I have had to clean out files on the old iMac many times over the years because the hard drive is maxed out. Incredibly, the old Timex is still ticking. It holds every major image and video from our pursuit of truth over the last ten years. Here is a sample of images to talk about. There are hundreds more to go through
Philosophy, Reality, The Screen
Oh boy, I’m finally the first commentator, hmm what should I say…what should I say…I’m speechless.
I believe something along the lines of “First!!!!!!11111” is the appropriate thing to post.
hang on…let me get a pen and paper…okay…I’m taking notes…lol
That happened to me last time. It felt scary. Well, you did a great job! LOL
I remember you posting then. You handled the pressure well (as well), lol.
Had I been first would have directed everybody to the hidden code on the $1 bill, that predicts the next big event!!!!!
haha, clever of you to slip that detail in here under my first placed post, lol. (Okay everybody) you heard it here first, turn over your dollar bills on 3…2…1
Sorry, I am using and abusing the system!!! Cheers
Another shameless abuse of the system! here is a new v!d on my youtube channel, all about the hidden code in the ONE Dollar bill, cheers
At 7:30, I believe that guy on the ground (who conveniently landed with his head on a piece of luggage) was also in another photo I recall where his legs were in the figure-4 masonic position and there was some red jelly like substance on the ground that I guess was supposed to be his blood and in the corner of the photo you see some kid’s legs and sneakers as if he’s just casually standing over someone who’s just been “blowed up” by a “bomb”…
I know this is off topic but when you log in and see the entire list of videos from both Matt and Howdie, take a quick look at the view count of Howdie’s last video. 3333. Unbelievable.
At the 5:25 mark, the Brussell’s Airport “bombing”, I also noticed the VVV, background in yellow. Didn’t Levette say that stood for 666? Just an observation.
Who is Levette?
She’s got a YouTube channel. If you look on CoC Matt has put a link in his channels section.
She is on Brighteon now and is 11Lavette11 in a search. She is quite interesting.
VVV is 66, not 666.
VVV is 18 in Chaldean and therefore 6+6+6
Anyone else see the new Dazzled ships from WW2 now? 🤯👌 If that’s not a mandala effect idk what is! That really fucked my head up. If you dont know what I’m talking about I suggest you duck duck go it. According to HIS story and all past videos battleships were painted with stripes so submarines coyldnt see them… absolutley ridiculous. My grandfather was in WW2 and I’ve seen many old documentaries as a kid and I know for a fact they didnt exist back then!
could you do another goldilocks reality video..I loved the last one
I think MySpace was sabotaged. I loved My Space
The bus stop sign, who are you, reminds me of my old smart phone with taped camera lenses.
The presentation of a eye seems to be the ultimate goal some how but you can say anything I guess.
Remember in the great disaster movie, Towering Inferno, how the engineers and fire department voiced their major concern about the skyscraper collapsing from the raging fire? Yeah, me neither.
that You cannot be serious thing you talk about is in leauge with something
that mag bitter truth would say.. for those that do not know mag , he is basically the tabloid section of the truth community……
Thank you Matt and Rob.
I’ll never forget that concert live from Sting’s home in Tuscany, was on our NPR channel. They debated about not doing it because of the terror attack in NY, but thought they should do it anyway. I liked it.
Laurie Anderson actually performed that same night also, in NYC. The concert was fraught with eerily relevant lyrics. I can’t believe she actually did “O Superman” (some lyrics below). As usual, you can’t make this stuff up. It actually seems like part of the whole ritual. People need to spread the word about this 9/11 performance, I only recently discovered it by accident and haven’t heard any truther ever mention it. Then again, the time is short, and as Howdie keeps saying, we must use it wisely.
The song: youtube.com/results?search_query=o+superman
Article about the performance: chicagotribune.com/chi-laurie-anderson-9-11-concert-20130911-column.html
“Well, you don’t know me,
but I know you.
And I’ve got a message to give to you.
Here come the planes.
So you better get ready. Ready to go. You can come
as you are, but pay as you go. Pay as you go.
And I said: OK. Who is this really? And the voice said:
This is the hand, the hand that takes…
Here come the planes.
They’re American planes. Made in America.
Smoking or non-smoking?
And the voice said: Neither snow nor rain nor gloom
of night shall stay these couriers from the swift
completion of their appointed rounds.”
it’s getting ready to happen again real soon.
Sorry here is the song link:youtube.com/watch?v=Vkfpi2H8tOE
thanks, i was just saying the 2nd 911 is going to happen soon. Ill check it out, cheers
Oh, I forgot about this, which I did previously post on Freevoice. At 7:52 “911” comes on the screen…
Laurie Anderson “Drum Dance & Smoke Rings”…youtube.com/watch?v=6mRq1xgKykM
Let me also say that the 9/11 performance was part of a tour, which included other NYC performances. She took out “O Superman” temporarily and then put it back in.
We’re gonna get a reprise of the 1938 war of the worlds hoax in 2022. Seeing as how the tech is so much advanced since then, it should be quite a show! And based on the fact most ppl STILL believe planes took the towers down, imma say it’ll take just 1 event in 1 place to convince the entire world aliens are here.
