having sexual intercourse. Even if a young girl has a period, I know from speaking with my mother who delivered babies from very young girls, basically children, that they run serious risk of dying carrying a baby to full term and giving birth. Emotionally, mentally, they are not equipped for this leap. I have spoken with many who where victims of child sexual abuse from sexual predators that where around them, or entrusted to look after them and I’ve never spoken to a survivor of this who came away not traumatized and damaged by the experience.

Johnny Seven
Johnny Seven
3 years ago
Reply to  Aileen Doysan

Sanity prevails. Good on him.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Aileen Doysan

thanks for sharing an honest story

3 years ago
Reply to  Aileen Doysan

I’m an openly gay man who’s been out since he was 15.(I’m now 55) I REFUSE to be associated with the “gay community” not only because of the infiltration of the pedophiles but because of the push by the Transactivist for all effeminate gay men or butch lesbians to become transgender especially when they push it on Children. Just like children can’t consent to sex they can’t consent to these treatments that will alter them for life. Both the pedophilia and push by these transactivist are CHILD ABUSE and should be treated as such. For these reasons these people do not speak for myself or many in the community but if we speak out we are ostracized and demonized as self hating homophobic gay people. Trust I’ve been labeled this for many years now. I was one of those who fought for equality and when we received equality and the rights to not be discriminated against, I went back to living my life. What most don’t realize is that being gay is only a very small part of who I am as a person. The problem is as stated in another comment. For the ACTIVIST Mind there will never be equality… that takes away their power as well as their way of making a living. They need to have a Cause so they can justify their existence. This continual degeneracy they’ve been going down only pushes the real acceptance and equality my generation fought for back by a couple decades. I haven’t been to a gay pride even in so many yrs I can’t even remember the last one I went to. Just like I don’t want to see heterosexuals running around almost nude, I don’t want to see gay men doing it either. My partner and I have been together for 30 yrs and neither want to have anything to do with this younger generation of gay people. They scream oppression but they have no real clue what it means to be oppressed. I served in the military before Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, I marched for medical care for HIV/AIDS patients when the virus first hit our community (and I lost a lot of both gay and straight friends to that disease.) But the real thing people need to be looking at isn’t those who are being pushed out front in these movements but the ones behind the scenes funding them. Follow the money and you will find that just like the Black Community the Gay Community are being used as a tool to divide and conquer. And for those behind the scenes both are effective tools. Well that’s my take on it for what it’s worth.

Last edited 3 years ago by Love4AllHumans
clifford mcguire
clifford mcguire
2 years ago
Reply to  Love4AllHumans

great comment, thank you

Wendy Strand
Wendy Strand
3 years ago

“If I was a gay man” will never be the start of one of MY poems 😂 (had to Matt.. haha. trying to make you smile) ❤

Gay Robinson
3 years ago

Ok, so my Mom picked out my name in 1953, several years before I was born. Thanks Gay community for making my name so popular. Ugh. Lol. I have been thinking about this topic for a long time and I am so sick and tired of it being thrown into our faces. Relentless! My thoughts exactly, what good does it do? Ru Paul, UGH!

Gay Robinson
3 years ago

Can we change the terminology please?

William Lodderhose
3 years ago
Reply to  Gay Robinson

great pic, I miss the ocean sooo much

Gay Robinson
3 years ago

Hi, ty, yes me2, live in AZ, born in RI, lived many years in MA. Nothing more awesome than the beaches!

Yo Momma Was Good
Yo Momma Was Good
3 years ago
Reply to  Gay Robinson

What the heck made you move to AZ? I could never go from Oceans to midwest. I think I would die. Jersey shore bound every year here.

nuun nuun
3 years ago
Reply to  Gay Robinson

“gay” meant “happy” up until the 50-60 🙂

Mallorie Ryan
Mallorie Ryan
3 years ago
Reply to  nuun nuun

They also stole the rainbow off children. Meh!

Ricky Bobo
3 years ago
Reply to  Gay Robinson

I played an online word find game that refused to acknowledge the word, “gay”. It’s as if the word lost its other definition completely. Ironically, they imposed the stigma by treating it like a derogatory term.

William Lodderhose
3 years ago

TRUTH DROP from Jerry Meguire’s mentor Dicky Fox- (The Secret To Success) “Hey I don’t have all the answers, in life to be honest, I’ve failed as much as I’ve succeeded. But I love my wife, I love my life and I wish YOU my kind of Success”! 


William Lodderhose
3 years ago

TRUTH DROP from Jerry Meguire’s mentor Dicky Fox – (The Secret To Success)
“Hey I don’t have all the answers, in life to be hones, I’ve failed as much as I’ve succeeded. But I love my wife, I love my life and I wish YOU my kind of Success!”

