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Quantum of Conscience

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It was funny. After I finished watching the Hugh Jackman movie “The Prestige,” I was inspired to finally do a video on Nikola Tesla. In the movie, David Bowie plays Tesla which got my attention. The movie is about the brutal rivalry between two magicians with the other one played by Christian Bale. Well, what a coincidence, just moments after finishing the movie about magicians, I switched over to the “regular TV” to find the stations covering the other magic show, Trump’s ear! MATT

Matt McKinley

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James Hawke
James Hawke
6 months ago

Never heard of “Tesla” back in my day. It was all about Edison the big genius. Now we never hear about Edison. If Tesla was real they would never have named Elon’s fake “sustainable” elite-funded car company after him.

IQ 66
IQ 66
6 months ago
Reply to  James Hawke

Elon is from Gothic race they steal everything

IQ 66
IQ 66
6 months ago
Reply to  James Hawke

Elon Musk is old money family.
He is in to witchcraft rebrand twitter to a bad name I won’t say it, everyone that post on the platform puts bad spells that what it means.
He is of a Gothic Race and he is my natural enemy. Gothic invasion in Europe is the worst thing that happened to my people. Everyone in Europe has the blame of colonization because of the Angry invasive Gothic Race.

IQ 66
IQ 66
6 months ago

Closet fag00tz Matt try something new ask your neighbour if he wants one quick suck

Go back make your 9 century chimney and make a video when you will evolve to natural gas.

Last edited 6 months ago by IQ 66
Morgan trollinger
Morgan trollinger
6 months ago
Reply to  IQ 66

Oh brother🙄 so I can see that Matt has got something real…something that makes you actually join the freevoice so you can say something dullard.

IQ 66
IQ 66
6 months ago

Comments are limited in the free world I can’t write want I write on this stupid web site

Last edited 6 months ago by IQ 66
Me Here Now
Me Here Now
6 months ago
Reply to  IQ 66

I guess this is the ‘porn bot’ that Matt was referring to?

IQ 66
IQ 66
6 months ago
Reply to  Me Here Now

It’s the Jewish freedom bot.

Last edited 6 months ago by IQ 66
6 months ago
Reply to  IQ 66

Why are you folks always so bad at communicating? It is like you do not want to be understood; you want to be outcast so you can continue to feel outcast, which makes you feel special: “I’m the REAL truther, even the truthers won’t accept me!” Learn to let go – but your ego will never do that because you’re deperate to hold onto this world as much as any other normie. Zero spiritual development.

IQ 66
IQ 66
6 months ago
Reply to  James

What is there to understand? Spiritual development? Eat nothing for one month and tell me how your spiritual development improved. Just water and salt

6 months ago
Reply to  IQ 66

Water and salt are both material, aren’t they? I’m not saying it isn’t a good protocol. But that is a materialist’s perspective. The soul is immaterial – salt and water are material. You’re still a materialist.

6 months ago
Reply to  James

This is what I mean about communication. We all know you’ve never done that to people in real life and had it work. It just mean you have no real argument and shut down. And you reference a Wake Up Call video as if it debunks Matt, but Matt’s content isn’t really at odds with what Wake Up Call says.

Anne Woodward
Anne Woodward
6 months ago

The Prestige is
….A tad creepy underneath and throughout. to me anyway
yeah that would be disorienting to go from THAT to the frigging circus that came to town yesterday Yeesh

Last edited 6 months ago by Anne Woodward
Russ Gary
6 months ago

Ancient aliens is arguably more fake than the Ridley Scott aliens.

I was just commenting how all these event photos have a similar style to them, and now Trump and the SS release their “Iwo Jima” series.

Karri-ann Flater
6 months ago

Many years ago when Tesla first came on my radar I tried learning about who he was and 5 minutes later, I was bored and uninterested. The same thing happened to me with Mr. Skum and his whole enterprise. That man is unbelievably irritating to me. When these characters pop on the scene, there is something in my inner being that tells me if they are worth looking into or not. Sometimes I get sucked in for many hours, sometimes years, before I realize I was duped or being led astray.

I followed Russel Brand for many years, I even read all his books. I thought he was a good example of someone who turned his life around getting clean and doing yoga, plus he was freaking hilarious to me. And then I realized how he was being used to present things in a certain way to lead his followers astray.

Now anytime I see a viral video or a post that has over a million views on YT I take note of the subject that is being presented and I say, “hmm…” or in Matt’s words, “oh no…” My favourite YT feature is “not interested” and “do not recommend channel”. I have eliminated many, many things from my life, especially in the last 5 years. Russell Brand, ancient aliens, Tesla, and Musk content are some of those things.

