The Serpent Rouge is a strange poetic document that is part of the Rennes Le Chateau mystery. It was placed in the Paris Library in February 1967, listed as 3 recently dead guys as the authors. Divided in 13 parts headed by a sign of the zodiac, including the 13th removed sign of the Serpent. I start by giving my interpretations of the first 4 sections of the Red Serpent, and provide the background as to why this document is not only important to understand the Mystery of Southern France, but the mystery of ourselves.

Howdie Mickoski

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Ricky Bobo
3 years ago

Mining the metaphors and symbols is a key part of the game.

Michael Dyer
Michael Dyer
3 years ago

I really appreciate you taking the time to guide us through this realm with your understanding of esoteric symbolism.
This gives me rest/peace in my soul.
It seems as if this system is constantly luring us in the direction of polarity/division: left vs. right, heliocentric vs. geocentric, germ theory vs. terrain. Nothing wrong with understanding these divisions so long as we understand the game and don’t become consumed with “being right”.

Learning to navigate the labyrinth.

Maybe once we figure it out, we then get to move on.

I’m looking forward to your next reading.


Scott Bourne
Scott Bourne
3 years ago

As always, thank you Howdie – I appreciate your insights and look forward to your continued journey!

As an aside – is there a way for us to financially support I looked around, but did not see any way to do so – tell Rob to put a button at the bottom of each page or something!

Uncanny Deduction
Uncanny Deduction
3 years ago

Listening in. Interesting subject.

Servant Of Manifestation
Servant Of Manifestation
3 years ago

13 signs might be a reference to the lunar month system… 28 x 13 = 364 days… with a re-calibration day to find the vernal equinox (equal day/night)… it moves forward a bit… but backwards over time… as spring will visibly be in Aquarius soon.

Aquarius Water Bearer = Cloud… and Air Sign… Water Vapor produces Rainbows… but the six colors of that rainbow only produce white unity by the RGB scientific direct-light-to-eye color scheme. For the painter (or the printer) it is the Reflective CMY Color Scheme – So Cyan, Magenta, Yellow… but also Amber, Lime, and Violet being the Secondaries to those CMY Primary colors. All gradients of CMY as an octave or circle of colors produces Black in simultaneity (technically there are an infinite number of divisions of that circle… so Infinity is logically Black).

The interesting part is that RGB colors, when mixed with white, will de-saturate the strong RGB colors as presented on computer screens… to render more natural CMY colors.

The Traveler ‘is’ The Pilot navigating an ‘indestructible’ ark… like reading books in a library… or layers of Infinity. Truth is Indestructible… but since Absolute Truth is Infinity cancelled out to ‘Always-Already-Done’, an Active and Navigable side of Infinity is referenced… as a Library or Ark.

Aries is ruled by Fire/Mars… so a Fiery Sword is a useful tool in a forest… particularly if you are burning to find self and kill the mind that holds it prisoner.

Sexual Energy is Conjuring… think about what it brings into being. Is that not conjuring? Moreover, it also notable that when one becomes proficient at a language, the personality begins to stabalize… also a kind of ‘conjuring’.

Taurus is ruled by Venus as the ‘Morning Star’… the Diamond Heart, or the Diamond Eyes… its element is Earth… a crystalline form (matter)… all stones have a ‘melting point’. There are three stones in the Zodiac… Capricorn as Saturn 6-sides, Tauras 5-sides, and Virgo as 7-sides.

Just what came to mind… based on my own linguistics… as I they have come to me over the years.

Last edited 3 years ago by Servant Of Manifestation
Servant Of Manifestation
Servant Of Manifestation
3 years ago

One last little tid-bit I forgot to mention with regard tot he 64 stones and the 3 matter-based signs in the Zodiac… Taurus – 5, Virgo – 7, Capricorn – 6 is 576. Divide that by 64 stones, and we get ‘9’… which might be that number/seal mentioned earlier.

Last edited 3 years ago by Servant Of Manifestation
Adam Langdale
Adam Langdale
3 years ago

This is my G**gle translate contribution for Pisces that I could find:

"this friend, how do you present him? 
His name remained a mystery, but his number was that of a famous seal. 
How would you describe it to you? 
Perhaps like the boatman of the imperishable ark, 
impassive like a column on its white rock, peering towards the south, 
beyond the black rock" 

The part “How would you (true self) describe it to you (ego)?” Sounds a little strange, could be a mistranslation.