(Boom, mike drop)

Maria Maybe
Maria Maybe
3 years ago

the wicked always pretend to be the victim , its practice for judgement day

Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden
3 years ago
Reply to  Maria Maybe

That’s hilarious coming from truthers who spend all their time being nasty to others. At no point in the entire history of conspiracy truther nutjobs has any ever said that regular people are anything other than perfect. Apparently everything bad that ever happened was the fault of Satan, Elites, Aliens, TV etc. Even though almost every crime ever committed was actually the fault of regular people.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hunter Biden

No one disagrees that the news is fake.

nuun nuun
3 years ago
Reply to  Hunter Biden

regular people who became parents who had no time to look after their children who sat them in front of tell-a-vision-programming to be brainwashed slowly but surely by propaganda for all and against all. synthetic estrogen in all plastic had a purpose and literally helped to change human nature, there is a us patent from vietnam war-time called “gay bomb” i wonder…
now it seems like everybody is on their period, woman are nightmare to deal with too much estrogen as well, while man been chemically castrated.
woman made to believe that it’s better to be a slave for a corporation then a mother at home taking care of next generation.
children growing up with two dads, porn, gruesome images on tv and music videos; music has been a huge part of shaping cult-ure, devils twerking in hell as a inspiring visuals for the young and impressionable; mow made famous black rapper selling nike shoes with human blood, recently promoting man-pregnancy is a bit much – it is of course to cause outrage and hate – definitely not acceptance by those they “wish” to be accepted by.
it’s an obvious degradation of human quality and goodness. and by them considered “progressive”
have many gay friends, since 30 years i see the propaganda black on white. these influencers have insane patience.
would be admirable, if it wasn’t so evil.

Jack Gallant
Jack Gallant
3 years ago
Reply to  Hunter Biden

It’s not difficult to understand.

Crime is committed by those who’ve succumbed to their own appetites, and thusly sin. Be it greed, jealousy, wrath, pride, etc. these things stem from the fact that man is inherently fallen from grace. The wages of sin are suffering and death.

A righteous man who takes the narrow path to life does not commit crimes. The lack of knowledge regarding faith through grace, and the works that result from a man that has repented and sought favor from God does not lead to a life of crime.

This can certainly be attributed to the devil, the dark side of duality that has plagued mankind since the beginning of the consequences from tasting of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Regardless of your smarmy barbs and jabs, you seem like the type that would be able to understand the transcendent truth of the matter.

William Lodderhose
3 years ago

Matt, since you’ve mentioned in the past how no one wants to hear your conspiracy stuff at the Thanksgiving day meal, I’m sure I’m not the only one here now who would really enjoy you sneaking a video cam or cell phone and taping your family’s Thanksgiving gathering.

Please, please, movies suck these days, but something tells me that video would be amazing. Peace bro, keep up the great work.

3 years ago

Omg yesss. Or any other family gathering/single interaction with dad, mom, random normies… He should be filming everyone not just his cats. Lol.

Johnny Seven
Johnny Seven
3 years ago

Spot on, my family labelled me on many occasions without an explanation as to why or how I came to them.
It’s trigger happy reality T.V. at its best.
Most seem trapped behind words, thoughts and opinions but we know it was always.
It’s a bloody fairground, merry-go-round casino of the movie fear n loathing.
I’ve had enough, I just want to go home and ‘ave a word wiv me self’.
Thanks Matt..good listening.

Last edited 3 years ago by Johnny Seven
Tyler Hansen
Tyler Hansen
3 years ago

My oldest nephew is gay. We all were raised under a strict Mormon household and his mom (my oldest sister) was the most stringent as to traditional Mormon rules and lifestyle, so the shock to her rigid beliefs and the quick 180 now supporting gay rights (especially within the church) and the immediate condemnation of other Mormons who still believe exactly like she did before having her firstborn was an interesting lesson on ‘perspective’.

Another daughter of her’s is also gay, and I am not sure her future as to possibly transitioning to a man. She presents herself many times as a male and most people who meet her assume she is a male. You might not be able to grasp the enormity of the challenges that presents to a traditional Mormon family here in the center of Utah, but believe me that people point, talk, and judge every member of the family for this.

My point returns back to my sister’s original stance on all things gay, let alone transgender and pushing the envelope sexually. She was so hard-line conservative Mormon and used to claim she knew God would never do this to people. It was a perversion or sickness to her, until her children came along. It’s difficult to condemn the children you love for their honesty.

I’ve used her family as an ongoing education as to some of my prejudices (not necessarily with gay rights) and how I challenge myself by assuming the perspective of others. I really try to put myself in their shoes and many times I have realized I was wrong. I found some of my beliefs have carried forward into adulthood simply based on the way I was raised and the rigid mindset within the Mormon communities in the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. I am no longer a Mormon. And the Church has come a LONG way in adapting its stance on the way they view their gay members.The church has moved with the world and the pressures exerted on their financial positions played a major role in those policy changes IMO.

