Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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I had forgotten about one of my favorite TV shows from the early 1980s, Tales From the Darkside, which proceeded Tales From the Crypt on HBO by several years. Here are three “Notnilc presentations” I document in the old book that go with this new series title, Tales From The Notnilc. These are creepy and fun at the same time, and demonstrate even more “fake world.” – Matt

Matt McKinley

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Red Pill Diaries
Red Pill Diaries
3 months ago

Last internet consumption on a Sunday…hello from Croatia…..that starting reminded me of I pet goat 2

Last edited 3 months ago by Red Pill Diaries
James Hawke
James Hawke
3 months ago

The human world is an illusion. The Hindus were onto it. #Maya

Barbara Garland
Barbara Garland
3 months ago

Incredible compilation of the foreshadowing of the 2001 event. Thank you for your great work, Matt!

3 months ago

If you are watching this, you ARE the resistance…….

Martin Mathieu
Martin Mathieu
3 months ago

Thanks Matt. Please more tales it was good

3 months ago

Nice comment…lot of truth

There is a “Natural” world that has an order of things and then there is the false construct ie news and all you reference…agree…NOT the same things…although with many “man made” means they do try to alter the Natural game board – this is a regenerative illusion and the stage of the script and all the negative things in Nature are all easily reversed…but maybe not what we selected to experience

We can only change ourselves while here and that projection of higher energy ie Love is a contagion…for those around you…..that should be the aim….NOT voting for a savior or seeking answers via a screen and a total fabrication of what is true. The sun rises and sets…no matter what we think it is..thee is a natural order and than there is the overlay

Love energy is much stronger than the Dark spells cast about where most who are tuned into the frequency.

All they need to do is turn off the screen…easier said than done. We should stop trying to force others to see and focus on our actions as this is the only real way for change to happen…it happens inward out…the outward in worship or seeking of saviors is all part of a trick…and for me…I see almost Zero evidence anyone is in on it….it is a very interesting game of life we find ourselves in…much love to all of you…Rob

Tyler Gorton
3 months ago
Reply to  rob

First, I’ve been listening to Matt for years now and I’ve never thought him saying “false reality” was any kind of rejection of an underlying natural world. That feels like a bit of a leap you are making on your own.

If a person doesn’t “know” they are in on it, how, exactly, are they in on it? This is impossible. Not being conscious of what you are doing or why you are doing it is the definition of NOT being in on it. And this is part of Matt’s point. Humans being used for infinite deceptions without them being aware that they are participating in deceptions is evidence that this is a false reality. Whatever entity or force that is orchestrating these deceptions must be leveraging some aspect of the natural world… it must be stitched into the fabric of this place. How else would it be achieved?

How do you know what you call the “natural” world doesn’t work for the construct? You’re assuming that all the fakery is just a human applied layer… mostly through the media. This does nothing to explain a worldwide event like Covid, where billions of people went along with what was obviously a fake pandemic. Nobody saw a single dead body in the street. Nobody saw any unusual amount of death anywhere. And yet the vast majority believed and lined up for multiple experimental injections (including their children!). Millions of people allowed their businesses and schools and institutions to be shut down. They accepted being locked down and unable to freely travel. They wore masks all day long. All for no reason. That’s a worldwide delusion that included tens of thousands of healthcare professionals. You can’t just dismiss this as some organized conspiracy with endless people actively aware that they were pushing a deception. That just doesn’t work on any level. It’s something much more dynamic going on, and it defies the natural world in every way.

There is so much more to say on this but I’m supposed to be working.

William Lodderhose
2 months ago
Reply to  Tyler Gorton

Great response, unfortunately you’re dealing with some type of troll, as I have made the mistake of reaching out and responding to. Mister Steed always wants the last word. The only mystery here is why he even bothers to watch these videos, if as he says “he’s scared” of what he calls “this cult”, (watch he’ll type another giant response to my comments) again…(lol). Well actually it’s no mystery, he’s a troll who gets off on insulting the very core concepts of what Matt and many others have contributed.

Only a troll continues to visit and constantly cause commotion on sites they don’t even agree with. I found it particularly funny this time seeing that he obviously watched the Impossible Architecture YT video yet even argues with those conclusions.

William Lodderhose
2 months ago

Cherry picking (lol, dream on) those were your exact descriptions of the supporters & subscribers (here) Mister Steed I simply copy & pasted. Did you (or does anyone here) really want me to copy / paste all the unnecessary rationalizations you painted around them?

And yes, I still stand by my statement: the only reason someone comes to channels like this (over and over) to constantly “name call” & laundry list out why (you) don’t believe in the core concepts here is because (whether you admit it or not) this is the very definition of a Troll.

You’ve admitted you believe the entire world isn’t on a download, they watch too much TV, etc., you’ve stated you believe this is a prison planet and (oh so much more) those “feelings” of yours are yours to have, what I take issue with is how you popped on here about a month ago, have said vile, degrading stuff about the supporters & subscribers (here) and are now avoiding those facts, so you can pout & cry (again) about someone calling you out. Have a Nice Day.

