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Quantum of Conscience

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I saw a new video from a channel with 400,000 subscribers, talking about “no planes” like it is a new topic? We talked about that stuff 10 years ago! After I show you some of this video, I went into a few places that I didn’t expect. As usual, we have fun and laugh at the nonsense

Matt McKinley

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William Lodderhose
4 months ago

Wow, what a week…it’s been exhausting helping a few friends still stuck in ‘normieland’. Astounding what’s going on in Downtown Download (during my brief visits this week) and yes, please if you still stay in contact with select NPC (family, friends or whatever) you might want to ask them to ask their Doctor if Stupida’ is right for them. Cheers

Nathan Bowers
Nathan Bowers
4 months ago


Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
4 months ago

Not only are the normies around me stupid, but they are all becoming increasingly mean, manipulative and ungrateful. I’m not sure I’m even meant to interact with most people these days. The signs seem pretty clear. I was suspect on the big day regarding the box cutters, having used one at work all through the day. I was stuck on the news story that folks cowered to a box knife. I didn’t see the whole picture til my niece told me about the Zeitgist movie that went over this sham. I believed the new story immediately. Sadly, my niece found herself sucked in by her “locally funded”…yeah right…NPR station. My relationship with her and three of her siblings who I helped raised is completely shattered. NOTNILC…we are more than ready to leave you behind. Thanks Matt. I hope you are feeling better soon. This place sure knows how to do its best to suck our energy. F-ers.

William Lodderhose
4 months ago
Reply to  Eva Winchester

Oh Eva, here’s my comment (which somehow took almost a week to show up here???, I didn’t cus or saying anything strange, anyway here it is again)…
Wow, what a week…it’s been exhausting helping a few friends still stuck in ‘normieland’. Astounding what’s going on in Downtown Download (during my brief visits this week) and yes, please if you still stay in contact with select NPC (family, friends or whatever) you might want to ask them to ask their Doctor if Stupida’ is right for them. Cheers

Capt.SumTingWong Ho Lee fuk
Capt.SumTingWong Ho Lee fuk
4 months ago

Sum ting wong here

Hayden A
Hayden A
4 months ago

Come to think of it, if they didn’t care about the landing training, they wouldn’t/shouldn’t have cared about the take-off training, either (if they planned on doing everything mid-flight)…

William Lodderhose
4 months ago
Reply to  Hayden A

Good point

Joseph Antoinette
4 months ago

2003 ish I was working w/ a man who suggested to me that maybe the tower incident did not happen the way I thought it did. I then proceeded to think he might have mental issues. I could not imagine anything other than what I was told by the authorities and news at the time.

William Lodderhose
4 months ago

I’m not saying I was as quick on the draw as Matt’s friend Greg (who figured it was fraud on Day One) nope…it took me 24hours to start asking questions when the ‘BAD GUYS’ didn’t anything else (at all), when they didn’t blow up schools or gas stations or nothing (nope NOTnilc) just did what they had to and almost the entire world believed the b.s.

On day one (9/11) I filled up my wife and I’s cars with gas (fearing this was real) I even took an elderly neighbors car to get gas saying who knows what’s coming next…but instead it was crickets as our tax-funded Government prepared to go to war (not to find) Osama but instead to ‘get even’ with Saddam Hussein, lol.

So…long story short, you would have labeled me bat shit crazy back then on day two….

Last edited 4 months ago by William Lodderhose
Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
4 months ago

Same, I believed it all .. Until I saw the Pentagon video that I saw once ,a glitchy video of a plane like pulling into a parking spot, I laughed at it and said that could NEVER happen!! The video totally disappeared and then I went back to believing the story about the other two buildings… Yes.. I’m embarrassed 🤣🤣 however I got some redemption in March 2020 when I saw a news story that said a man are bat soup and that caused a huge deadly virus outbreak.. I was so amazed at that very moment that they would EVER say that on the news and who the hell would EVER believe that!?? Man I had no idea what would be coming. Thanks Matt! Great video!

victoria gale
victoria gale
4 months ago

I grew up in McLean, VA (CIA country). I get what you’re saying about the fog afterwards. It took me one day to ‘get it’ as I was in a vehicle with a friend and was able to turn around on my seat on I-95 at the Pentagon and peer around the tarps they had around the area. I was shocked at how small the hole was. Bigger than a Mac truck and smaller than a train engine car. I knew then. But people did die. My friend’s older brother died at the Pentagon. We all kind of grew up together so I knew who he was. Admittedly, it was McLean and there were many, many strange things about life there and everybody’s parents worked for ‘the State Department’ or hardware stores and lived in McMansions so, who knows?, maybe Tracy’s older brother really did go to David Bowie Island. But I think he did die.

