What is the role of the minions as it relates to serving the wishes and intentions of the overhanging dark reality?

Why do people in the truth community still try to hold onto the notion that “regular people” are coordinating a level of fraud and deception that spans across every part of reality, which would be impossible to pull off.

Matt McKinley

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3 years ago


To address comments about the + or the -. The way it works is at this time….NOT forever we have all these posts on public pages.

This means anyone can vote up or down ONCE even NOT logged in….but only once. I can assure you if you have -3 and someone clicks + it will be 2. IF you voted before it will not register.

So if there are many negatives….a person is getting a down vote on their comment.

The voting is neutral and cannot be edited by me or Matt!

We are still very early. Thanks for all the support and be assured I am listening to the feedback to make a good user experience.


PS: I am in the process of adding member user forums and other features. Forums will will be great to setup a topic and to have specific dialogue. My goal is to help people connect for more ongoing conversation. Stay tuned!!

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Rob

What was happening before, now is working fine, I found a – comment and voted it up one + . It was only going down earlier, several posters saw it happen. No bother. Thanks Rob for all your help.

Time on Earth
3 years ago
Reply to  Rob

hey rob How can I get Matts email? I have something important for him

Time on Earth
3 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Or maybe I can send you a video Rob and you can send that to Matt? its only minutes long but important

3 years ago
Reply to  Time on Earth

Hi..I tried to email the address you listed. Please leave video here and I will forward to him.

Time on Earth
3 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Sorry I wasnt sure if I used a dummy email or not. But okay thanks Rob here is the message:

after much research I believe that this video can explain what supernatural force is pulling the strings and complex enough to orchestrate such large events, its all about seeing past the political side which is where the plans end not where they start. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7oVwGIAYeU
..for more info there are part 2 and 3 of the video and the creator has a website with more info.

Thanks again!

Last edited 3 years ago by Time on Earth
3 years ago
Reply to  Time on Earth

Hi..I sent Matt your message…thank you.


Time on Earth
3 years ago
Reply to  Rob


3 years ago

Thanks Matt!

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  M M

Hi, MM.

Hans Sydney
Hans Sydney
3 years ago

Oh, hi Matt!

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Hans Sydney

Hi, Hans.

Kristen McNeil
Kristen McNeil
3 years ago

I wish everyone understood this. Thanks Matt!

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Kristen McNeil

Hi, Kristen. They have earplugs in.

Lizzie Ball
Lizzie Ball
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann


Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Lizzie Ball

Is there an earplug emoji?

Lizzie Ball
Lizzie Ball
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

Sorry I didn’t see your reply about the emoji. I only saw your original comment about earplugs and I knew I had replied w an emoji but it had vanished. So I posted another one.

Lizzie Ball
Lizzie Ball
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann


Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Lizzie Ball

Thanks Lzzie.

Jim Jones
Jim Jones
3 years ago

Ty Matt keep up they good work!

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Jim Jones

Hi, Jim. Matt needs a vacation.

Andrii Gritsina
Andrii Gritsina
3 years ago

Hi Matt, Lancaster PA here, been listening for a couple of years now. Thanks

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

Hi, Andrii. You have a cool name.

Valentine Kosyak
Valentine Kosyak
3 years ago

This is the meat and potatoes of where we are… It is like looking at this messed up puzzle board from far away enough to where you just have to go “ffs this cannot be!! all is bullshit”

Thank you

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

Hi, Valentin. Eating meatloaf right now.

Dillon Forst
Dillon Forst
3 years ago

I never ever wear the mask, except for the brief moments I had to when my son was born. I do not wear it when I go out in public and there isn’t a person alive who can force me to wear it. When I claim medical exemption, the company takes on the risk if they want to deny service to me. I also mostly order things to be delivered to me to avoid this inherent conflict we all know that happens when you do not wear the mask. However, in southern California, in my town of 30,000, I never ever wear the mask, and it’s fine. Now, in major cities around me, it is absolutely not permitted to enter without one. It depends where you are. I am lucky to be in a town where my stating that I am medically exempt is enough to allow entry without wearing a mask. Great video Matt. Thank you so much. God bless you.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Dillon Forst

Hi, Dillon. Figure out what it means, what it means!

