Prince, George Michael, Whitney, Chris Cornell, etc… Sure, this seems like it has to be a screen exercise, but I think that can be avoided if we learn a few things along the way. Also, there’s always a few laughs in looking at the Notnilc’s script. (Personally, I don’t think many of these people are really dead.

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Courtney H
Courtney H
2 years ago

This sounds insane but I’m gonna say it anyways… I was in the shower, there was a spider on the little ledge that is under the shower head. It was black and about like a little smaller then a dime. Instead of freaking out, I said, hey spider! You’re not supposed to be in here! You’re supposed to be outside! So, then I turned around and grabbed the shampoo and kind of laughed that i was talking to the spider. Like 5 seconds later, I turn back, the spider is gone. I was looking all over the shower. Didn’t see it. Looked on the walls, the ceiling, the floor, rinsing off my hair, etc. It like vanished. Ha! I said, only Matt would appreciate this story. I told him to leave and he like vanished! Yes, there’s a possibility that he went “somewhere” in my bathroom but it was so fast and there was no sign of him.

John Senior
John Senior
2 years ago
Reply to  Courtney H

I wish that worked for mice, but sadly I had to kill them.

Paul Hogsten
Paul Hogsten
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

I had so many mice this year I had to get a cat!

John Senior
John Senior
2 years ago
Reply to  Paul Hogsten

It’s been a couple of months since I last saw a mouse inside my house and we cemented some gaps and we’ve been mouse free ever since.

But guess what I’ve just seen taking a walk along my living room floor???

I’m asking for the mouse to leave and no more come back in. I don’t want to manifest dumb shit like mice and being around people starting to fight around me. I want to manifest good things.I want to make this world to make sense and not full of idiotic Notnilc BS.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

On two separate occasions, my cat had cornered a mouse. Before anything else could happen, I grabbed the mouse and quickly walked outside down the block, where I let it go. If nature was going to take its course, better it happens outside than in my house.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  Courtney H

I can’t say that I have such sympathy for creeping things. If they are in my house, I’m acting on self defense. They belong outside, yes.

sigh inara
2 years ago
Reply to  Courtney H

wow, nice use of the Labyrinth technique! I should have tried that on this guy ~
(who may or may not have manifested from my childhood Rikki Tikki Tavi trauma…)

sneaky snake.jpg
Erin O'Donnell
Erin O'Donnell
2 years ago
Reply to  Courtney H

Great story!! Not insane at all! I do the same thing. About 15 years ago something inside me changed in my thoughts about insects and spiders in my home. And instead of killing them I would talk to them, “You’re not supposed to be in here. This is where I live. You’re supposed to be outside. That’s where you live.”

2 years ago
Reply to  Courtney H

To understand this Phaenomenon, check out: anna breytenbach.

John Senior
John Senior
2 years ago

Talking about the Mandella Effect. I’ve never been a believer and apart from things like Wind of Change I’ve never been very convinced. But today I was looking back at the timing of when a local athlete was sent to prison for manslaughter. I’ve always remember it as being 1985, which was the last year of my junior school. I can remember the kid who talked to me about it, but not sure that I remember his name exactly. Anyway, I was looking back at the dates as to when he played and he’s listed as playing in 1990, which is my last year of high school. I’m more inclined to put it down to my confused memory, but it is weird.

It goes deeper though. The article I read was published in 2007, on the date of my birthday. And the reason the article was published was because he was sent to prison again, this time for rape. My house is slightly less than 1 mile down the road, and the house he raped the girl was 1 mile the other way.

I’m not with Matt and your guys on many of your theories and think most of your talk on conspiricies is fairly weak, but I am pretty much totally on board with this reality being jacked up like the Truman Show or something like that.

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

Keep in mind anything that’s not in line with the offical narrative presented to us by Politicians, MSM, Scientists, NASA, or any History about anything. Is a conspiracy theory. Some say Everything is a conspiracy Theory until it’s not & when it’s not it’s to late.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Hall

I dislike the term conspiracy theory as its a smear job but we’ve been lied to about practically everything which means pretty everything is a “conspiracy”.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

Which theories specifically do you find “weak”?