Sexual preference only matters as to the manner in which those desires affect others. As long as we treat each other with respect and communicative concern then I think we’re doing all right.

Chris Minor
Chris Minor
3 years ago

As mainstream as Douglas Murray has gone – as a gay author from the Uk who’s now sort of I that alternative/mainstream corner of conversations now on YouTube and what not – he makes a lot of sense when he says back during the gay rights movement when he was younger that the movement was about being treated like everyone else – now it’s become a I don’t want to be treated equally, as everyone else, but instead I want to be recognized as special – it’s become completely opposite of what the goal of a movement like that was.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Chris Minor

well said, I remember that, and follow that request

Chris Minor
Chris Minor
3 years ago

Also wanted to add watching Justin Trudeau try to say the full letters of then lgbq name in one of his speeches that was going around on YouTube a few weeks back – was absurd he wound up asking for help I believe as he’s saying he supports these people lol

Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden
3 years ago
Reply to  Chris Minor

Why is that funny? Who should he support instead? Regular people? Because you are all such righteous beings.

Regular people fight all the wars. Regular people push all the drugs. Regular people give vaccines to children.

Jack Gallant
Jack Gallant
3 years ago
Reply to  Hunter Biden

Hunter, you there? Hello McFly!!?

Maybe if you can get past your self-satisfied indignation you can actually understand the posts to which you reply.

Chris was saying he found it funny that Trudeau couldn’t even say the letters correctly despite him being a self-proclaimed ardent supporter of said group.

Might wanna hit the reset button on your Nintendo, I think your cartridge just froze.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jack Gallant
Morgan Tristram
3 years ago
Reply to  Chris Minor           I'd Say What a Joke , But Who's Laughing, Oh Wait , I am  😂  🤣  😅  🤮  That last Emoji was just a virtue signal on My part.  
Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

 Matt meetupz :
Every Sunday at noon 

NC – The Fiction Kitchen   – Raleigh
WA – Jeffs texas style BBQ   – Marysville
MT – The Montana culub      – Billings
ME – Roberts Maine Grill   – Kittery
AL – Pie Lab         – Greensboro   
AK – Wolf Run         – Fairbanks   
NH – Goody Good Donuts      – Laconia   
AR – Heidi’s Ugly Cakes   – Norfork   
NE – Kelsey’s Bar, 219 Rodeo Road, North Platte
NJ – Seasons 52      – Cherry Hill
CT – Flora         – West Hartford
NC – Herons         – Cary
CO – Moes Original BBQ         – Boulder
PA – Founding Farmers      – King of Prussia  
TX – Eureka! Burger bar   – Austin 
IL – Lou Mitchell’s      – Chicago

NM – Iron Door BBQ      – Silver city
ID – Bittercreek Alehouse   – Boise
MN – P.S. Steak      – Minneapolis
NY- Fauzia’s Heavenly Delight – 161st st/concord, Bronx
VA – The Virgianian      – Charlottesville
GA – Georgia Boy      – Atlanta
FL – Bolay         – Brandon
HI – Big Island Grill      – Kailua-Kona
UT – Vito’s         – Bountiful 
OR – Screen Door Eastside   – Portland 
MS – Oby’s of          – starkville
TN – Bain’s BBQ      – Memphis
CA – The Kitchen      – Sacremento
NV – Bricks         – Reno
AZ – Restaurant Progress   – Phoenix
DE – Kathy’s Crab House   – Delaware City
ND – The Walrus Restaurant   – Bismarck
OH – Momocho         – Cleveland
OK – Trails End Barbecue & Grill – Owasso
RI – Los Andes         – Providence
IN – The Overlook Restaurant   – Leavenworth
SC – Good Eating Kitchen   – Gaston

MA – Blue Heron Restaurant   – Sunderland
MI – The Timbers Restaurant   – Cadillac
WV – Kathy’s Diner      – Buckhannon
MS – Ajax Diner         – Oxford
WI – Stuff’s Restaurant      – Wisconsin Dells
MO – John D. McGurk’s – Soulard – Saint Louis
WY – Napoli’s         – Cheyenne
MD – Stanford Grill      – Rockville
IA – The Oil Press      – Zearing
SD – Colonial Cafe in          – Rapid City.
KS – Grünauer         – Kansas City
TN – The Iron Horse      – Wartrace
KY – East End Tap and Table   – Lexington
LA – O’YAH’S         – Rayne
VT – The Farmhouse Tap & Grill   – Burlington
PR – La Casita Blanca      – San Juan, Puerto Rico
GM – Beachin’ Shrimp 2      – Flame Tree Plaza, Tumon GU