Last edited 3 years ago by Adam Langdale
3 years ago

I’ve just found your voice yesterday and although you seem to know about everything, I haven’t heard you talk about the seven rays yet (Blavatsky/Bailey). They are the building blocks of our reality. Whenever I hear about something consisting of seven parts, I view it from the seven rays angle. The Seven is the position from which the other six are reigned – and more than this I can’t say here because the subject is huge and complicated. Astrology, the enneagram and the tarot cards are part of it. Well, of course everything is part of it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Xenia
3 years ago

The Arc could be the sacred vehicle in which the seven parts of our being – in seven dimensions – reside, as a complete package of coded information. 1D = material circumstances, 2D = emotions, 3D = ratio, 4D = soul, 5D = spirit/monad, 6D = angel, 7D = creator; in 4D we’re part of two and from 5D onward we’re part of a group. I understand only a fraction of the subject, the fraction I’ve experienced myself, mainly in 1D to 4D and in my good moments in 7D. We all use 5D en 6D energies, for otherwise we wouldn’t be able to manifest, but I don’t consciously know what it feels like to be in 5D and 6D. Sorry if I sound cryptic; I’ll shut up now. 🙂

3 years ago

64 = also 2x2x2x2x2x2 and 4x4x4.
(And 2×32 and 4×16 and 2x2x2x2x4 etcetera, but that’s not interesting.)

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
3 years ago
Reply to  Xenia

So, 64 is six sided, after all, with 2 multiplied 6 times, even though it’s not divisible by 6 in the usual manner.

3 years ago

The cube is also a symbol of 3D.

3 years ago

I’ve once read a old version of Sleeping Beauty in which she was raped in her sleep and birthed children afterwards. Just saying… 😉

Debbie Zerda
Debbie Zerda
3 years ago

Sleeping Beauty is also known as Little Briar Rose. Her name was actually Aurora which means dawn. Aurora also refers to the light display called aurora polaris which is the polar lights.
Aurora borealis = northern lights
Aurora australis = southern lights
Aurora was the Roman goddess of the dawn. Note that “AURA” is contained in the name Aurora.Our auras are one of six colors, the seventh being the white light which supposedly is rare in adults.

Arc-could this refer to electromagnetic arc which is energy and light is energy which then ties in with sleeping beauty Aurora lights? Interesting that this is called “serpent” rouge with the serpent is usually villified. Our DNA can be represented as two serpents which twist into hour glass shapes which can relate to time. Perhaps one is north and the other is south? I agree with the chakra/serpent analogy.

The color of FM, black, white, red. Red refers to the Royal Arch .Red is the color of fire, heat, Adam (red, blood, earth), sacrifice, struggle ,herosim, war.

White is the color of beginnings, purity, inncoence.

Black is often color of death, darkness, sorrow but also gravity and sobriety, rebirth and transformation.

Debbie Zerda
Debbie Zerda
3 years ago
Reply to  Debbie Zerda

The snake may actually be the trickster, the one that gives clues to man as to how to regain the spirituality that was lost.

A Krohn
A Krohn
3 years ago

Briar Rose.

Didier FABRE
Didier FABRE
3 years ago

Salut mon Ami,
if you want some help to translate a few stuff you have difficulties to understand, I can try to do it for you, and I have much time for that !
A Kelt from the south,
Rock the Universe !!

Matt W
Matt W
3 years ago

The brothers of the beauty of the black wood

The brothers – might be a reference to the Brothers Grimm. They’re known for collecting and printing traditional folk tales.

The beauty – one of these tales is Sleeping Beauty (in German “Dornröschen”, literally translated “Little Briar Rose”). An older version of this tale can be found in a chilvaric romance named Perceforest with links to Arthurian legends and the holy grail.

The black wood – It is often mentioned the Brothers Grimm drew inspiration for their tales from the Black Forest (a mountain range in Germany).

Otilia Trivedi
Otilia Trivedi
3 years ago
Reply to  Matt W

What an amazing connect! I wonder if it might be also referring at all to the Celtic Goddess of the Black Forest, Abnoba. She’s associated with pine(pineal gland?) and the Roman Goddess Diana.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
3 years ago

Thank you, Howdie. I’m so new to this kind of material and to your videos, overall. I started the video with running to look up unfamiliar things every two minutes. But, I stopped and just let myself absorb the video, without trying to over-intellectualize every reference. That was so much better! Just allow myself to take it in from where I am right now. I’m looking forward to watching more of your videos here and on YouTube. 😊❤️

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
3 years ago

When I was a kid, I had two books of fairy tales, The Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen. They were not Disney. They may have been sanitized for a child in the 1970s/80s, but they were definitely closer to the originals.

Lukas Doms
Lukas Doms
3 years ago

It talking about the 13th sign is already a sign that it’s a bullshit piece of information. Cause it’s twelve signs.

Mae Mae
Mae Mae
3 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to talk an put your thoughts out ❤

Robin Hogan
Robin Hogan
3 years ago

I sense this will take on as many meanings as intellect and reality can weave into it. It’s potent with whatever that nameless magic is.
Depthless and therefore an invitation somewhere else as apposed to just an exercise of investigation/solution. However thanks so much for the insights as my blunter intellect misses the invitation altogether before your ideas light the inner ear.
Excellent presentation thank you again.

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