John Senior
John Senior
2 years ago
Reply to  Newsbender

My first interest in any conspiracy theory was about the Russia Collusion Hoax. I think the people who I used to watch could make a couple of hours presentation and easily convict a dozen major people if only the system wasn’t completely corrupt.

But in the 16 or so months I’ve been watching Matt, and more recently Howdie, I cannot really think of any of the topics I’ve seen that have been particularly strong. I think a huge part of the problem is that since I’ve been watching Matt has been on a constant drive to claim the world isn’t real and you have to look inside yourself theme. Part of that has been to mock the conspiracies of the past, rather than presenting a strong case.

What do you think is the strongest case made by Matt or anyone else about a major conspiracy?

2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

Well I don’t know about the “strongest” but my favorite is the Apollo missions. So unbelievably ridiculous and fake but people still defend them and take it personally when you try to tell them it was all fabricated.

It was a very layered deception and all the photograph analyses with the multiple light sources and other anomalies just distract from the fact that there is no way those cameras, which were not pressurized, would ever have worked on the lunar surface. In a hard vacuum the photographic film would have out gassed and become brittle and unusable and the moving parts in the Hasselblad cameras would have cold welded together.

That’s to say nothing about the extreme temperatures and radiation. Just utter fantasy.

John Senior
John Senior
2 years ago
Reply to  Newsbender

I might be saying something stupid here, but I’ll say it anyway. If they are lying about the moon missions, and if they are lying about landing on the moon then they’re pretty much capable of lying about everything, then why do you accept it as true that the moon is a hard vacuum environment and the facts about extreme temperatures and radiation is true as well?

I’ve tried to explain this before in Matt’s videos in relation to why normies accept the official story on 9/11. The basic story is that 19 hijackers took over 4 planes and killed nearly 3,000 people. That’s a horrific story that shook the world. And then you get Matt and the rest of the community making numerous jokes about the event and theories that are 10s or 100s of times worse than the official version. And they struggle to understand why people don’t want to accept what they’re saying to them.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

They are lying about the Apollo missions and pretty much all of any of the other space missions, including Mars. There is no way they are remote controlling rovers 34 million miles away that never need maintenance and with batteries that never die. Total nonsense.

Of course I don’t know for sure that the lunar surface is a hard vacuum with extreme temperatures and harsh radiation as I’ve never been there and never will. But we know the air gets thinner the higher up we go and the less protection we have from various forms of EM radiation. So if the moon is as far away as they tell us it is (again I have no idea) then these environmental attributes stand to reason.

Besides which, NASA themselves tell us the lunar surface is a hard vacuum with Torr 10-3. So they are either lying about that or about the astronauts using cameras on the lunar surface that were built for use on Earth and not modified. They can’t have it both ways. We know what happens to metal parts and photographic film in those conditions, that has been independently verified.

2 years ago

Here’s all you need to know about whether Christine Blaise Ford was Judge Kavanaugh in drag…if that was a real woman who was really sexually harassed, we would have been inundated with her non-stop after that hearing was over. She would have been on The View and numerous other talk shows. There would be photos and videos of her walking to her class on campus, coming out of a Starbucks with a grande vente, relaxing at home with the dog, shopping at Whole Foods, etc. etc…. instead she just DISAPPEARED.

John Senior
John Senior
2 years ago
Reply to  Eyesee

That same year, Time magazine included Ford on its shortlist for Person of the Year.[79] On December 11, 2018, Ford presented the Sports Illustrated “Inspiration of the Year” award to Rachael Denhollander.[80] In 2019, she was named one of that year’s 100 most influential people in Time 100, having been nominated by then-Senator Kamala Harris.

Ignoring the trans stuff, her allegations seemed pretty much designed to be so vague that they couldn’t be proven false. She didn’t know when or where it happened, nobody could back up her allegations.

The simplest answer is that she was simply a fake plant to try and stop Trump from appointing Justices because of the Roe v Wade issue. When she failed to stop the confirmation she pretty much had limited use anymore as a public figure.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eyesee

They don’t look anything like each other though.