Christopher Guzek
Christopher Guzek
3 years ago

I think the simplest explanation is the truth. Not all people are people. Perhaps god cant even tell us apart and the only way to filter these things out is by coming to this realm and living. Maybe we are the bad seeds that just wont conform to the hive mind? Who knows

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

Hi, Christopher. You are knowing, because you are thinking about it.

Jeffrey Stafford
Jeffrey Stafford
3 years ago

Will keep following, great work Matt!

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

Hi, Jeffrey. There is a speed comment limit.

Ellen C
Ellen C
3 years ago

You are correct about the Northeast. I’m outside of Boston and we are zombie-thick with compliance and stink eye galore for those who refuse to wear the skam (mask)

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Ellen C

Hi, Ellen. The cities blind you. Nature is the truth.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

Thanks for this great comment. Never ever thought about it, but it rings true here in the UK also

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

I live in a city near the mountains. I go as much as I can. The quiet .

Ingrid Bond
Ingrid Bond
3 years ago

Non compliance AND active conscious participation in the reveal (as you do) however that shows —

Could be like — witnessing very viable important court cases get off-handedly dismissed (as they are) demos the pervasive systemic rot, helps mass consciousness.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Ingrid Bond

Hi, Ingrid. It cares more about the mass, than little you. Don’t worry.

Ingrid Bond
Ingrid Bond
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann


Last edited 3 years ago by Ingrid Bond
Ellen C
Ellen C
3 years ago

I don’t think the minions are even human. That’s why they do what they do.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Ellen C

Hi, Ellen. Again.

Lizzie Ball
Lizzie Ball
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

You had -3. I clicked the +, and now you have -4? I thought it should be -2.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Lizzie Ball

Yea, something is up. I wear the votes proudly.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

I clicked you + and you are still -1.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

Alot of my comments are + 4-7, and alot are -4 – -7.

Planetary Protector
Planetary Protector
3 years ago
Reply to  Ellen C

You are correct in your thinking. We few may be the only real consciousness here.

Lizzie Ball
Lizzie Ball
3 years ago

Or, we may be a minority of NPC’s or players. I think this reality is 2d, so we would all have to be a.i. Hopefully we are avatars, or part time avatars for actual human players.

Neil Barker
Neil Barker
3 years ago
Reply to  Ellen C

They’re Geico – it’s what they do. 😉

On a semi-serious note – perhaps the minions were once like us and have now given up too much of their Soul and invited in too much of the WOPR/Loc-Nar/That-which-cannot-be-named. Perhaps, they’re likely something like Golem from the LoTR series.

I’m leaning towards the idea that each and every person is a microcosm of the larger macrocosm. Ultimately, we’re struggling with ourselves first and foremost. The struggle could be anything from choosing to get angry and curse the oblivious driver that cuts us off in traffic to choosing to see the trick and its design to instigate a reaction from us.

Like Matt’s 3 steps – another one I keep in mind that’s been truth dropped: “A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.”

I do participate in life daily, but the game I do not play is feeding the Screen with too much negative/Egoic energy.

Manuel Alcaraz
Manuel Alcaraz
3 years ago
Reply to  Neil Barker

During an interview, I heard someone ask Mike Tyson if he works out. Mike said nah, I stay away from all that stuff now. I’m afraid it’s gonna reignite my ego.

Hans Sydney
Hans Sydney
3 years ago

If you ever need to hear or read this, Matt. Yes, we see it the same way. I am clearly speaking for myself here but I doubt most of the others would disagree.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Hans Sydney

Mr Sydney. Is that where you live?

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

Thanks Rob for freevoice.io !!!

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

How do you keep getting smarter and better and wiser Matt? Oh, yea, you are a REAL human. Nuff said!

jared L
jared L
3 years ago

MATT said he wont be reading these comments much, AS of now.
(so we should be communicating amongst OURSELVES)
he makes some great points with this presentation, IT is UNHUMAN the way the MINONS are being used!!!

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  jared L

Thanks for the reminder. It will help focus the comments ON topic. Alot of us say hi to Matt (The Matt inside of us). The new Human that we are now. 🙂

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

I am Spartacus! `

The reality creates and shapes the minions.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ashman Mann
Chad Giddens
Chad Giddens
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

Will you shut the F up already??