Jorge Gonzales
Jorge Gonzales
4 months ago

I carry a bit of guilt because I didn’t care at all when 9/11 happened. I was a very cynical kid and I became an extremely cynical young adult just before this event To be fair, I still don’t really care because it was so far in the past but it’s fun to think about how much emotion normal people invest in these silly presentations.

Chris Fernandez
Chris Fernandez
4 months ago

Israeli News Live (don’t get confused by the name) are decent people and have been calling out the BS for years. YT took them down awhile back for the usual reasons of speaking about things and calling out groups one is not allowed to on that platform. They are legit, even if I don’t agree with them from time to time. I haven’t watched them in years though. Just saying.

4 months ago

Think back…. How many people died at the Pentagon??? Please don’t look it up before you answer. Everyone knows where you were on that day. Everyone knows the narrative of that day. The towers had a small footprint because most of the floors were hollow. It was a scam like the Chinese Ghost cities… I don’t think they made mistakes on purpose way back then. I think they were sloppy bc the masses were 99.99 percent asleep. Amazing how EVERYONES first questioning of that day goes back to the documentary “Loose Change”. Dylan Avery. 2998 dead at ground zero. 2600 unclaimed benefits from said dead people since that day. “Think about it” 🤣.

Lisa Jarv
4 months ago

I watched Peter Jennings on air on 9-11 say, the buildings look like a demolition and I thought, yup…they always tell you, but people are too shocked to think critically.

Last edited 4 months ago by Lisa Jarv
4 months ago
Reply to  Lisa Jarv

I knew a Lisa Jarv- in college. Hope you are doing well either way. ✌️

Patice McGargin
4 months ago

Wait, what, is that Elon Musk at 3:05 ?

4 months ago

Dailymotion › video

Nov 18, 2012 — Watch 911 • The Ball Theory • Richard DHall – Tommy Peters on Dailymotion.

4 months ago


4 months ago


Chris Brennan
Chris Brennan
4 months ago

Hey Matt, great presentation as always. Your logic & humor are a beautiful help in these times. I consider myself old guard at this point & have heard & seen it all over the years. I believe Brian Staveley’s 911 research is by far the best & he makes some excellent points that possibly no one died that day. I don’t believe this detail is a first grade truther argument. Of course, none of us know for sure & killing & making people suffer is right up the notnilC’s alley but he makes alot of sense imo. Much love brother, thx for all you do. Cheers

Last edited 4 months ago by Chris Brennan
4 months ago

I was walking north on Broadway near Rector street on 9/11/01 when the second tower was hit. I was not looking up, and did not see what happened (also my view north was obstructed by the buildings). I heard a roar and loud boom that echoed through the streets. I immediately ran into the first build lobby to my right. By the time I got to the ferry terminal, I was only lightly dusted from the first collapse. The white ash in the air irritated my eyes and caused a burning sensation in my nose. I was on the first ferry off the island shortly after the second collapse. The ferry had to navigate through the ash. It was crazy.

4 months ago
Reply to  Michael

For the record, I do believe all of those buildings were controlled demo

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
4 months ago

The author named Berkowitz…
The alleged Son Of Sam shooter has the same last name.
(it has been suggested there are links to The Process Church and also might
have been part of Project Phoenix rolled out in the US)
Also ‘witz’ means joke in yiddish.

I like how we are supposed to defer to experts but when pilots or architects and such
have their say it supposedly does not matter because “STFU ppl died – have you no shame /
show some repect”.
Nowadays when a story sounds strange or contrived I immediately discard it
as a mere media construct – who knows to what end. As a given.

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
4 months ago

It was all part of our growth, the evolution of our minds, shit I used to wear my bin laden wanted dead or alive shirt every other day and was fired up when George dubya said you’re either with the terrorists or you’re with us and I was like, yeah get those towel heads. I was a ZOMBIFIED IDIOT!

lucky lucky
lucky lucky
4 months ago

The building to the left on the front cover of that book looks like the Dallas Texas book depository. It even has the correct corner window open like the sixth floor.

Patice McGargin
4 months ago
Reply to  lucky lucky

Good spotting, I was looking at that building and the similar one on the right, thinking I dont remember seeing any buildings like that by the towers. Brushing them off as just artwork, haha, lucky lucky you got it!

Chuck Pal
4 months ago

Sorry this post is so long but I feel that this data is important. There’s a lot more data but I’ll try to condense my understanding of it. There will be very few people who will understand this or believe it. Like many people familiar with the “I, Pet Goat II” video I’ve been studying it since its release in 2012. It is a multi-layered and multi-faceted video with hidden, cryptic messages throughout. I believe that I was led to break down one of those messages by praying about one thing… Why did they put Easter Island statues in the video? Since the “I, Pet Goat II” video is about solar eclipses I decided to go down that road for the answer. Please take the time to read this and study the photos and video closely.