James Hawke
James Hawke
2 years ago

I think we don’t have to believe in things like the Mandela Effect but just simply keep an open mind. Things like this fascinate me. What is this reality?

Last edited 2 years ago by James Hawke
Ghost Diaz
Ghost Diaz
2 years ago
Reply to  James Hawke

Basically a shit show…

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  Ghost Diaz

A suggested shit show if one consents to it; while ignoring the perceived balance based system.

Jen Kupp
2 years ago
Reply to  James Hawke

It’s a holographic simulation made of light. Recommend archaix dot com. 🙂

sigh inara
2 years ago
Reply to  Jen Kupp

I tend to agree on the hologram, but Jason Breshears really needs to learn to pronounce ‘simulacrum’ correctly if he’s going to use it as the main point of his presentations…

Jen Kupp
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

hopefully something so petty won’t keep you from appreciating his amazing evidence for the nature of our reality

sigh inara
2 years ago
Reply to  Jen Kupp

sorry, he just throws up a lot of red flags for me…how did he get to be the prison librarian while in solitary confinement? why does the TX prison system have rare antique books stored in their basements? in the 1200+ ancient texts he claims to have read, how is it he never learned any Latin (which many of them would have been written in)?

also, while his savant-like brain obviously can hold copious amounts of information…ultimately none of what he asserts as “truth” can be verified…it’s just the newest flavor of mind candy to be tossed in the pond for the piranhas to swarm around (not saying mind candy isn’t yummy…just that it’s always a distraction to keep us from looking where we need to be…IN)

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

>he just throws up a lot of red flags for me

He suggests information; you adapted to inspiration; which represents your choice of need (perceived) over want (suggested). Keep suing implication (if/then) over reason (want vs not want) and you’ll keep growing your comprehension of perceived. Utilize others as source of perceived inspiration…not for suggested information.

>his savant-like brain obviously can hold copious amounts of information

Suggested information upheld by consent (want over need) within mind (memory) represents the ego. Memory “needs” to be used like a ram (adaptation to ongoing perceived inspiration); yet is tempted to “want” to be misused like a hard-drive (accumulation of affixed suggested information until capacity).

Everything is available to each one; at any moment, through communicated inspiration perceivable. Memory is required to temporaryily being able to deal with the ongoing…not to copy+paste it to memory. What we’re tempted to memorize are suggested words; brands; idolized information slapped through suggestion upon perceived sound.

In other words…instead of adapting on the fly to the moving system perceived; we are tempted (domesticated by suggestion) to instead first mentally label everything moving, and the reason about the meaning of the labels; while ignoring a) the perceived motion and b) that only those making the suggestions hold the power to define; redefine and contradict the suggested meaning for all those who consent to it.

>none of what he asserts as “truth” can be verified

a) VERIFIC (confirm) -ATION (through action). As form (life) within flow (inception towards death) one represents the reaction made firm by being enacted upon.

b) truth implies versus false aka a rebranded conflict of reason (want vs not want); caused by consenting to suggested (want) over perceived (need). The parasitic few utilize suggestion (-isms) to cause division (reason) among the many. Nature neither communicates false information; not does it proclaim true information; it moves everything to communicate perceivable inspiration for adaptation; which is requires for temporary form (life) to sustain itself within ongoing flow (inception towards death).

>always a distraction to keep us from looking where we need to be…IN

Suggested information (implies form within form) distracts one to ignore perceived inspiration (implies form within spirit) aka SPIR’IT, noun [Latin spiritus, from spiro, to breathe, to blow.] aka adaptation of form to flow; hence impression (perception) to compression (comprehension) for expression (self sustenance) or regression (ignorance of self sustenance).

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  Jen Kupp

>his evidence for the nature

EV’IDENCE, noun [Latin evidentia, from video, to see.] implies perceived; hence communicated by NATURE, noun [Latin from nature born, produced]. Those within nature aren’t producers; but different reactors (perceiving) within the same generator (perceivable).