It will be interesting to see what BS they come up with, the date I believe is encoded on the $1 bill, 911 is also on the $1 !!!! cheers
indeed! – lol
the date of what is on the $1? do you recall the date?
911 (254day of yr) is one date separated by 155 days to the other date feb 13th, I have vds on my youtube channel farmingfromscratch, you have to fold the bill at the little owl !!! to see the numbers. cheers
cool thx i’ll chk out yr channel 🙂
I’m guessing it will be in Seattle 😘
oh yeah? what leads you to think so?
Hey Matt, Great presentation, for me now it’s not as mind boggling as it used to be, I kinda expect Ridiculousness?
forget 33, what about 143 ?!
143 super important, numbers of Pi 3.14 the combination of 55 (metaphysical) and 88 (physical) 143 combine with 222 to complete a cycle! (1 year). cheers all the best.
There is another way to explain it (however I think fake reality is also likely as its not mutually exclusive to my point….Honestly, at the moment..I think quite a lot of people, don’t actually want to be free (the ones who just wont listen, give an inch) Freedom means choice, choice means responsibility, some just dont want freedom. They have the same mentality as Football Hooligans, or Gang Members, in that they want to be part of something, even if its fucked, just to feel like they are winning
Matt’s tower looks more like the Sears/Willis Tower in Chicago than the Burj Khalifa.
I agree, could he be signaling something here, lol. Hey John, sorry I was so hard on your YT posts, there were quite a bit a trolls this week and I guess I confused you for one. Cheers
I don’t mind. I saw one of the trolls who was hitting the comments with the old stalking video of Matt where they went into his past work so I can understand why people get angry at trolls. I also think I might start things off on the wrong foot because I’m kind of wondering whether I belong here and whether I’ve been wasting my time.
Do you know how exasperated Matt gets at the fact normies can’t see what you all see? Well that’s pretty much how I feel when Matt rejects everything that’s happened in the Trump era. I think normies have an excuse not to question 9/11 or Sandy Hook narratives because they are two evil events and Matt’s theories are even worse than the events, but I cannot see how Matt can refuse to accept evidence that contradicts what he believes.
The movie ‘Your Name’ is a great representation of lucid timeline and retroactive alterations.
Grassy Knoll = 33 (Chaldean)
Remember how the Prince song Let’s Go Crazy started? I remember it being “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate this thing called life.” Lol, it don’t say that at all now. SO STRANGE!
It doesn’t say it anymore? That’s nuts.
WTF, I double checked after seeing your comment. You are correct sir, my girlfriend and I saw the Purple Rain tour live in 84′ and the movie (blah, blah, blah) and it did used to say “CELEBRATE this thing called life” (not) “get through this thing called life”, good catch, trippy indeed.
Well I will drop this information here again, the ONE DOLLAR bill (I believe) has the date of the next 911 style event. If you fold the bill right you are able to count up berries and leaves on the Washington side. the date for 911 is on there! (254 day of the year) this is separated from another date 13th Feb (321 day left in the year) by 155 days (also on there). this is just a little bit of it, there is a lot more. anybody interested I have videos on my youtube channel, farmingfromscratch. when you look into this I think you will be amazed.
Are you familiar with Jewrassic on Youtube? He found a ridiculous amount of uncanny connections linking a coming event involving Seattle, Trump and some specific date. And I mean a seriously ridiculous amount. I believe the date has come and gone (with no event)? I have not seen any of his content for a long time, but I’ll bet it still consumes all his time.
Just a friendly “woiboutyoself” reminder.
Yes I watch his stuff quite often, and it looks like he does spend a lot of time on it!, I spend quite a bit myself, I consider it a hobby, I do vds when I have a little spare time! I could probably make a vd a day with the amount of stuff I come across. The reason why I still watch him is he seems to see stuff connected to things that I am looking at, What I try to focus on is the narrative connecting the symbolism, what is the message consciousness is trying to relay. I do ref JL quite a bit in my vds and Matt occasionally, If we imagine that all the clues were there for 911 before the event, i.e. no retro-causality, then maybe the clues are in place for future events it’s just a matter of being able to read them correctly and paying closer attention, of course it is difficult to spot things when we don’t really know what the actual event will be, example: JL looks at the destruction of the space needle, I have been more interested in the destruction of the Hoover Dam, those to things being destroyed at the fundamental level is/are the same story, ie coming out of the man made control system, exiting the matrix. The average Joe would not recognize this. As for things predicted, yes dates have come and gone with out event, and I am also guilty of looking at dates and thinking something will happen, I try not to call them out and out predictions! Of late I seem to be coming across, what appears to be more significant clues, so the latest date I have been looking at is Feb 13th running into the 14th, will anything actually happen on that day, not sure. But the clues and narrative are very interesting. btw, is it really a problem if this kind of research/thinking were to consume all of ones time, if you were happy doing it, i.e. it was your free choice, as apposed to lets say a job you have to work, (because of the control system). One thing I will say is this, the level of enlightenment I feel, I have received as a result of looking at this type of stuff has not only enriched my life but also my families life as well, that’s just my own situation, I guess when it starts having negative effects in ones life that balance is affected and it is no longer ones free choice then, maybe that becomes a problem. Cheers all the best. please feel free to check out my vds, they are not great quality, but there is some interesting stuff.
great vid! check out whale.to one of the last truth sites…see it before its gone…
Checking it, cheers
oh wow that’s a visual mess! idk if it’s my autistic nature but i am unable to grok. i’m sure it’s full of awesome stuff, tho, & i truly hope others have not the same issue as i.