New Years Eve is October 2, 2024 according to the Jewish Calendar. Check ‘Hebcal’ for confirmation.  That would make October 3rd, 2024 “New Years Day”. A day when “all is quiet and a world in white gets under way” according to Bono of the band U2. Rosh Hashanah is October 2nd-3rd this year (sundown to sundown). Rosh Hashanah is New Years Day and there just happens to be a very rare solar eclipse over Easter Island on the Eve of Rosh Hashanah. New Years Eve…October 2nd before sundown. Fireworks are often associated with New Years Eve. IPG2 shows the fireworks and the girl stops protesting knowing it’s hopeless because the war beast is unstoppable.  

I’ve been researching the days of October 2nd and 3rd, 2024. There are too many coincidences surrounding these days…such as the ‘I, Pet Goat II’ video showing Easter Island statues in the background during an eclipse that can be seen from Easter Island on October 2nd, 2024. It’s a direct solar eclipse over the tiny, 64 square mile sized island in all of the vast Pacific Ocean. There are no direct solar eclipses over Easter Island for at least the next 200 years after October 2nd, 2024. I checked. Why would “they” put Easter Island statues in their evil animated video that’s focused on the second 9/11, war, mass mind control, Freemasonry, pyramids and solar eclipses?
 In the ‘I, Pet Goat II’ video a character named Lily sits in a circle of honey while holding an apple. It’s a hint. Eating apples dipped in honey on Rosh Hashanah is a modern Ashkenazi Jewish custom. According to Jewish mysticism, the apple represents the Shekhinah (the feminine aspect of God). The circle is an eclipse and there is a “dot” of honey adjacent to the circle. This matches what will be seen during the eclipse on Easter Island. The “dot” is the planet Mercury. 

Freemasonry/Jewish Kabbalah/I, Pet Goat “coincidences” pointing to Easter Island and the dates 10/2/24 and 10/3/24 (New Years Eve and New Years Day):

1. The Vatican, made up of arches and built by Freemasons, points directly to Easter Island on Google Earth.
2. The Washington Square Arch in New York City, built by Freemasons, points directly to Easter Island on Google Earth. The line to Easter Island goes right through the 9/11 “Ground Zero” site.
3. The triangular, pyramid shaped legs of the St. Louis Arch, “Gateway to the West”, point directly to Easter Island on Google Earth.
4. The St. Louis Arch sits on the exact spot of what was the very first Freemasonry Lodge in Missouri (1817). Just another coincidence, right?
5. The St. Louis Arch is actually a equilateral triangle hidden in plane sight. 630ft high by 630ft wide. Can you say ‘pyramid’? The shape of the arch leg itself is in the shape of a triangle. The architect of the St. Louis Arch was Eero Saarinen.
6. Eero Saarinen worked for the OSS (Office of Strategic Services, later the name was changed to the CIA). You could say he was a spy…a spook. A very important spook and “irreplaceable”.
7. Eero Saarinen based the St. Louis Arch on the Arch of Baal, the Arch of Titus and the Washington Square Arch as shown in photos of his studio.
8. According to photographs Eero Saarinen studied the Freemasonry “hanging chain” for his St. Louis Arch design. Did I mention that when you connect the two apex’s of the triangles that make up the St. Louis arch legs on Google Earth the line goes directly to Easter Island? Coincidence indeed!
9. The twin, pyramid shaped Century Plaza Towers in Los Angeles were commissioned by Alcoa Aluminum in 1975 and the architect, Minoru Yamasaki, was the same architect of the Twin Towers in NYC. Los Angeles literally means “the angels”. The facade of the Century Plaza Towers is so similar to the Twin Towers of 9/11 fame that Hollywood has often used them to emulate the Twin Towers in their movies and TV shows.
10. The park in the middle of the Century Plaza Towers complex named ‘Centerpiece Park’ is in the shape of the Freemasonry square and compass…complete with the “all seeing eye”.
11. When you use Google Earth and draw a line along one side of either triangular tower that line takes you directly to Easter Island.

I had stumbled upon this connection between these four “monuments” and Easter Island because of my interest in the appearance of Easter Island statues in the ‘I, Pet Goat’ video. Insane really. But there it is in our faces. I could see the connection but there was the question of WHY. Why Easter Island?
I could see that there was an eclipse coming up. But what was the significance of that?

Then recently I realized October 3rd, 2024 is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year…and the song ‘New Years Day’ pops into my head. The I, Pet Goat video is obviously pointing to a date. Rosh Hashanah has only landed on October 3rd two times in the last 100 years. Another rare event. Arches, portals, Easter Island, solar eclipses, 9/11, pyramids, Freemasons, “I, Pet Goat II” and now “New Years Day”.

