The Pantheon and Hadrian
The Pantheon is one of my favorite sites in the ancient world. Here I discuss my personal findings and experiences there, its possible link to the Plato’s Cave analogy, as well as discussing its supposed builder Hadrian (the historical equivalent of hiding the truth of history). Let me know what you think of it. Thanks for your support and encouragement.
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This reminds me of the scene from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when they drink the bubbly stuff and levitate up towards the fan. Great Video❤
I was thinking of the Lorax.
“The Lorax said nothing. Just gave me a glance… just gave me a very sad, sad backward glance… as he lifted himself by the seat of his pants.”
I have to wonder if these structures were actually built by the Nephilim. They understood advanced energy. They were also giants, explaining the large scale. The fact that so many buildings were attributed to Hadrian justs shows how they cover up any evidence of the Nephilim. I think the same thing about many of those “Tartarian” type buildings.
I agree. I think this whole civilization was likely built by the so-called nephilim….and humans for the most part became their servants
Perhaps they were all computer generated and no one at all built them. Wouldn’t that be a kick to all of us studying the past in complete detail trying to figure it all out. I am so on the fence now as to the “reality” of the past.
That is certainly a possibility too if you go all the way out there. There is no way to know for sure
Everybody has a unique verbel tone (toning) that can be used to vibrate the stone. The interdimensional doorways are illustrated by the patterns (picture frames within picture frames) on the inside of the dome. At your right pitch and vibration you should be able to be transported through the portal. I’ve had some experience with this in Peru.
One of the things on my mind if I can ever get alone time in there. Got alone time in many Egyptian pyramids, and I can say that toning various sounds did in fact open some symbolic doors within them
What do you mean by experience? Have you gone through portals? I don’t think I would want to. We must stay aware of entities who don’t have our best interest in mind (I would call them demons, which brings back the topic of Nephilim).
You are correct, however I would like to add that this could be referred to as astral travel, which can be achieved anywhere. You can move between the spiritual and physical realms. These realms do mirror each other. Raising your vibration to higher levels through meditation is key for this experience to take place.
I have been considering for some time now that we live in a ‘copied realm’. Yeah, I know it sounds a little crazy, but it answers just about ANY question you can think of regarding our so-called ‘past’. Tartaria, Giants, wonderful architecture that we couldn’t build today….etc. If I am right with this notion (and many other people are considering it too), then I think it happened around what we know as the 15th century. We know that 1000 years was added to the calendar, and that we have all been lied to since birth…….about everything!
Vibes of Cosmos (YTchannel), as well as that ‘Ewaranon’ fella have shown that this realm is essentially a ‘mirror’ – which is why everything in this realm is inverted. BTW, since I mentioned Ewaranon. please don’t attack me (or him) if you have seen his latest video in which he apologises for being ‘wrong’. He’s not ‘wrong’ at all, just try to see THROUGH what he is presenting, and you’ll understand. Great video.
My handle says it all – as does your handle
The idea of a copy or origin point to this place is making a lot of sense to me. We somehow feel a connection to elements of this place, but not in the way we should be if we were all a part of it from day 1. I am getting more and more curious to go “beyond the dome” and see what this was copied from. It might be a very interesting world
Howdie, when you get chance, pop over to my YT channel (TheDevil’sPlayground2), and watch the podcast called ‘Copy & Pasted Realm’. It’s about 12 months old now
The copied relm hits a note of truth with me also
In terms of your book, have you read ‘Pilgrims Progress’? For me, this sums up letting go, staying on the path, and not allowing yourself to be distracted amazingly amazingly well. This is a great movie version PILGRIM’s PROGRESS: JOURNEY TO HEAVEN (low cost Christian film studio style but excellent). It
In terms of the Patheon, I did visit it 15 years or so ago and was blown away by it. I asked my Italian friend (Jewish Italian) how it is possible for such a building to be constructed. Of course, she had no idea either (we both work in and around architecture). Even before I was Born Again (or knew anything really at all about Christ) I didn’t like being in places constructed by man and it was never clear to me what the structures actually were and what portals they might be – in or out etc. I didn’t want to spend much time in other sites because I was aware they could shift me, my reality etc. Perhaps I was a coward? It is the same reason I have only ever taken drugs a few times too.