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Chad Giddens

Matt is not reading these comments. He has directed us to talk and direct our comments to each other. Hi Chad, …

3 years ago

The minions are are hired by this re ality through some magnatic energy for a reason so they make the normies fully hybrid as we see it now…the mission accomplished, the minions power always come from when they present their lies to the normies while the normies believe them…bingo the magic happens.
The 13th Friday 2015 Paris fake shooting it happened the day before the movie 33 was in movies in Paris a night before. I dont think that was a Coincidence

Last edited 3 years ago by HADI NDIF
Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  HADI NDIF

Hi Hadi. They get away with it, and it corrupts them.

cyndee taylor
cyndee taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

Thus, hubris. The one-time offender can’t believe he got away with it once but does it again and again and feels triumphant, euphoric. It’s a literal high.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  cyndee taylor

They become an addict of their truth. Coming off causes the shakes.

Conrad Pierce
Conrad Pierce
3 years ago

You may not enjoy making branch covidians flip out, but I certainly do. Eventually it will be that simply existing as human 1.0 as you put it will be enough to anger them to the point of murder, not wearing a mask is getting used to that animosity that is inevitable. If I need to blend in I’ll wear a mask otherwise no thank you. They hated me before the mask thing, this just exposes their hate- let it be out in the opened. I don’t really care whether you wear a mask or not- I do think those who know and wear one need to grow thicker skin because if there is any survival to be had in this reality it will only come from severe adversity against the minions. In wearing a mask you live with a false sense of safety, not from the virus but from those around you and their true feelings toward you.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Conrad Pierce

Hi Conrad. It makes them hate themselves…

Matthew Meeks
Matthew Meeks
3 years ago

Maybe we will know, after death. Be brave. Speak truth. Even when doing so makes a bunch of cowardly minions angry at you.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Matthew Meeks

Hi Matt. LOL

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

Below the comment box is a list of buttons :

B – comment in bold letters
I – comment in italics letters
U – comment in letters with an underline
Strike – comment with letters with a center line
Ordered list – create a list with numbered points
Unordered list – create a list without numbered points
Blockquote ?
Code Block ?
Link – Put in a link to another website
Source Code ?
Spoiler ?

Could someone help explain the ?, thanks

Last edited 3 years ago by Ashman Mann
Charles Cas Michel Gerarrd

DON’T…go to Jareds.
They Serve people for dinner.
As in “To Serve Man”
[The Twilight Zone edition:https://youtu.be/hOrnVJ23aLQ%5D
Yes, I’m THAT old…..smh

Gabriel McLoughlin
Gabriel McLoughlin
3 years ago

Hi Matt, & community,
I am in IRELAND,, This place has been in lockdown for almost a full year less 2 maybe 3 weeks, Members of my own family have chosen to become part of the new GMO species. Where I live 99% are wearing the mask. Maybe a percentage are just complying for a quiet life and just to get on with their lives, But I suggest that most Love it ,because now they are part of the great warrior race saving the world. And speaking from my experience, They hate us, And this is not going to change for the better, We Natural humans will Not be allowed co exist within this new GMO normal.
This is the reality we in these avatars are living in at present. Our only escape can come form within, And re create a new reality we can at least exist in.
??? Kind regards, Gabriel.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

Hi Gabriel. If you ARE here; you ARE an archangel.

Myron Tippie
Myron Tippie
3 years ago

Matt! This doesn’t really pertain to your video today. But its more of a fun thing I have enjoyed and wanted to ask you about. Have you ever watched the TV series Andromeda? It is this cheesy sci fi show that I find hypnotic. It is cheesy enough I shouldn’t enjoy it but there is something about it that calls to me below the visuals and the show itself. I fall pretty much in the camp of virtual world and maybe this whole thing is just a game. But who knows? Regardless… If you can and have some time you feel like doing a binge watch, you should try it out. I can’t really describe it but its almost like it is soul pulling. That is the best I can do. Great work Matt. Love your work.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Myron Tippie

Hi, Myron. Matt has a past of TV, like alot of us do. We are turning off and moving on.

cyndee taylor
cyndee taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Myron Tippie

@Myron Tippie I know what you mean and it is awesome that we can become the Observer even in cheesy TV. Like once I became aware that I’m constantly hypnotized, I actually gained more power in my trance-state!

I freely admit – as a lifelong insomniac – that I sometimes resort to TV as a last resort, usually looking for something simple or cheesy or old enough to lull me into the non-thinking state. What’s funny is that the show will lull me to sleep but the ads pull me awake. Talk about programming on steroids!