666 – 254(911) = 412(Valentines day)
Anyone else notice Isaiah 11:6 upside down is 9:11?
the upside down pyramid is the dam
Oh my gosh! The 9-11 on Prince Charles’s uniform was a shock . . no, it wasn’t a stretch. . . it is right there! It’s just that unless you look at a still pic, you don’t notice it. Great eye, whomever caught that!
That is, “Whoever” caught that! I’m an English teacher (how embarrassing)
Whomever sounded fine!
Prescriptive language is part of the control system!!! (not having a go) all the best.
Check the hidden 911 date on the dollar bill
a surprise for me, too! (once i figured out which “right arm” Matt was referring to – lol)
Sorry, I just hafta say this: Am I the only one who remembers Meatloaf dying before, like 10 years ago? (I don’t mean any disrespect, may he rest in peace.)
Yep, there’s already people talking about this. I’m not the only one.
I’ve seen ppl posting the same of Louie Anderson. Tho neither of those were true for me, I did have the exact same response to that Darth Vader justice death a year or so back: Wasn’t she already dead?
Oh yeah, i’ll also add that I had a similar response when Mandela became president: Wait, didn’t he die in prison years ago?
Yep, the actual Mandela incident is one of my anchors!
Some good ones in there, forgot about the Belgian incident.
Are there still meetups happening as described a few weeks ago?
Curious if there are still people around in Joburg meeting up at Local Kitchen…was away when I first read about it in comments a few weeks ago, would be keen to join next time.
Right now I’m listening to Matt through my jukebox seated on my grassy knoll
Candlekeep is just the starting area of the Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 story, the wokeflakes didn’t even create an original setting. Nerdy people that typically play those sort of games are usually not big into popularity contests, social collectivism and virtue signalling, the play those games to get away from all the other kids in school who they don’t have much in common with. They haven’t managed to completely take over video games yet fortunately and they are trying but so far failing to change or claim ownership over japanese anime cartoons, its funny because wokeflakes have nothing in common with anime characters in behaviour, personality or values.
Sting 9/11 Pre-Concert Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFLYZdJAtxA
My future grand bots
will say I was filthy rich
… because eye held on
to my paper books.
Right when you got a phonecall my video paused lol its like the reality wants us to stop at that point
Paul begly always yells ARE YOU SERIUS every video he does lol
I was reading that picture as the lion shall live with the lamb and I was going lol why is it live and then I noticed eventually it says wolf! Idk if it changed real time or if you had the new version over the old painting but it felt weird. Even as you read it you thought it was double effected. And even now I’m pretty sure it says dwell in the bible not live.
Self confidence comes from success found in choices within a framework? Framework or bookends lol
The one time your in the paper it’s basically talking about bookends by that sentence with the word framework lol
Thanks Matt and Rob!
Anybody near northern NJ want to meet up?
Maybe, (I live in NY) do we just declare a time and place? I won’t be available for a few months, though.
I know Ashman posted something in Cherry Hill, but that’s far for me, probably for you too.
John Hinckley Jr. just died, his other alias was Meatloaf!
Are we focused on the 1 eye of Greta? cuz all I see is the shadow only has 3 fingers
Matt there a hummdinger in final destination 3 you should see…. 😀
Anyone get the Louie Anderson death Mandela Effect? I swear I remember him passing maybe five years or so ago.
Matt, I’m worried…you’re in the newspaper, you built a tower and the tower covers your left eye:-)))…there must be something behind it:-)).
Take care
Wait what?!
About 6 years ago it was “Interview with A Vampire” That was a mandela effect for because I remember “the”. The residue you showed was the exact same residue that was was floating around at the time except then it said “the”.
This is a flip-flop for me but also the residue flip flopped…
I’m trying to find the channel Matt keeps talking about : Vanessa V (or something like that)
Is there a way to download these videos? For viewing purposes only, is why I am asking. Freevoice platform hammers the shit out of “legacy” hardware for some reason. Worse than what I’ve experienced on YT.
Captain Sum Ting Wong
Hi Matt!
I suppose it wasn’t you through whom I’d found out that Kinkly’s parents were regular guests at the Booshe’s’ annual Thanksgiving dinner. But I do recall the riccoche, sorry! So good
(( musta been Pam calling<3 – Best, Jeff
Hi matt…did anyone notice that the Dream Theater logo contains the Roman numeral IXXI (911)…it also spells COVID and its supposed to say DREAM THEATER. On the album that was released on 9/11/01 ,
they rereleased it with a new cover with this new logo on it instead of New York on fire.
Thanks for keeping me thinking 🙄
Also the TOOL needle also spells COVID, I guess that’s what got me thinking 🤔