I was entirely confused by the rain going on to the floor, I had expected a pit of some sort below the open roof for the water to go into, some mechanism for the water to be taken away. But np, perfect marble floors. Hard to make sense of. I have been there in a summer storm and there has been a lot of water coming through – a lot. People running around with mops. That never made sense to me.
Why did it survive when the rest (the forum etc) fall/burn down?
I am giving more thought to the comment below about the open oculus not being ojpen originally, but that there was some sort of tower structure on it- maybe similar to the one on the duomo dome in florence. If so what happened to it, why it was taken down, and why the open oculus was not covered is a mystery. However as far as I can tell the dome that was at the Domus Aurea was also an open oculus…so many questions
These 20 year periods of rediscovery of old architecture or attributed growth of old architecture.
Do they perhaps follow a matonic 19 year cycle instead?
I’ve noticed certain deconstruction of certain buildings fall along this sort of timeline . Just wondered if there was more to it?
Howdie this was just really wonderful, thank you. I am learning so much. Interesting the eye of the portal of at the centre emanates such energy?!! interesting too, that other Domes portray certain ‘characters’ as passed through and seated at this point of experience. Thank you for giving of your time and knowledge. 🙂
Thanks, wanted to do one to get people looking at some ancient structures they might have never thought to look at. Cheers
Nice presentation Howdie. I don’t think that hole is meant to be there though. It makes more sense that there was a spire (or extra part) of some sort on the pantheon in its original form. Domes and spires go together in 99.9% of cases when reviewing old world structures. Therefore we must consider the same of the pantheon as a strong probability. It is unusual and exceptional to see holes in domes in my experience anyway.
The tower is a possiblity, the question though becomes why remove it? But as an example the Duomo in florence has “top” to its hole, so that could be possible. I am going to think more on that and what could have been there.
Maybe they removed it just so we would discuss it or maybe it was so grand that it had to be removed to hide it’s majesty or maybe it was destroyed in a tactical assault during an old world war would be my first thoughts
Nephilim = Nephew = Bully = Tyrant = ‘Elite scum’ (Check Strong’s Concordance). Not ‘Giants’. Is Trump a ‘giant’? – Yes….as are ALL the controllers of this BS realm
The squares that make up the ceiling remind me of ‘Painting Gaia” by Alex Grey. He painted it 12 years or so before 9/11. In ‘Painting Gaia” he shows a red energy grid above the Earth (I have also seen this, and others have too). The picture shows the events of 9/11 – twin towers, planes flying into them, a man that looks like George Bush, and an evil ‘dick’ (Dick Cheyney). About 12 years before the event.
I saw the red energy grid in the sky, when I had a chance to smoke some dmt many years ago – I had just enough to ‘open my third eye’ but I wasn’t floored. It was evening, with enough moonlight to see, and I was in the remote bush. I looked up and there, very clearly, was a grid made of red energy covering the entire sky. It looked dome-like from my perspective. I researched that a lot online, and many people have also seen it. Alex Grey painted it – and it looks like the squares that make up the dome of the Pantheon.
Here is the Alex Grey video talking about it and showing it:
Thanks for doing so much research and thinking for me/us! Intriguing theory. Having lived in Monte Rotondo just north of Rome and attending Loyola of Rome, I am quite familiar with all the places you reference. You really have my thoughts spinning and adding little details the idea that Hadrian built a large and somewhat disconnected section of the empire. As usual, you bake the cake, layer it, and allow our minds to add the decoration.