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  cyndee taylor

I watch old B&W stuff. It does feel different. Color ruined TV in the 70’s.

3 years ago

UN agenda 2030 meant by 2030 all the leaders of the world will be the same as Nancy Pelosi and uncle joe

Last edited 3 years ago by HADI NDIF
Robert Dusenbery
Robert Dusenbery
3 years ago

Again, your comments remind me of biblical accounts. I recall Pilate questioning Jesus and saying that he had the power to release him. Christ answers, you would have no power if it were not given to you; and then refused to say anything.

This seems the same as not using the system’s minions to get justice in the system.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

Reflexive reasoning is my mantra, Robert.

cyndee taylor
cyndee taylor
3 years ago

@Roger Dusenbery SO true. This is why I am constantly amazed by people around me screaming for justice from the very system that thrives on injustice. They refuse to see the illogic of it.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  cyndee taylor

You can be fair to yourself and others. It cant be fair or just. It gives itself away.

oengus oengus
oengus oengus
3 years ago

irritating and harmful as the minions may be,
we can treat each kindly, and with respect

only the seer of hearts knows for sure, who is evil or npc
others exercising such judgment risk grave error

just sayin’
lest any of us inadvertently step in it, and compound the already stinky, weird situation

(thanks, tony, for the icons below comment box
they allow much more nuance in our conversations here)

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  oengus oengus

Hi, Oengus. Or is it just Gus?

Charles Cas Michel Gerarrd

Matt? Why is my comment being moderated?? It says “Awaiting for Approval”. That’s the crap that Farcebook & StupidTube does, didn’t expect it from you….smh, seriously? like WTF?.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

Hi, Questions. Questions better than answers.

3 years ago

How do you add an icon to your account?

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  YOBLIVED

Thats a good question YOBI. Will add some color to the comments section.

Todd Burgess
Todd Burgess
3 years ago

I have noticed that TV and movie lawyers have talked about Non Disclosure Agreements abounding in their practices. Real lawyers would not likely fess up regarding such disclosure, but TV can. Are they gloating?

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Todd Burgess

Howdy Todd. Thats not it.

Mike's Buddy
Mike's Buddy
3 years ago

You live in their reality until you create your own. These videos you do just go round and round. Quit chasing your tail brah’.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike's Buddy

Welcome back Mike.

3 years ago

To me, it seems that a big part of the truth community still tries to explain stuff thru bookends of their human experience, is because they are still trying to “wake up” the normies. If they didn’t, they’d lose the sheep real quick.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  ANGELA

Hi ANGELA. Gotta be the lone wolf.

3 years ago
Reply to  ANGELA

This is a huge point that we risk overlooking. You have to choose your audience and aim at their level. Nobody can wake up 5+ years full time research in a few videos. If you can prove 1 topic and get people moving up that 1 step, to pretend countries are seperate or we have real elections or went to the moon etc, is a valid technique, you can always drop in hints like “and some even think the countries work together behind the scenes”etc. Great point

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

My thing is the Moon landing. Did it for me. Get them on a BIG screen , cant tell anything on a phone.

Planetary Protector
Planetary Protector
3 years ago

The “matrix” is controlled by something outside of human comprehension. We may never know what we are dealing with.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

Hi, Planetar. Figuring out you cant figure it out is how you figure it out.

Robert Dusenbery
Robert Dusenbery
3 years ago

Building #7 is my “smoking gun” and Dolly’s braces are my “anchor effect”

Not because other things aren’t in my wheelhouse, but to me, these things aren’t arguable at all. People will give some bs story about jet fuel in the stairwells for WYC 1&2, but only a controlled demolition accounts for building 7. – And the whole scene with Jaws makes no sense at all if Dolly doesn’t have braces.

Last edited 3 years ago by Robert Dusenbery
Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

Hi, Robert. Or is it Bob ?

3 years ago

Massive just.. MASSIVE residual for Dolly’s braces. My favorite is the cute little Dutch(?) bank teller smiling back at Jaws with her braces, in a bank commercial.. you know because that is just “coincidence”.. SMH .. says my normie (less and less these days) friends.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  J D

It just becomes too silly.