EthericBliss -EB
EthericBliss -EB
6 months ago

Hahahah! 1:500,000,000 … still a bit low, but good for now. : )

David Strain
David Strain
6 months ago

Yesterday was just another reminder how far off the ship of fools I am. Every person around me sops it all up. Even supposed truthers sop it up like it’s real

IQ 66
IQ 66
6 months ago
Reply to  David Strain

Trump got his negative attitude back yesterday.
RIP for the lost freedom fighter shooting on Trump.

Last edited 6 months ago by IQ 66
6 months ago
Reply to  David Strain

Lol I know right. It’s all cake in a lake in my opinion, and the best news of all time is I don’t even give it any loosh attention and energy anymore. I had no idea about any of it till my brazilian girlfriend who barely speaks English showed me a clip on the news. Or if family talk about it I just go along with it for a little knowing it’s easier to just nod your head and say wow really? No way? And stuff like that. I love my family and girlfriend, but it’s nice to be off the ship of fools. What a clownworld we live in.

Mary M
Mary M
6 months ago

Is Nikola Tesla a Mandela Effect? I never heard of him until maybe 10 to 15 years ago. I am 63 and have a 4 year college degree (not that it means anything.). I’m just suggesting that there would have been some reference to him somewhere along the way. It would be interesting to look through some old encyclopedias to see if he was ever mentioned. He’s a character alright. Thanks Matt.

6 months ago

Oh no the ol 33rd floor. Lol. Ugh reality why all the nonsense sir. Excuse me reality? Can I ask for a magenta speed boat and I’ll take a emerald green Porsche 911 Turbo S, and I swear I’ll customize the plates to say “Loosh” or “Notnilc”

6 months ago

Attn: Matt ,,, see the connection Tesla to Psychic Edgar Cayce Va. Beach Virginia . A.R.E. org. Reference number 4 6 6 6 ((for666))). Ref. # for N. TESLA

Jane Heslop
Jane Heslop
6 months ago

Musk has such a limited vocabulary range how can anyone possibly believe he is some kind of ‘savant’ who is the brains behind multiple different companies and inventions

randy desnoyers
randy desnoyers
6 months ago

First time I heard of Tesla was because of the band “the great radio controversy” came out in 88′ or so. I was really into electronics and inventions back then but noone had really heard of him.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
6 months ago

Tesla popped up on my radar back in the 1990’s. I read five newspapers a day for my profession. I ran across an article about some guy who lived on the side of Mt. Diablo in the now Danville/Alamo area of California. I couldn’t imagine ANYONE living on the side of that mountain in the super early 1900’s with a science lab of all things. NOW, you cannot find any info on this at all. It seems to be completely scrubbed off the internet. They’ve left “Tesla Lake” on the map of the mountain as the last remaining clue. Lawrence Livermore Lab is at the base of Mt. Diablo, as well. Probably some strange energy site. I’m sure Mt. DIABLO wasn’t named that by accident. My brother lived at the base of it and blew his brains out in that home. When I was cleaning out his home a few years later, I was run out of the home one evening by something akin to a funnel cloud of evil spirits. When I thought to write you about Telsa and Lawrence Livermore Lab on my walk I immediately saw a dead snake on the ground. Can’t make this shit up. Maybe Telsa was just another black magician. I had a nano-second of possibly changing my opinion about Lone Skum when he smoked a joint with icky Joe R, but it flipped back immediately. He’s so creepy. I don’t know how people can’t see it. Thanks Matt!!!!

joanne doyle
joanne doyle
6 months ago

Thank you Matt 🙂 I did think Tes was real for a short while but easily with a laugh and an ‘Ooh Nooo’ waft things away. If I haven’t already but not sure you always confirm my inner feelings for me. Never watched E for more than a few snippets and do not get why any one would. I’m into Bee keeping now, been learning for two seasons and just got my 1st hive. Loving spending time with my dog, children and grandson as well as my bees. Literally everything else is ‘whatever’ to me though still like tuning in to yourself and a couple of others for a giggle a day 🙂 Thanks again Matt

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
6 months ago

Matt I know people have a tough time understanding Lonnie, but this is because he’s so very intelligent, beyond the stars and he’s such a laxed cool guy to be enslaved by many of the people that work for him won’t take a paycheck, they feel as if just being in his presence with the slightest chance of absorbing the great knowledge and swagger is payment enough! HAHAHAHA GTFOH LONE SKUM!

Last edited 6 months ago by Greg Morrone
5 months ago

The Trump thing, I think there is a significant chance that was orchestrated. Maybe Mr. T will be the new Caesar (shudder).

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