Money is highly overrated and if gifted to some group or organisation NEVER used for anything that makes actual sense. And, afaik animals do not use money AT ALL. Perhaps there is some form of bacteria that eats it…
Howdie, I think researchers should be able to access the center of the structure. What do you think would happen if you requested this? Or, you could just break through and start floating. What could they do? “Hey I’m floatin! Come n get me! Ha ha!” (In a movie it would be a villain who would start laughing maniacally and then explode.) But seriously, researchers should be able to do this, preferably on sunny days:)
Oh…I got that idea from the old Dune movie. LOL
My first thought regarding the center of the Pantheon underneath the occulus being roped off, was not water coming ‘into’ the structure and perhaps causing harm to the silly, careless humans :), but to hide the fact that there is a natural water source/spring underground. It certainly could account for an energetic field and for the Fountain of the Pantheon–which is said to be fed by the old Acqua Vergine Aqueduct. As above, so below?
I think that’s the *perfect* setup for your novel! I also think you need to take the night watchman out for a few drinks next time you’re there…
I am so glad you did this subject. The Pantheon is hands down the best site to visit in Rome. I would love to go back. Unfortunately, when I went they were refurbishing it, so it was less than ideal. Nonetheless, I couldn’t stop looking at that coffered ceiling and occulus. I’ve always had a fascination with coffered ceilings.
That floor makes no sense to me. I lived in Egypt. All the old buildings with marble flooring & staircases had serious wear and tear from use. That floor is perfect. There’s no way the opening has been like that it’s entire history. Of course, we don’t even know how long this particular reality has existed.
I definitely feel like the Pantheon is a portal gateway. One of your pictures of the Occulus made me think of an eclipse. Imagine the energy during an eclipse. I just saw something about the power of 8 intention. What if you could get 8 people in there setting an intention
Thank you, Howdie!
Yes, I thought about the eclipse too!
The 1983 painting by Alex Grey, the ‘visionary’ artist, ‘Gaia’ that predicted 9/11. Inside is the twin towers, with a plane flying overhead, a man that looks like George Bush standing next to two terrorists and an ‘evil dick’ (Chayney). Above is the red energy grid in the sky that some have seen in visionary states, either natural, or ‘assisted’.
With all due respect, I disagree. The parallels aren’t there to me, as I’ve spent many minutes staring at a large printout of the Alex Grey painting in person. The Patheon [from within] is convex, in form, and the red outline in the painting doesn’t resemble the pantheon at all. Search Engine on Images: “3d vortex shape”, which doesn’t correspond with the form of the pantheon. Also, any pre-9/11 illustration of the twin towers and planes doesn’t automatically mean that it had something to do with the upcoming event, perhaps you’re reaching.
It’s an eye looking up at the sky/firmament.
Probably some kind of astrological/astronomical thing.
I strongly suspect that these structures were built with the aid of sound/resonance frequencies that make a physical impression on the form of a particular concrete-like base. This, of course, is lost or at least forbidden knowledge, honed by geometricians of a bygone era.
You mention that the Florence Duomo was an influence on the Hadrian Pantheon… The most obvious difference I see is the arch of the domes…The Pantheon is spherical with the arc tangent to the floor, where the Florence Duomo is a catenary arch which is the stronger form. I don’t think a spherical arch of the Pantheon would support the same weight, so perhaps an upward force is part of it’s structure. The optical effect of the Florence Duomo floor indicates a design for a downward force. The legend of the Brunelleschi’s egg demonstration comes to mind, the catenary arch is the the shape of the “top” of the egg, I can imagine the Florence floor illusion to be the “bottom” of the egg…makes me wonder what type of felling on would get, would it be a downward feeling in Florence, or is there something underground at this location? Got me thinkin’…
Amazing and fascinating discussion, as always! The wide-angle pictures of the dome instantly reminded me of a dahlia flower. There was discussion in some of the other comments about mirroring and I think there are likely things mirrored all throughout nature that help illustrate and explain the invisible realm that we cannot see with our physical eyes. I love hearing your thoughts and the thoughts of those who comment here about such amazing topics! Here’s a photo that reminded me of the dome structure: