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Quantum of Conscience

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I will add to the “reality gives itself away” list. The Notnilc will always look to erode and debase whatever is left in society and culture that is still considered normal by some. The meaning of “new normal” presented in 2020 went way beyond an illness. As the culture of world is “adultuerated,” a new normal emerges because the pendulum never swings back in the other direction. 

Matt McKinley

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Amy B
Amy B
1 year ago

Hi Matt, I am still not receiving notifications from

Beverly Sandoval
Beverly Sandoval
1 year ago

Hey Matt, what are your thoughts regarding preparing for society breakdown?

Jay Kvam
Jay Kvam
1 year ago

Lizzo = 88

1 year ago

the Green Man is the personification of nature. Oddly you might think that a female would hold such a role but you would be wrong. A man represents a ruthless, predatory, inter-species, killing machine far better then a woman does, no? unless of course you know my wife..

Last edited 1 year ago by K C
Harry Gersack
Harry Gersack
1 year ago
Reply to  K C

rofl! Don’t tell “her”! 🙂

Ramadasa Jivatma
Ramadasa Jivatma
1 year ago

Fucking plandemic coin. But then Matt did his kid voice and I couldn’t be mad. Haha! Thanks for all you do, Matt!

Sean Perry
Sean Perry
1 year ago

Shaq pushed materialism on low income kids who couldn’t afford Jordan’s and got bullied into thinking their fancy pants and shiny shoes was all that mattered

1 year ago

Hey Matt! Love you and your content.
You’re truly bending reality with your truth.

A couple things:
I think the magenta is being propegated so that in some way they will be able to “draw over” reality with A.I. driven graphics.

Also, the pork on pork thing you mentioned a while back about the people being turned into pigs probably has some truth behind it. (Intuitively I have been guided on this)
if you think about, the huge distraction could also be a distraction from something so basic as food, which could have the largest affect on the “hoo-man” physically by mutating, demoralizing (making them unaesthetically pleasing) , and lowering them on a fundamental level. while also desensitizing and severing their connection/relationship to what’s “natural” or truer to their purest self. (love peace harmony etc.) In a sense, they are attacking the “natural world” or “Gaia” with their dietary needs. (there are examples of this idea in media such as in the film “Spirited Away” at the start with the parents… I won’t give it away, but its worth watching)
this could also explain why the notnilc is so confident because they keep the population under the dragon’s wing in direct, chemical way through food… much like the corporate aggregor idea you presented previously as well.

Just something to think about. Thanks.

Joseph Antoinette
1 year ago
Reply to  foxsky

Well put!! !00%

free will of choice
free will of choice
1 year ago
Reply to  foxsky

>they are attacking the “natural world” or “Gaia” with their dietary needs.

Consider if they utilize suggestion (want) to tempt one to ignore perception (need)? Wanted diets distract one from needed hunger.

>spirited away

Suggested information tempts one to ignore perceivable inspiration, hence being spirited away as form (life) within flow (inception towards death).

>its worth watching

What if perceivable represents value; perceiving represents evaluation, and suggested values tempt one to ignore being evaluation within value?

Rogelio Magliacano
Rogelio Magliacano
1 year ago

The greenman is greta thunrberg

Gerald Turner
Gerald Turner
1 year ago

What is going on in the world today Matt?
9th level of Metroid.
Absolutely nothing.

“Do I look like someone who has something to do here on earth?’ —That’s what I’d like to answer the busybodies who inquire into my activities.”
― Emil Cioran, The Trouble with Being Born

Great commentsn seems your youtube show is like that new Rumble Slap fighting league, kind of mild, but your freeVoice show is like an MMA cage match. You beat the crap out of lard ass girl.

