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Quantum of Conscience

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I came across an amazing M.A.S.H. episode a few weeks ago. I had never seen it before and didn’t know the actor who played the character of Radar, left the show a few seasons early. I believe the “truth drop” in the show is intentional. It relates to how one defines “self worth” in this place, with of course, most people looking for its false rewards to define themselves in order to gauge how they lived their lives. It also speaks to the ability to “walk away,” not attempting to make oneself indispensable to this world. The world provides the harsh lesson that it is very eager to forget us, and move on without us.

Matt McKinley

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William Lodderhose
4 months ago

About Schmidt & Mash were great examples, two more that come to mind for me are…

IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE, what a freaking orgy of NOTnilc B.S. like Angels in Heaven & the whole town care sooo much about lil’ George, the entire message of the movie is wrong, jus’ lipstick on a PIG (and don’t get me wrong, when I was young this was one of my favorite movies).

Then NOTnilc loves to self-love themselves sooo much they NOT only throw a party (with phallic golden awards) called the Oscars (they) even televise themselves so you can join the cult ritual in the safety of your living room, hilariASS.

Danielle Marin
Danielle Marin
4 months ago

I’m not familiar with “About Schmidt”…any good?

William Lodderhose
4 months ago
Reply to  Danielle Marin

What I remember of it was a downer / depressing Jack Nicholson performance, all the classic Over The Hill cliches as he faces facts regarding “retirement”.

Danielle Marin
Danielle Marin
3 months ago

Yes, that sounds very familiar!! It’s coming back to me.

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
4 months ago
Reply to  Danielle Marin

Yes it’s worth seeing. It has a lot of funny ironies about life that are naturally funny and not forced. And Jack Nicholson was great in it too.

Danielle Marin
Danielle Marin
3 months ago
Reply to  Winston Wu

TY, it seems worth checking out based on what you’ve said.

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
4 months ago

Yeah Matt should do a video about “About Schmidt” too. It contains a lot of truth drops and is funny too.

William Lodderhose
4 months ago
Reply to  Winston Wu

Saw it when it came out, maybe I should give it another try.

Red Pill Diaries
Red Pill Diaries
3 months ago
Reply to  Winston Wu

For sure , Winston

William Hale
William Hale
4 months ago

In 2020 I was sitting in a hotel room in Santiago Chile
Watching the shutdown.
I was awake and felt so powerless that people around me .. actually the city was emptied of people but the staff at the hotel and my colleagues and friends all believed this BS.
I was a manager of cabin crew on the Qantas flight.
I had made 100’s of friends over the years.
We arrived in Australia then we locked down.
I was told 6 months before mandatory injections to take it or lose my job.
I left I never saw any of them again
I don’t do FB and never contacted anyone who flew.
I left Sydney moved to Perth and I have slowly rebuilt a network of friends all of them are awake
But I have no doubt we all die alone
We must live in the present and not dwell
We must then find a purpose
Mine is my children
What terrified me the most was the NWO stopped being a intellectual excersize from books and videos and fully entered the reality I was living in
Matt you have been a font of information and I genuinely believe you have a purpose here at this moment in time
Thank you 🙏

William Lodderhose
4 months ago
Reply to  William Hale

Awesome detail, thanks for sharing. I’ve re-built my life several times (and) I wish more people could experience living outside the U.S.A. it puts things in perspective.

Red Pill Diaries
Red Pill Diaries
4 months ago
Reply to  William Hale

Good stuff and well done….I sold up everything in 2022 after spending years prepping in the US…..only to move to a rural farming village in the Balkans and start all over again making my last-stand base. I disconnected from most people and got off social media in 2019, and discovered even my family had betrayed me or were stuck in habitual abuse loops so cut all out of my life after ample warnings.
Wish I hadn’t got in so much touble in the Goldcoast 20 years ago, as I had wanted to move back to WA, but rural, not in Perth like I had before , few places as good to be in these crazy times, if you dont count the Federal Gov threat.
I got no kids, no wife anymore, and no dog-son as he died in 2021 ….I did my job raising the best Staffy and taking him round the world with me….committing all the fraud required to have him seated next to me ( instead of caged cargo) as I have zero respect for our shitty bureacratic systems or Jobsworths; and max respect for animals.
Now I just see most people as liabilities, who will get desparate when they wake up to reality, like a drowning panicking person that can’t swim…dangerous to anyone around them.
Happy to have a smaller circle and be subbed to channels and grouos like this for my sanity.