William Lodderhose
2 months ago

Well Smarty Pants, now you’re JUST LYING. Three of the quotes (from your many) were taken from YOUR response to Tyler Gorton, plus Two more you added (on this very video), that’s 5 of the 7 of your own words about “most people” (on here, which John, in case your still confused would be supporters & subscribers). Given your last response, it’s tough to tell if you have trouble counting to 5 or if you have trouble scrolling through your own responses like you so carefully try to dismantle others.

So how in any way, shape or form do those quotes (you yourself said apply to “most people” here…how are you now shifting those to me (or) how are you directing those to me when you didn’t reference me inside of your comments???… Yeah…I can’t wait to hear your next line of b.s.

Oh what a tangled web we weave…when we practice to deceive. You clearly need a break from all this keyboard stress Mr. Steed. Re-check all your facts before you bore me some more.

Last edited 2 months ago by William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
2 months ago

John, you’ve called me delusional among other things, you’ve laundry listed out the vast reasons you don’t believe in the core concepts (neither Matt nor the supporters or subscribers) here have contributed to… but you still haven’t given a reasonable answer to my original question (after all this typing).

You’re now hiding behind claims that I started something, when basically I was mystified why someone (like you) would claim to have listened to Matt for 5 yrs (your words), you even referred to how Matt hasn’t changed much during that time, that he has a “sameness” to his message…(which) you’ve detailed now you don’t agree with, in fact you’ve used terms such aswoowoo explanations, where one isn’t required”, among many others clearly broadcasting your feelings of pitying and looking down on us. So again…why would someone like you not only continue to come here, but then get so enraged when someone like me asks a simple question like: Why Are You Here Then?

For instance I no longer believe in NASA or most of the Bible or Santa Claus, but I would think I’d have a problem if I spent as much time as you on sites for NASA commenting constantly how: “No One Goes into Space” or on Christian groups commenting: “Religion’s Got It Wrong” etc., then act shocked when someone there asks me “Why Are You Coming Here Then?

You’ve now gone way beyond merely sharing your thoughts on how Matt is wrong about this and that. No One ever said you can’t share your thoughts Johnny, you took a very quick aggressive stance yourself coming out the gate (just 3 or 4 weeks ago).

I don’t recall seeing your comments here these last 4 years, (*just these last 4 weeks) so you can imagine my surprise now that you’re claiming to have listened for 5yrs, yet clearly don’t share (or respect) any of the core concepts, in fact you’ve made comments about Satan, Notnilc, Magic, The Download and so forth as if many (most) of us here are silly to have these or any insights you don’t approve of.

Three weeks ago (The Pub Video) you sounded possibly confused. This was the first time I wrote to you and was very respectful, though in your “polite” response you began “trying to teach me” (how wrong I am).

You’ve also wrote: If I was to accept any ‘media’ on the matter (9/11), there are photo’s of the towers at sunset, which show it was significantly empty of floors. I don’t work in demolition, so I couldn’t say, such an empty tower couldn’t be detonated to dust, but that would certainly account for the reduced debris pile.

John, I’ve been present during a controlled demolition and the giant building didn’t turn into dust. I enjoy (really I do) how you carefully craft your comments with loopholes…(like) If I was to accept any ‘media”… So I get it Johnny, you’re just here to correct all of us, right? You write over and over don’t trust ANY MEDIA, then you toss in that gem about photos of the towers (photos, not even a video?). Point is John, you seem insulted by anyone questioning why you’re constantly… questioning all of us here.

3 weeks ago I thought you might be someone rather new to this platform. Little did I realize you not only had years of research, but you’ve concluded that only people do all this stuff, that Notnilc or Satan or anything that can’t be seen are just woowoo / Fantasy explanations and you’ve taken a very, very serious victimhood stance ever since that I’m still asking Why ~

~ if you’ve got it all figured out (and we…) the supporters and subscribers (and myself) just don’t understand how many times you have to “correct” Matt’s presentation and act offended in the process of someone asking “What Are You Doing Here Then?”

Because, listen up bro, I sure don’t waste my time on various Religious Channels (world-wide, not just Christian) constantly commenting how the presentor (Matt in this case here) has it all wrong and then act shocked when someone finally starts firing questions at me. Hope this helped…(lol)

Patricia pellegrin
3 months ago

“… & if the elevator
to bring you down
… GO CRAZY!!!” 💜
OgWoot ∆

Margriet Brandsma
Margriet Brandsma
3 months ago

I am lost for words. Glad you keep talking Matt. Very grateful. Hug.

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
3 months ago

Excellent video, great concept, I love the tales from the notnilc darkside!

Landed Zentry
Landed Zentry
2 months ago

yes indeed.

notnilC is a satanic force or satanic like force, a supernatural force.
As a Zen Buddhist I think it is REQUIRED to play the Game of Life – for entertainment lol.
Would you have a world without challenge. >? 100,000 years and we’d be begging for misfortune.
Lowering the vibration, distraction, confusion, division, suffering are required.
These tactics are used by the not notnilC
The notnilC is not our enemy – there are no enemies – only the playing of the Game.
The Game is : Find Out (again?) What You Really Are.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t – a Lion is still a lion if it thinks it is a sheep.

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