“Inch by inch I conquered the inner terrain I was born with. Bit by bit I reclaimed the swamp in which I’d languished. I gave birth to my infinite being, but I had to wrench myself out of me with forceps.”
― Fernando Pessoa

Does this comment area have a world limit?
Because I really do not have anywhere to go, or anything to do.
No wild cats in the area to trap. Be carful with the Fauna in this realm Matt, remember what happened to Steve Irwin.
Or is it Flora?
No, Flora was this woman I dated, she used to do this thing with here tong…

“I have tried to protect myself against men, to react against their madness to discern its source; I have listened and I have seen–and I have been afraid of acting for the same motives or for any motive whatever, of believing in the same ghosts or in any other ghost, of letting myself be engulfed by the same intoxications or by some other… afraid, in short, of raving in common and of expiring in a horde of ecstasies.”
― Émile Michel Cioran

And yet here we are, talking to each other…

Morgan trollinger
Morgan trollinger
1 year ago

Well that Matt lauer thing I’m surprised I didn’t get with it then, can you say bad acting. I wasn’t aware of things until the covid thing.

My sister loves lizzo, yikes, she as well as lizzo is a heavy set female, whatever, she likes American idol the voice etc. Which I used to enjoy🙄, yes, I’m glad I got with it. Seeing as how I almost do nothing now, but I’m pretty happy with my life, before I was worried about the Joneses.

I like you Matt because you keep me company💗

Morgan trollinger
Morgan trollinger
1 year ago

I forgot to say thanks for all you do. You are wonderful!

Liz Hoban
Liz Hoban
1 year ago

Thanks for this Matt, this was hilarious.
And just that picture of that group, whatever those things are, that picture alone just shows we are in a different world or whatever you wanna call it, reality dimension, I don’t know but it’s not real in the sense normies think, and it’s not the same one we were in before…yeah that picture alone is encouraging to just woi bout myself…like you wanna fix this?! Lol you wanna try and bring sensibility to people who view that as not only normal but ideal!? Lol…no thanks jack I’m gonna go plant my flowers n not give a flying f*** what people do
Matt you’re awesome n thanks for making me chuckle

free will of choice
free will of choice
1 year ago
Reply to  Liz Hoban

>that picture alone just shows we are in a different world or whatever you wanna call it, reality dimension, I don’t know but it’s not real

What if a suggested picture tempts one to hold onto a “captured moment”; while ignoring to adapt to the ongoing momentum of motion (life being moved from inception towards death)…which teaches one the needs to let go?

Example…pick up your child and a picture of your child. Remembering what was (captured moment) tempts you to ignore what is (ongoing momentum). In short…suggested fiction over perceivable reality.

Chuck Pal
1 year ago

woowie bout yoeself

Joseph Antoinette
1 year ago

Old guard here. Thank you. Brother from another Mother

1 year ago

You can see that the infighting has already begun:

In Canada it got this far: LGBTTIDQQCAIPB2PGAAPP+






















The use of that 2nd “P” of 3 set the infighting in motion. Many of them wanted to officially drop the 2nd “P” so as to avoid a backlash from society, others said that dropping it would be the start of a slippery-slope which would inevitably lead to the turfing of others from within the “spectrum”.

So for a while everyone was advised to include that 2nd “P” when listing all of the different sexualities so as to trigger the infighting. Now we see that that 2nd “P” has largely been dropped from the list. Just the first of many more to fall.

Harry Gersack
Harry Gersack
1 year ago

There most likely exists a quite exactly 100 year old Spanish copper coin, as well. Knick-knack!

Justhere Forthefood
1 year ago

What color was the cloak they placed upon Christ when they mocked Him as a king? I’ll give you 3 guesses…one account says red, one account says purple…I believe it was magenta.

Justhere Forthefood
1 year ago

There is def some relationship between the green and magenta. Just today I took an eye test where I had to stare at a bright green light. When I closed my eyes, it turned magenta. Really interesting.

Casey Ackendorf
Casey Ackendorf
1 year ago

Imagine, at one point in time we thought a low point was reached when the Fonz jumped that Triumph over the shark. Compared to today that was heaven.

Keith Karlinski
Keith Karlinski
1 year ago

I was just thinking about all the notnilc nonsense we’ve been exposed to since birth, all through childhood, adolescence, etc. It’s a lot of horsesheet to undo. It takes time. Now I can hardly go a day without seeing a reality breakdown. Great video, Matt. Hilarious.