International list:
NZ – Samairaz Indian   – 41 Raranga Street, Marshland, Christchurch 8083, New Zealand
EG – Charlie’s Restaurant – 13 El Thawra St El Korba, Heliopolis, Cairo 11757 Egypt
UK – pockets Netil Market, – 13-23 Westgate St, London E8 3RL, United Kingdom
FR – VIA EMILIA  – 22 Rue la Bruyère, 75009 Paris, France
PO – Gospoda Kwiaty Polskie – Waski Dunaj 4/6/8, 00-256 Warszawa, Poland
RU – Mari Vanna – Spiridon’yevskiy Pereulok, 10a, Moscow, Russia, 123104
JA – Kikko – 2-2-13 Asakusa, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0032, Japan
AU – The Canopy  – 1/157 Liverpool St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

 comment if the location is unusuable or closed on Sunday at noon.
I will keep updating this list. Use a “Q of C” sign for others to see.
Food or drink not important ; quiet spot for a good talk, centrally located.
Please be patient, quiet, friendly, and courteous.
We plan to talk forever, forever, so thank the staff and tip WELL.
Use this time for yoo self.   Meditate at Noon CUT, Coordinated Universal Time.
5AM P, 6AM M, 7AM C, 8AM E  

Yo Momma Was Good
Yo Momma Was Good
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

What exactly is this list friend? I’m outside of Philly. Is this a meetup group or something?

John Rohana
John Rohana
3 years ago

Thanx Matt , haven’t thought of that Abdul song in decades , now I’ll be singing it all month , until I can’t have my family Tnx dinner at sis house w/o a test. You believe this fucking shit ?

Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden
3 years ago

How about some straight talk to the straight community. One in three people in America were molested as children. Maybe truthers should concentrate on the problems their own kind create in the world instead of getting outraged at the fake news about LGBT and Elites. Of course it will never happen because you are all so self righteous and constantly looking for other groups to blame for the worlds ills.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hunter Biden

I really hope you are not Hunter Biden as then this comment would make perfect sense.

In such a case, imaginary of course…you would have my greatest sympathies as I would not want to have been raised anywhere near Joe Biden’s lap.

Let me state It is an unforgivable act to molest a child but sorry…1 in 3….or what is 33.33% are molested by their parents. I think not.

Now if you are from the Biden family, or Trump or any “elite” family you have my apologies as probably 66% or more them are abused as children…obviously take a look at what the creatures are…without empathy and consumed with the love of power and materialism.

But most people that are real are not molesting their children. As a father of four I can assure you IF 1 in 3 children were being molested the world would be even worse than it is….thankfully it is only a very few who perpetuate the lies and the propaganda that has the masses brainwashed into believing some creature on a screen over their own inner knowing.

So sorry ……this comment is nonsense and rejected……..1 in 3 of us are not molesters.

Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden
3 years ago
Reply to  Rob

At no point did I write that anyone is molested by their parents nor did I state that 1 in 3 adults are child molesters. And no, Hunter Biden is not on this site, nor is anyone working for the Government, nor is anyone working for the Elites.

You say 1 in 3 children are not molested then you make accusations about the children of the elites. Do you have any idea how silly that looks?

As per usual, truthers inflating their ego’s and projecting their own faults onto others. All the news is fake news unless you people like the sound of what it’s saying, right?

William Lodderhose
3 years ago
Reply to  Hunter Biden

Dude, you need some serious help. You jump on here (with some agenda, who knows what it really is), my guess is you’re trying to fix the mess in your own mind by projecting your b.s. here on us. Rob took time to respond and you merely parrot whatever non-sense fake news you’re digesting daily.

Sorry to say, you will never have a job creating statistics (or maybe you will) given that most of them are made up out of thin air anyway. Crunch your own numbers bro, 1 in 3 children – where did you snatch that figure from?

steven ison
steven ison
3 years ago

the screen is a black mirror. a complete manipulation of the week minded

Brad Ley
Brad Ley
3 years ago

I agree with your opinions Matt. Having lived and worked in NYC and LA I’ve observed homosexual male activities and I’ve also discussed these issues with homosexual men. I have no experience with lesbians since I think that they mostly want nothing whatsoever to do with men, if possible. Being a handsome man, homosexual men have been very friendly and responsive to me because they’re mostly always on the prowl since that’s the way all younger men are.

I think the term “gay” needs to be jettisoned since it’s a misnomer. Homosexual men are basically like everyone else – from masters of industry and cultural icons (often closeted) to dazed street junkies – with most of the same problems, and none are happy or “gay” all or even some of the time, just like all people. Some are miserable most of the time for various reasons, like many heterosexual people. The term “gay” connotes frivolous, flighty and bird-brained – annoying, pretentious scream queens – which the vast majority of homosexual men are not, at all.