Christopher Chisa
Christopher Chisa
3 years ago

[Off topic] Ashman Mann, you’re amazing. ❤🙏

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

My neck hurts, but I am smiling.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

Stand Back! And watch me work! — James Brown

Pam Durocher
Pam Durocher
3 years ago

I go in with mask on wrist. If I get any comment, I’ll put it on quickly. Nobody has said anything yet. I’m in Florida.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Pam Durocher

Hi, Pam. Start your own local Matt Meetup. First Sunday of every month.

Pam Durocher
Pam Durocher
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

What r u talking about? Who r u?

Pam Durocher
Pam Durocher
3 years ago
Reply to  Pam Durocher

What r u talking about?

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Pam Durocher

I have been watching Matt since chapter 3. I have a group meet in my town. You can start your own. Theres alot of us out there.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

find a centralized city that you can drive to once a month. Find a LOCAL restaurant or bar with a good quiet table where talking is ok. (no loud music, traffic). Post the location and time (first Sunday of every month at Noon). Go there with a small sign Q of C. Be patient and wait. It takes a while but it will work,.

Helene Legerton
Helene Legerton
3 years ago

Be your own Truth.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

Hi, Helene. Its all we have left; apparently.

Helene Legerton
Helene Legerton
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

I changed my mind.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

Mine is working now, apparently.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

Helene, I thought about your comment yesterday, It has soo much meaning and different angles. Best Comment Yet. 😀

Neil Barker
Neil Barker
3 years ago

Great podcast, Matt and much appreciated.New realities splintering off – I’m looking forward to the PDK video – and was wondering if you were talking about his speech in Metz in 1977. Golden info.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkaQUZFbJjE (Before it gets scrubbed by the WOPR/Loc-Nar.



Archived here: http://archive.is/uxaCK

Going to print this out in hard copy and get ahead of the WOPR…although, from what I’ve experienced re: ME’s – I’m sure it’ll get re-written eventually.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

Welcome back Questions. Test comment.

Andean Bonvector
Andean Bonvector
3 years ago

Matt, ive been watching since long ago and texas shrugged hey contact Racheal Reenstra yall would make good podcast buddies and shes fine af for real, talk to her shes a fan

Carrie Clark
Carrie Clark
3 years ago

I’m always right on time!! Ty Matt, I’m in Huntington Massachusetts (Berkshires) definately bodysnatched individuals in Massachusetts too..so surreal.

Ryan M
3 years ago

Agree. This is where I differ with some of the truther folks out there… the whole non compliance thing. It really does vary from place to place. I went for weeks without but eventually it got way too much of a hassle with very little to no positive results.. other than more blame, attacks, hate etc.. it proved to be a losing battle. We have to pick our battles for sure. So you aren’t wrong at all on this. I get why people in truth community are trying this tactic… it may do some good in some places but overall, it’s a losing battle.. got to cut your losses sometimes and look for other opportunities to actually make a difference. If you want to keep fighting that mask fight? Go right ahead! Good luck to you in that.. meanwhile, they have now upped it successfully to 2 and three masks! lol not saying it ain’t worth it if that’s the road you want to work on.. but it is what it is.

Time on Earth
3 years ago

every time I watch the matrix videos, I learn something new

Arturo Naag
Arturo Naag
3 years ago

I use to have a “crush” on Angela Merkel. It must be the DEVIL in her

3 years ago

Laughing my head off, it’s such a fricking nightmare joke guys,for fuck’s sake we all need to finish waking the hell up! I’m getting there!
Thank you Matt and Danny Minely ❣

Time on Earth
3 years ago


image 1.jpg
Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Time on Earth

Ramsey is a conspiracy theorist. How can they possibly be this bad at making food.

Ryan M
3 years ago

Because… SCIENCE lol

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Ryan M

Conscience Con Science.

Pam Durocher
Pam Durocher
3 years ago

Oh. Nevermind.

cyndee taylor
cyndee taylor
3 years ago

Don’t know who’s giving Matt a hard time about the mask thing but this is not a “regional” thing. I live in a fairly hillbilly area of Texas (i.e. if I jokingly called one of my neighbors “hillbilly” it would be received as a compliment) and the mask thing is no different here in the first state to lift mask mandates. It’s not even about the masks, as Matt pointed out. Compliance and refusal to question authority or “reality” is an infection of humans, wherever we may live.
I consider it an honor to be able to Observer ,rather than simply the Reactor. My aspiration is to one day become the Producer, dare I say the Creator? wink, wink.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x