1 year ago

The 2sLGBqiajaj is retarded, look at those fucking hilarious people, even a kid wtf.. of course these days we cant say shit about it. This shit will never fly in my household

1 year ago

Damn Matt my comments havent gone thru

1 year ago

This sick Liberal agenda will fail, it will never be a subject of conversation in my house. I always teach my kids that this stuff is wrong

1 year ago

There is some guy in my workplace that we have to call by a girl name, he has long hair, a girls name, wears girls clothrs, BUT clearly a man, sounds like a man. Its depressed on all these pills. Damn whats the world coming to

Nigel Offer
Nigel Offer
1 year ago

As everything in this construct is inverted,the term Deep State heavily used by the “alternative media” and truthers to refer to shadowy power brokers behind the scenes is in reality a reference to the population who are under a “deep state” hypnotic trance.Alt news echo chamber’s make themselves a party to using the term to obscure and cover up the control mechanism.Growing skepticism is justified of the existance of a very high level “cabal” based purely on the fact the term is massively promoted and used ad nauseum.There’s something else going on here.

free will of choice
free will of choice
1 year ago
Reply to  Nigel Offer

>a “deep state”

Deep (ignorance); High (comprehension)…ones adaptation to perceivable grows comprehension; while ignoring perceivable (inspiration) for suggested (information) grows ignorance.

As for the suggested label “deep state”…the few shielding themselves with what the many are doing to themselves. As long as the many blame the few; one ignores to reflect upon self.

Nigel Offer
Nigel Offer
1 year ago

Yes well said !.The many become hopelessly indebted,unhealthy and unhappy by poor life choices and pleasure seeking then say its all the cabals fault or the governments fault !!! Individuals must value their consciousness and knowing of self first.The construct/reality is more than happy to oblige fleeting distractions in any form the lower mind is imagining in order to take you out of and away from yourself.

free will of choice
free will of choice
1 year ago
Reply to  Nigel Offer

>then say its all the cabals fault

a) blaming others implies ignoring self…others ruthlessly exploit ones ignorance of perceivable with their suggestions.

b) CABAL, noun – “untied in some close design”…aka united (life) in some close design (inception towards death).

The few hide behind the inversion of reality form the many who consent to ignore perceivable reality for suggested fiction. Another example for this…if each one of the many ignores being choice within perceivable by consenting the suggested choices of the few, then the few become the “chosen ones” aka the inversion of “one with choice”.

>knowing of self

If knowledge represents perceivable; then ones self discernment of being able to perceive it can be grown only by oneself, while others tempt one with suggestions to understand aka to “stand under” suggested, instead of growing within perceivable.

>The construct/reality is more than happy to oblige fleeting distractions

If reality represents perceivable inspiration within motion, then fiction represents suggested information tempting one to hold onto it within ones mind/memory.

The few suggest words (information) to distract the many from perceivable sound (inspiration). One cannot hold onto sound, yet one is tempted to hold onto the words shaped within sound.

This represents spell-craft aka shaping the symbolism of letters into the idolatry of words for the incantation/enchantment of languages. Also ALPHABET (Latin abecedarium) relates to ABraCaDabra.

>away from yourself

Consider the difference between being ONEself and choosing to claim YOURself? Is life yours if being moved from inception towards death?

What if whole (inception towards death) designates each partial (life) as UNIT (Latin unitas; unus; one)?

L Miller
L Miller
1 year ago

True story. While on vacation last year after having several adult beverages, being bored, and having access to cable tv (I cut the cord in 2014 but I digress) – I was literally hypnotized and watched several episodes of Lizzo’s show. I was mesmerized by how seemingly easily these morbidly obese women danced. They’ll need to do a show called “Lizzo and her dancers” – where are they now… As an older person, your knees don’t hold up forever.

Landed Zentry
Landed Zentry
1 year ago

This one was laugh out loud.
Its the “British” heavy sarcasm that delights…Questioning, you are not alone : I too stand naked in front of the mirror for hours and hours, but even with my dick in my hand I can’t work out what the fuck my fucking gender is.
I think comedy is the best approach at this point – the normal reasoned human is in the You-Couldn’t-Make-This-Shit-Up demographic. (YCMTSU)
As an aside – the animal kingdom, various, including feral cats, is currently looking pretty intelligent – they don’t fuck things up.

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