The homosexual clown contingent are the loud transvestites who must be tolerated by the homosexual subculture now because its PC since transvestites were “out, loud, and proud” in the 50s and 60s, and were the Stonewall Inn shock troops in 1969 who rioted when their demigoddess Judy Garland died unexpectedly. So in this regard drag queens – the more over-the-top the more so – are sainted by PC LGBTQETC politicos, but average homosexual men only tolerate them at best and really want nothing at all to do with them socially. They’re interested in men and are sexually repelled by makeup, etc., and especially alt drag personae.

Transvestites want to appeal sexually to the slim slice of self-defined “heterosexual” men who have a thing for “chicks with dicks,” quite the opposite of most homosexual men who are into men, NOT boys. Anyone who suggests that pedophilia is a driving force in modern homosexual male subculture – where muscle is the sine qua non – is just wrong because pedophilia is no more common there than it is in heterosexual cultures where it has sometimes been predominant until recently (child brides). Likewise, throughout history and cross-culturally, boys have been sexually abused by adult self-defined heterosexual men as an accepted norm.

Modern homosexual subcultures also allow more so for exhibitionism since pregnancy cannot be involved, so the promiscuous public sex nature of many homosexual male bars, nightclubs, and private clubs does very often pour more easily onto the streets, but again, like the drag queen subculture of the homosexual male subculture, it’s a small subset of homosexual men although I do think most homosexual men have overt exhibitionist tendencies, and perhaps fantasize about being gay porn stars because they want widespread male acclaim, so provocative public displays are arousing on multiple levels, much the same as nude female dancing clubs are for heterosexual men.

You wisely didn’t get into the vast, twisted topic of transgenderism, about which I have much to say.

Finally an interesting footnote. Originally it was “GLB.” Then it was GLBT. (I understand this was in the early 1970s.) But then NY lesbians complained that it should be “LGBT” because, as feminazi women, they were doubly oppressed. Because of the disgust and animosity between pre-AIDS homosexual men and lesbians, there was much heated discussion since homosexual men far outnumbered lesbians at the time but, so ironically, the ladies finally got their way and the acronym became LGBT – but only in NY. GLBT continued on the Left Coast well into the 1990s. Then the internet standardized it to LGBT with Q added probably in the early 2000s…

Recynd 77
Recynd 77
3 years ago
Reply to  Brad Ley

Thank you for supporting my memory of the acronyms—that’s how I remember it, too.

Christopher Guzek
Christopher Guzek
3 years ago

Not on their side at all.

Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden
3 years ago

Mothers against Drink Drivers wouldn’t want Prohibition because it negates the reason for their cause, you say? The same can then be said for people pretending to peddle the “truth” to scared, gullible people. Ain’t that right, Matt.

Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden
3 years ago

So gay men can’t walk around scantly clad during a gay pride parade yet it’s ok for women to walk around wearing almost nothing, all year round? Why don’t you complain about all the whorehouses that cater to “your kind”? Sex tourism for straight men is one of the biggest blights on civilisation that exists, but of course that’s not bad is it?

And you people who claim to be “playable characters”, not NPC’s, wonder why you are being wiped out. You actually think it’s Satanic that this place is being reset. Yet you yourselves are not Satanic right?

Yo Momma Was Good
Yo Momma Was Good
3 years ago
Reply to  Hunter Biden

Wow, you really have some deep seated hate going on here from your comments. “Mothers against Drink Drivers wouldn’t want Prohibition because it negates the reason for their cause” This is absolutely true. Just like the Police and the “Justice” and prison system needs crime, otherwise their jobs would not exist. Hell they write laws just to lock people up for, for profit prisons. When was the last time a drug from big pharma cured anything? Don’t let your blind rage trip you up

Brad Ley
Brad Ley
3 years ago

What happened to my long comment? It was marked for review and then disappeared. I spent an hour writing it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Brad Ley
Brad Ley
Brad Ley
3 years ago
Reply to  Brad Ley

I agree with your opinions Matt. Having lived and worked in NYC and LA I’ve observed homosexual male activities and I’ve also discussed these issues with homosexual men. I have no experience with lesbians since I think that they mostly want nothing whatsoever to do with men, if possible. Being a handsome man, homosexual men have been very friendly and responsive to me because they’re mostly always on the prowl since that’s the way all younger men are.

I think the term “gay” needs to be jettisoned since it’s a misnomer. Homosexual men are basically like everyone else – from masters of industry and cultural icons (often closeted) to dazed street junkies – with most of the same problems, and none are happy or “gay” all or even some of the time, just like all people. Some are miserable most of the time for various reasons, like many heterosexual people. The term “gay” connotes frivolous, flighty and bird-brained – annoying, pretentious scream queens – which the vast majority of homosexual men are not, at all.

The homosexual clown contingent are the loud transvestites who must be tolerated by the homosexual subculture now because its PC since transvestites were “out, loud, and proud” in the 50s and 60s, and were the Stonewall Inn shock troops in 1969 who rioted when their demigoddess Judy Garland died unexpectedly. So in this regard drag queens – the more over-the-top the more so – are sainted by PC LGBTQETC politicos, but average homosexual men only tolerate them at best and really want nothing at all to do with them socially. They’re interested in men and are sexually repelled by makeup, etc., and especially alt drag personae.