The parasitic few suggest “actors” to tempt the many to mimic acting; while ignoring to be the reaction to enacted nature. The sleight of hand for those with eyes to see represents the “directors” before the “actors”; which implies them being “reactors”.

Form (life) within flow (inception towards death) represents a reaction enacted upon.

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

PRO (before) NOUNCE (uttering) implies the perceived sound before choosing to respond with the uttering of a suggestible word. Nature doesn’t communicate incorrect sound towards perception; it’s the responding choice to ignore perceived (resonance) for suggested (dissonance); which causes the correct (want) vs incorrect (not want) conflict called “reason”.

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  Jen Kupp

a) question being out of light; within light, and in response to light; hence being able to grow comprehension (enlightenment) of perceived (light) or choose to ignore (dark) it for the suggestions by others.

b) SIMUL (Latin simulo, from similis, like) – ATION (through action) ignores that each reaction within action represents a differentiation (life) out of sameness (inception towards death). Everything perceivable represents moving differences (inspiration) communicated towards perceiving senses.

The parasitic few suggest collectivism to tempt the many to respond alike; while using the umbrella “unity” as the sleight of hand for those with eyes to see; hence U’NITY, noun [Latin unitas.] – “the state of being one; oneness”…not togetherness (like); but oneness (different). Suggestion inverts Perception for those who consent to want (suggested) over need (perceived).

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  James Hawke

>What is this reality?

EN’ERGY, noun [Gr. work.] – “internal or inherent power”. To be (perceiving) implies out of (perceivable); hence reacting to being enacted upon as reacting form (life) within enacted flow (inception toward death).

The lack of comprehension towards perceived (reality) is caused by consenting to suggested (fiction); which gives those suggesting it the power to define (idolatry); redefine (revisionism) and deliberatly contradict (talmudic reasoning) the meaning of whatever they suggest.

From a different perspective…this is a moving reality; which requires those within to react to it, yet the choice to react to perceived also implies the choice to ignore it for suggestions by others. Before the suggested word (information) comes the perceived sound (inspiration).

For example…the parasitic few suggest “insane person” to tempt the many to ignore “in sanus” (within sound) + “per sonos” (by sound) aka being within; by; out of and therefore in response to perceivable sound; within one represents the responding resonance (need) or dissonance (want) aka resonating with perceived inspiration or causing dissonance when ignoring it for suggested information; for words…for spell-craft aka the few crafting the spelling of the consenting many.

sigh inara
2 years ago

27 is the age of perfect ripeness ~ that’s when the one-eyed, one-horned flying thing prefers to eat the purple people.

Last edited 2 years ago by sigh inara
Erin Pucc
Erin Pucc
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

What’s weird to me is that when you posted this comment, hours ago for me, I was outside talking to my neighbors. One of the kids came out in a purple bathing suit and I started singing this song. 2 out of 3 neighbors never heard of it (which is strange to me but not the point). Crazy synchronicity for me. They just keep comin!

sigh inara
2 years ago
Reply to  Erin Pucc

we must be similarly middle-aged… 😉

Erin Pucc
Erin Pucc
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

I’m 43 and I know that song came out before I was even born. One of my neighbors said, “I’m of a different generation than you two” (me, and her 40 year old hubby who knew the song) She’s 39. Not much younger than me. I thought everyone knew that stupid song. Really made me giggle to see your comment after having that conversation.

Erin Pucc
Erin Pucc
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

I replied, but it wasn’t approved 🙄

sigh inara
2 years ago
Reply to  Erin Pucc

Rob lets everyone speak freely here…if it had a link, it might have gotten hung up by the system.

John Senior
John Senior
2 years ago
Reply to  Erin Pucc

I think Rob might be busy with other business so he hasn’t been able to approve any of the delayed messages.

Either that or the Notnilc have got to him.

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

Sorta kinda like the Jeepers Creepers horror movies, a translation
of demonic predation into materialism.

Ghost Diaz
Ghost Diaz
2 years ago

Again it is the Legend!
My old band in the 2000’s covered One Step Closer, My Current band in 2022 Covers Blue Monday by Orgy but re arranged.
Love your vids Matt tell my wife all the time we would be best friends
Salud brother.