Ray Fortune
Ray Fortune
4 months ago

“Never judge yourself by the world’s metrics”, you are your ultimate judge as only YOU know what’s going on inside, only YOU can determine if you have done enough to finally get the “French” outta here. 

It’s a real skill you have the way you are able to find a profound spiritual msg that rings true and precise , very potent tool in this spiritual obstacle course, aka hUEmaN lifE !. I’ll give you your flowers now while you can smell ‘em. RembranceEternalSovereignty

randy desnoyers
randy desnoyers
4 months ago

I watched this show for 20-30 years without knowing that the theme song was ” Suicide is Painless”

Martin Mathieu
Martin Mathieu
4 months ago

Thank you matt

Red Pill Diaries
Red Pill Diaries
4 months ago

I had this same self-important cycle when I was a young workaholic taking jobs too seriously, which led me to become a contractor to get used to not attaching to thankless jobs, and instead moving on after 6 months to max 2 years and got used to enjoying refining my delivery of one of my favourite lines from Red Dwarf as a leaving speech: “During the time we have worked together, I have ….. come to regard you all ….as …..people ….I ….met.” (original is ‘been’, not ‘worked’)

Red Pill Diaries
Red Pill Diaries
4 months ago

Oh, 3 endless rerun themetunes I hated hearing as a kid, Taxi, Hillstreet Blues and Mash

Red Pill Diaries
Red Pill Diaries
4 months ago
Kevin Morley
Kevin Morley
4 months ago

Matt love your stuff as always. Bill, you are great also, love the work. I hope this article finds you guys with the same humor the sprang to my head.

Morgan trollinger
Morgan trollinger
4 months ago

I agree with so much of what you have been pondering. I do feel that this notnilc is really ego, mind games, an illusion of the mind. I do think that it’s happening exactly how it’s supposed to happen.

I think my “job” is to detach from this weird world. That is why, maybe, my family looks so different to me now. I recognize emotions for what they are, when I step back. Sometimes it’s very hard and I get caught in the mind trap.

This world is ego/mind. I have to find a way to let go of the ego/mind. The mind is a reducing valve that lets in a little bit of reality at a time.

Andrew Hazen
Andrew Hazen
4 months ago

Recently, a coworker who I and many of my peers had worked with for over 5-10 years abruptly died an untimely death and I was absolutely shocked at how quickly they got over it. Once the announcement was made, there were a few reactions in Slack DMs but I swear it must have taken many coworkers an hour at most to process as chat/meetings quickly went back to normal. It’s like a day or 2 passed and then it was like he never existed. So I appreciate this discussion from Matt as it was really hard to reconcile.

Marcus Aurelius also talks about this in his Meditations which can be helpful. We’ll be gone and be remembered by those close to us still living, then they will be gone and we’ll be forgotten entirely, and so on. Nothing to dwell about.

Red Pill Diaries
Red Pill Diaries
3 months ago
Reply to  Andrew Hazen

A buddy of mine in Sweden recently cave me that tiny thin book and it has taken me months to not finish. my vocab is not good enough, like when I read the bible, I can only do a page or 2 at a time. All I could think is….how the fk did my friend Viking/Doug read it, when English is his 2nd language?

Last edited 3 months ago by Red Pill Diaries
Jeff Edmundson
Jeff Edmundson
4 months ago

Matt, want to really move the needle on the notnilc creepy-o-meter? Listen to the original M.A.S.H. movie theme song written by the movie producers teenage son.

David Hampstead
David Hampstead
4 months ago

I remember this episode of Mash. It was at the end of season 7. The show went on about 4 more years. The best seasons of the show were the first 3 seasons. After that some of the original actors started leaving the show and it just wasn’t the same. Still this one was one of the most emotional episodes of all. Gary Burghoff played Radar, one of my favorite characters. Thanks for giving me a new perspective on this one.