Transvestites want to appeal sexually to the slim slice of self-defined “heterosexual” men who have a thing for “chicks with dicks,” quite the opposite of most homosexual men who are into men, NOT boys. Anyone who suggests that pedophilia is a driving force in modern homosexual male subculture – where muscle is the sine qua non – is just wrong because pedophilia is no more common there than it is in heterosexual cultures where it has sometimes been predominant until recently (child brides). Likewise, throughout history and cross-culturally, boys have been sexually abused by adult self-defined heterosexual men as an accepted norm.

Modern homosexual subcultures also allow more so for exhibitionism since pregnancy cannot be involved, so the promiscuous public sex nature of many homosexual male bars, nightclubs, and private clubs does very often pour more easily onto the streets, but again, like the drag queen subculture of the homosexual male subculture, it’s a small subset of homosexual men although I do think most homosexual men have overt exhibitionist tendencies, and perhaps fantasize about being gay porn stars because they want widespread male acclaim, so provocative public displays are arousing on multiple levels, much the same as nude female dancing clubs are for heterosexual men.

You wisely didn’t get into the vast, twisted topic of transgenderism, about which I have much to say.

Finally an interesting footnote. Originally it was “GLB.” Then it was GLBT. (I understand this was in the early 1970s.) But then NY lesbians complained that it should be “LGBT” because, as feminazi women, they were doubly oppressed. Because of the disgust and animosity between pre-AIDS homosexual men and lesbians, there was much heated discussion since homosexual men far outnumbered lesbians at the time but, so ironically, the ladies finally got their way and the acronym became LGBT – but only in NY. GLBT continued on the Left Coast well into the 1990s. Then the internet standardized it to LGBT with Q added probably in the early 2000s…

William Lodderhose
3 years ago
Reply to  Brad Ley

I’ve had similar issues with posts I take time writing, sometimes they take days to appear. Since then I’ve discovered that if I’m pasting my comments from say writing them out, checking for typos and then pasting them – this platform (I believe) signals that as a possible troll, bot posting.

Now I try to remember that, however even earlier today I posted a quote from Jerry Maguire and then I remembered I shouldn’t have pasted a portion of it, rather I should have just re-typed it. Hope this helps.

Brad Ley
Brad Ley
3 years ago

Thanks. I haven’t commented here for several months. So now my loong comment’s been posted twice since I pasted it into the comments I made about not posting. Irony is the rule now it seems.

Mandy Morris
2 years ago

I see your comments often William and appreciate them! Cheers from Australia!

Shanna Honea
Shanna Honea
3 years ago

Hahaha I have straight talk… great conversation that needed to be had Matt

3 years ago

31 years married. I’m definitely MigTau… If there was ever another woman in my life…, No extended family, Woman’s got to stand on her own…. NFW… 😉

No 1
No 1
3 years ago

Matt there are 2 classes of white people in western countries. Immigrant white people experience race issues with both non white people and “non immigrant” white people. Hahahah. I call them invisible minorities

No 1
No 1
3 years ago

I’m tired of having friends randomly talking to me about sex topics and their sex lives. Maybe I’ve been unlucky but it’s too risky to have friends at this point. I just don’t care and it creeps me out

Yo Momma Was Good
Yo Momma Was Good
3 years ago
Reply to  No 1

Seriously, WTH is that all about. I have friends awhile ago that during get togethers or hanging out would just start talking about sex stuff like it was the weather. I talking married couples and the positions that got them off and the way he or she made a face when orgasming and they would laugh and it all was all no big deal. I’m thinking I was being recruited into the swinging lifestyle or they were putting it out there to see who would respond positively. I dunno, but I have since removed myself from the friend circle when they are around. Soooo weird whats going on these days

3 years ago

So right… Why put it in my face?… Corruption. Politics and Payoffs… Careers… Their leaders suck. If they (the community, only knew the freedom of dropping out in non-compliance, they’d be soon much better off on the acceptable spectrum… It’s deliberate in your face hate us but you must accept us… Just division. Sad.