New Years Day (lyrics) – U2 (two “U’s”, “you’s”, “ewes” and yes…the spy plane)

All is quiet on New Year’s Day
A world in white gets underway
I want to be with you
Be with you night and day
Nothing changes on New Year’s Day
On New Year’s Day

I will be with you again
I will be with you again

Under a blood red sky
A crowd has gathered in black and white
Arms entwined, the chosen few
The newspapers says, says
Say it’s true, it’s true
And we can break through
Though torn in two
We can be one

I, I will begin again
I, I will begin again
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
I will be with you again
I will be with you again
I will be with you again
I will be with you again
I will be with you again

 U2’s Bono claims the song, “New Years Day”, was first a song about his girlfriend which changed into a political statement of 1983 Poland. But I have to question that. Neither of those things makes sense. The U2 video depicts four horseman in a divided “world of white” under a “blood red sky”…”the chosen few”…It’s from their album “War”.

 New Years Day begins at sundown October 2nd and ends at sundown October 3rd…according to THEM. In the I, Pet Goat video a demon dances in a Wicker man head…a burning man head. For a split second the video reveals he is on an island. The demon is dancing the CERN “Dance of the Cosmos”. The strange thing about that is that ‘I, Pet Goat’ was released in 2012 and the ‘CERN dance’ was released in 2015. Hmm…
 As the demon dances he changes masks or identities. First a frog, then a bear and then a bird. At one point the bird spreads its wings revealing a “2” on one wing and a “3” on the other. A typical IPG2 hint. Maybe I’m reading into it but I see October 2 and 3. I mean, he’s on an island with Easter Island statues in the background…during an eclipse! The IPG2 video is about ECLIPSES and this eclipse won’t come again in our lifetime.

The whole time the demon/witch is dancing he is dancing in darkness and stops only when the sun comes out of eclipse. He jumps up and smiles broadly in the sunlight. To say the demon/witch looks very happy would be an understatement.
What does it all mean? Your guess is as good as mine. But my guess is that the eclipse over Easter Island is an important sign for the rulers of this world. A signal to commence with their “Great Reset” in earnest. Agenda 2030 is an actual, real plan and they are counting down their “climate clock” to the 9th of Av in the year 2029 (that’s the 9th day of the 11th month).
A starting pistol shot. For many decades they have been turning the heat of the pot up slowly. Perhaps now they will crank the heat up and quickly bring it to a boil. Not over years, but over months. And I’ll leave you with this…
Since 2013 the Deagle military website has forecast a reduction in the population of the USA by 240 million people by the end of 2025. Time to get our spiritual houses in order and seek Jesus like never before. Please watch this video. We all feel something big is about to happen. Even non-believers and truth seekers.
I couldn’t post this video on YouTube due to the music I used so I put it on Odysee where it has a chance. Since I used Microsoft software to make the video I noticed the music I chose had disappeared from the video project on my computer. I was still working on it but decided to show it to my sister first and so I rendered it and uploaded the unfinished product so I could send her the link. When I went back to finish the video both U2’s song “New Years Day” and Green Days “Wake Me Up When September Ends were erased from the storyboard. But I got it to upload to Odysee first. Even though it’s stand alone software obviously they have access to their software on my computer! It seems they made Movie Maker to connect to the internet “cloud”. Thanks for your time and thank you Matt for this forum.—Part-2-FINAL:2

aaron paul
aaron paul
4 months ago

Hey Matt. Istimelongtime. Not really. Could you direct me to your most detailed 9 I I video? Though I know it probably won’t help to open these stunted minds. Matt, more are in on it than we could ever believe. They just have no clue WHAT they are in on. They only know their particular orders, and that there are major consequences if they stray. Btw that Peter strozk guy is one of those lizard people. Smells like a turtle tank that needs cleaning. That’s one clue.

4 months ago

Excellent John, I lean towards this camp as well, but I also kinda agree with Matt on the sheer amount of people being in on it and everything seems to be done flawlessly, after all the staged magic events? So it leaves me somewhere in the middle between you and Matt. But I’m old guard so I’m open to anything being on the table I’m this Clownworld.

Paula Osborne
Paula Osborne
3 months ago

About 5 years ago after I found out there were no planes I tried to explain it to one of my sister’s. Her co-worker has a cousin that lived in that area at the time. She said her cousin SAW a plane! So therefore, I don’t know what I’m talking about because she would never lie about it!🙄 No thinking outside the box! Oh I told her the convid was BS too! My sister is a nurse that works for the state. Oh and I told them about Ketchupgate years before it happened! These 3 sister’s I have totally ignores ALL of this stuff! I’m no prophet but the clues were everywhere! I get zero recognition! Oh well. It’s like it would kill them to admit I’ve been right about anything! I’ll get over it. But it sucks!
Thanks Matt!🕊

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