Wilson Wieggel
Wilson Wieggel
4 months ago

Couple thoughts while viewing I thought I’d share:
– Missed out on M.A.S.H growing up. Tried. Would rather watch paint dry. Did not get the hype then, don’t now 4+ decades later. I’m sure the same would happen should I attempt to enjoy other re-runs…Dallas, Hart to Hart (?), little house on the Prarie, Dynasty, Waltons…to name a few.
Give me some Bradys, Gilligan, Dukes, Fantasies on islands, love on boats, hulk, American hero, Land of lost, 6 million man, taxi, wtf is happening, and based Archie. Oh and the schoolgirl one with hot Blair/fat natalie/bull dyke jo.
– crossed my mind that you would have to be borderline sociopath to be a surgeon in war. The futility and uselessness of it all would empty ones energy and spirit, unless of course you just loved gore and digging into bodies endlessly.
– maybe Korea would be a united utopia today had Radar not left when he did. Instead, in the years after he goes to woodstock, takes acid, gets involved in computers, males millions, finally comes out as a “Grey fox twink” in the 80s, but gets addicted to crack, gets AIDs and soon later dies alone on the streets

Not My Reality
Not My Reality
4 months ago

Have never had this problem before, but this video was continually buffering and stalling, could not watch past a minute.

Linda Matus
Linda Matus
4 months ago

I have no delusions about how quickly I will be forgotten and I’m OK with that. My husband is still alive and I have an adult son with autism who I am sure will be devastated at the thought of losing me – at least at first. Not so sure he won’t quickly adapt. my husband would miss me, but if he goes first, then there are few who would even sincerely mourn my leaving. I believe the premise of this presentation is what the Buddhists call “attachment“: is the biggest source of pain in this life. I only care that TMH will utter those words I long to hear “well done, my good and faithful servant“

Danielle Marin
Danielle Marin
4 months ago

I disengaged from television, the mainstream kind that came on any of the handful of channels that we had to choose from prior to cable TV coming to town. The last series on Fox I truly loved was “House” and from there I held onto HBO so I could keep watching “6 Feet Under” and “Sopranos”. MASH is a show my parents watched religiously and I often watched with them if I had nothing better to watch on the little black & white Toshiba my parents got my sisters and I for watching shows like Charlie’s Angels and Facts of Life.

Diane Considder
Diane Considder
4 months ago

I remember sitting in a waiting room waiting for my appointment and I picked up a Readers Digest out of boredom. There was a quote that said “You wouldn’t care what other people think of you if you realized how seldom they do.” This has always stuck with me because it’s so true.

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
4 months ago

Matt, I heard you talking about finding Notnilc free zones a number of times. So I was wondering. Isn’t the Philippines a Notnilc free zone? I’ve been living there on and off since 2006 and it is definitely a much much HAPPIER place than America and with much more positive vibes too. When I wake up there everyday, there is a sense of bliss and ease that I NEVER feel in America, with all its toxic vibes as you know. So I can attest to it personally. There is a large expat community there too, including many US vets. I talked to the veterans at the VFWs in the Philippines and they all agree that they are happier there. Doesn’t that qualify as a Notnilc free zone worth considering?
Also, my buddy in Vietnam has been making videos lately about how free he feels there. He is on an island off Vietnam and says how free it is there and how you can do anything you want, including building your own house. I sent you some of his videos to your email already. So check there.
Like I told you long ago, the secret solution that no one is telling you is that getting out of America can and will solve most of your problems, if not all of your problems. This is the biggest secret that no one is telling you. It’s taboo but real and something you should consider.

Danielle Marin
Danielle Marin
3 months ago

Radar, to me, represented innocence.

Jeff Edmundson
Jeff Edmundson
3 months ago
Reply to  Danielle Marin

Exactly. In a sea of depravity.

Jeff Edmundson
Jeff Edmundson
3 months ago

I made a comment about how creepy the original M.A.S.H. movie theme song was, provided some background info about it and thoughtfully provided a link if anyone want to listen to it but it looks like my comment was deleted. Not sure what’s up with that?

Sofa Sinema
Sofa Sinema
3 months ago

So much truth in that sequence. I do remember seeing it once. I think the final moment of the series, which was the most watched program at one time has a similar moment when Hawkeye leaves. Not as poignant maybe.

Kurt Peterson
Kurt Peterson
2 months ago

Beautiful Show! Anyone who loves and takes such great care of cats, is one of the GOOD Guys! We Love You Matt! K!

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