3 years ago

So, just as you always say, and I agree… This Shit at that real! Reality is totally fake…. So what are we living in? 😉

No 1
No 1
3 years ago

Social engineering

Isaiah5417 Same
3 years ago

I was invited by a friend few days ago to “pack some fudge”
And here I thought he was getting ready for the holidays
Gees glad I was busy and couldn’t help out , I had no idea that men do stuff like that with other men ,
This has been very eye opening, thanks Matt

Isaiah5417 Same
3 years ago

There is no lie in nature

Brian Stahlman
Brian Stahlman
3 years ago

The Controllers have always cloaked their real agenda with rhetoric, programs or 3/4 letter organizations such as the ADL, THE NAACP, etc that THEY say is fighting or educating against racism/sexism/anti semitism, the list goes on but in reality or they ever do is fuel more of what they claim they want to stop & it’s as always ALL by design. The old problem-reaction-solution method. Invent a bad guy, demonize said bad guy while furthering ACTUAL Hate toward that groups people. It should go without saying of course there’s legitimate discrimination that has gone on and to a very small extent likely still goes on but in 2021 it’s so miniscule and the fact there’s more bitching & victim conciousness then ever before is insane. There’s never been a safer or more opportune time for so called minorities to live freely, certainly in America and advance up the food chain in a corporate enviornment.

For one example look at the movie Roots from the 70’s. NO movie or Hollywood portrayal ever did more damage to race relations than that farce did. Many blacks said that they had come to terms with the past and slavery (NOT that the slavery narrative is accurate, far from it but just saying…) but upon seeing Roots they developed deep rooted anger towards white people from how things were portrayed in that movie. The explotion of the Gay community and things being patterned and slanted towards them in their favor has been crazy, especially in the last 5-10 years & then the Trans/LGBT whatever “movement”, a reported 0.02% of the population and how so many things are now promoted as Trans/LGBT friendly.

Again this is all not being pushed because the powers that be care about those communities and how they’re treated, ppppplllease. They know this will cause more division in the masses, more chaos, more confusion. The only way to win the game is NOT to play, don’t play into their hands, don’t send your kids to their schools (indoctrination centers) and pay ot no attention cause it’s all bullshit and noise anyway. Great stuff as always Matt.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
3 years ago

Well said, Matt. Excellent presentation. I _wish_ I could share this with a certain relative of mine. But, we are already not speaking. Not since March when I was told I could ask “anything I want to know.” I tried being as sensitive as possible, but my opinions are just too offensive, apparently.
I used to be, and still generally am, a live-and-let-live person. But now, anything about their community elicits from me at least an eye roll, but usually a sarcastic comment expressing my annoyance. It just gets under my skin with the “in -your-face-ness” of the whole thing.
I live in the New York City area, and they have their gay pride parade plus the mermaid parade in the summer. It’s probably very similar to the San Francisco stuff.
You are so right about them being favored. And no one wants to hear about what goes on in someone’s very personal life. I’ve been saying the same thing, that I don’t go around bragging about being heterosexual and what we do in the bedroom.

Mark Florey
Mark Florey
3 years ago

Gay people have been tricked and trained to identify with, and hold most high their (perverted) carnal desires… and the “straight” have been forced to admire the (degraded) lifestyle. They are first and foremost their sex act. Their movement is a ruse to drag them (willingly, you have to do it to yourself) in the opposite direction of liberation. Sex is one of the realities best tools to keep people from the real and grasping at the unreal. Some of the biggest egos I’ve ever experienced were gay co-workers. I’ve worked with plenty of homos (yes the word is hilarious to me and so is “fag,” I say with no hate in my heart. “Those guys are fags!” – Jeff Spicoli… HILARIOUS!), in my experience they are all miserable, some outright (to a severely anti-social degree) others just better at hiding it (but only from the blind)… and their misery has NOTHING to do with “rights.” Again. in my experience, they can do no wrong (especially in the workplace). Whatever the enemy may be, the fags have fallen right into its trap… and this reality loves people missing the obvious… how can anything that’s b-hole centric NOT be humiliating??? And the punchline is a prolapsed o-ring. Ugh. Something wicked laughs it’s ass off.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mark Florey


Hahahahaha. I can’t stop LAUGHING.

Kimberly Green
Kimberly Green
3 years ago

Excellent. Thank you Matt. Common sense should always prevail! Regrettably, society as a whole, has soared to such insanity heights, it currently takes genuine courage to speak plainly, to say exactly what you mean, and to vocalise the absurdness of all over-the-top political correctness – pointing out how far removed from sense these ‘please everyone’ cultural/societal standards have indeed become (aka programming and/or brainwashing).

It says a lot about the societal climate of ‘offense’, fear, and PC madness, when my heart sings, and I breathe a heavy sigh of relief, when I hear another individual simply speaking good old-fashioned common sense without fear!

Cheers, K

Last edited 3 years ago by Kimberly Green
James Hawke
James Hawke
3 years ago

Disabled children’s organization here in Australia has the rainbow logo on it’s letterhead. Not because autism is a spectrum, but because sexual persuasion amongst some adults is a thing to be “celebrated”. Gays stole the rainbow. Kids deserve better.

Zeljka Medic
Zeljka Medic
3 years ago

Yes. I said 15 years ago, the only thing is free to make and give birth to a child. This agenda wants complete ownership of your body and soul and LGBT….. is very good tool (not only) for that.

Sean Sauve
Sean Sauve
3 years ago

Does anyone ever think that the primordial serpent (related to the snake / worm / parasite / dragon) is in fact the same relationship that may display itself in the “vacant” host. The parasite literally operates the host look at toxoplasmosis as an example. perhaps the so called 7 deadly sins are setting up shop above ground. Wrath UFC, Sloth Gaming, Lust Porn LGTBT, and so on. These forces have begun to shift the ways of humanity as we fight to find or way though. Its mostly though boredom and a vacancy in the host. In the following video a 35 year gay man does a turpentine parasite protocol and rids a 6 inch long slug like parasite from his body. He claims to have “cured” himself from the cravings of butt sex and advocates that cancer and so on can be healed in a similar fashion … Worth consideration as we should consider why the Masons and even the congress building has a worm inside the nest of the PHOENIX,,, Hmm this could really mean something hidden in plain sight.

Javster Show
Javster Show
3 years ago

Great work Matt

Matt Brahim
Matt Brahim
3 years ago

🎶If I was a gay man,
Ya ba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dum
See I’d have all the glitter in the world
If I were a homo man🎶

Mary M
Mary M
3 years ago


Mary M
Mary M
3 years ago

I just don’t see how the pride parade serves individuals who are L B G. It’s should be called the extreme drag queen parade. I am tired of having this pride nonsense shoved down my throat and being made to feel ashamed of who I am. How come it’s not okay for me to be proud of who I am? Can’t we all just have pride for who we are without a parade? What if I want to have a pride parade for old white heterosexual females who were born with female genitalia and female chromosomes and who were impregnated by a real genetically born male with male genitalia and chromosomes and was inseminated with the male penis while it was attached to said genetically born male man then grew a baby in my womb and delivered the baby naturally. Why must a be ashamed of being who I am? I think I’ll start a parade. And guess what? I’m taking back rainbows!!! Rainbows aren’t just for the alphabet soup gang.

3 years ago

As an awake gay man I completely agree with this. Once upon a time I used to be completely immersed in the “gay” world you could say but now I can’t tolerate it with their incredibly superficial ways. Some might disagree but i’ve witnessed many gay people being incredibly racist but of course that’s kept hidden . Overall the gay community is a victim to social engineering and immense peer pressure just like many other groups.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  M V

Thanks MV for an accurate story from the other side.

Anthony Leydens
Anthony Leydens
3 years ago

I think the minions just want people to plant bad seeds in there mind. For example gays thinking there victims. Something that might start off true can get turned into a false victim status that makes people start planting cursed seeds. Seeds are thoughts and intentions in mind that become plants, the physical representation in time.

We could plant positive seeds, no seeds, or negative seeds. This victim Olympics is just a way to get us, the farmers to plant itch weed instead of food or medicine

3 years ago

In Canada it got this far: LGBTTQQCAIPB2PGA+
The use of that 2nd “P” set the infighting in motion. Many of them wanted to officially drop the 2nd “P” so as to avoid a backlash from society, others said that dropping it would be the start of a slippery-slope which would inevitably lead to the turfing of others from within the “spectrum”.

Happy Brewer
Happy Brewer
3 years ago

Mat you are 100% correct.
And as ever you voice my feelings

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

The “straight ” flush uses all the same suits. That is the definition of playing card racist. And they teach this “poker game” to children. It is a rare occurrence, 72,192.33 to 1.
The “lgbtqai” flush has to have 1 of each suit. It is much more common 253.8 to 1 .
I like being special
“LGBTQAI” . Seems equality is the lower case. Upper case is used for certain language based reasons.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ashman Mann
Ricky Bobo
3 years ago

Gay dude: “I demand that everyone stop referring to us like we are perverted. We simply have a different sexual orientation. I would be happy to discuss this further.”
Bystander: “OK. Are you free tomorrow to discuss it?”
Gay dude: “No. I will be attending the parade in a g-string wearing a strap-on dildo and a wig”.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ricky Bobo
Bella R
Bella R
3 years ago

I’m so sick of the trans/gay agenda. Tbh I say it all the time out loud because check it out. If it’s right then fine let’s all be gay….then what? What happens? Procreation ENDS! I know it’s wrong and I’m not apologizing …….I do ponder about the male voice and how I ALWAYS KNOW A GAY BY THEIR VOICE. Born that way my ass…..I believe it’s estrogen in the vaccines. Matt can u unblock me on YouTube I got a bright green dress on I’m full blooded Italian so I’m tan in the pic….my name’s Alysa jae. I’m in Pittsburgh, 😜 hey phili. I’m not dumb enough to use my real name. I am either shadow banned from commenting or u blocked me, sorry. Owen Wilson is clearly MATT mchonahey……

Bella R
Bella R
3 years ago

Who took my comment?

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