John Senior
John Senior
2 years ago

The Beatles didn’t eat hamburgers in Frankfurt, they ate frankfurters in Hamburg.

Jen Kupp
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

ich bin ein Berliner

Elaine K
Elaine K
2 years ago

I don’t know, it seems that life is but a dream sweetheart lalala… I have always thought this world is partially real and only things in my immediate vicinity are to be counted on as real.. then sometimes i think it’s the other way around, but now? i think that in dreams you feel solid and can feel pain, etc, it’s the same… i think there are laws to how this reality is formed, but right now i’m real worried that i’m creating the whole damn thing! it’s like why people form groups/tribes etc, because there needs to be a basic consensus reality, we need to be forming as much of the same thing as possible, and that consensus is one of the rules… i think i MIGHT be creating everything, but so is everyone else, i know that doesn’t appear to make sense!

I think what disturbs me most is the fact that I seem to be a negative person, if only because i’m creating my reality partially based on subconscious fears…

anyway, if i’m creating this reality, then I SUCK… Matt, I ask you, if you are creating this reality and are forming a consensus reality between you and your many thousands of followers… do you feel the need for some self inquiry? lol coz i sure as fuck do!

I mean you knooow that wherever you put your attention, the world will flesh out that reality for you, coz those are the laws it operates under.. so do you not have even the teensiest of problems calling the world/reality an horrific evil full of monsters? Matt? no problem with that ? lol

John Senior
John Senior
2 years ago

I really like Linkin Park. But Chester’s suicide on Chris Cornell’s birthday is super gay. This is amplified by Chester’s tale of being abused by an older boy when he was a kid. But Chester being in San Francisco with Matt is too much gay for this planet to endure. This was the CERN supercollider event that turned the world trans.

Lisa Jarv
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

And Chester’s bio dad is (maybe) creepy john podesta and Linkin Park’s logo is a triangle in a circle …the same symbol creepy Ashley Judd wears around her neck when telling creepy Diane Sawyer her mama killed herself with “a weapon.” Do tell us Ashley, what kinda weapon? A pencil, a red scarf, a bottle of pills? A long pause with penetrating stare…”a firearm.” Lol, fire arm. Why not say, handgun, or simply gun? Fire arm sounds so scary…an arm that shoots FIRE! Hmmm, odd that your severely mental depressed mama had access to play with fire and used her own gun to kill herself and with that weaponized you. The same firearm you write about in your book, All that is Bitter and Sweet, that you put to your head and considered ending it all. Please, make the crazy go away! I refuse to go chasing waterfalls, or the statistical probability (very low) that women use handguns to kill themselves. This story makes no sense because it is nonsense. A never ending soap opera of creepy actors engrossed in their never ending story of spells and fake deaths. Thanks Matt and everyone here for “keeping it real.”

John Senior
John Senior
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Jarv

Chester and Podesta kinda look alike. But for me as a normie putting together Chester, who was born and raised in Arizona to a nurse and a cop to John Podesta, educated in Chicago and involved in DC politics at around the time of Chester’s birth seems pretty dumb. Maybe if they were both from the same town I might accept some of this, but when their lives seem to be separated by thousands of miles it’s really where you conspiracy people are floating down the river of insanity, not the normies.

I accept that really we don’t know whether their biographies are in any way true and they could be lying, but it just seems pretty unlikely that the creepy freak who dealt with the Clinton’s pizza orders really managed to father a world-famous rock star while also later going on in life to be heavily involved with the President of the USA.

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Jarv

Now that you mentioned it, ya never hear of a woman killing herself with a self infecting gun shot?

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Jarv

>I refuse to go chasing waterfalls

Question this…being temporary form (life) within ongoing flow (inception towards death); when reading this…

“Don’t go chasing waterfalls” (aka resist as form the velocity of flow)

“Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to” (aka water finding level aka being choice of form within the balance (momentum) of flow).

The parasitic few suggest progressivism to tempt the many to go with the flow (chasing waterfalls); while ignoring to resist; as choice in response to perceived balance (need/want) aka struggling to stay form (life) within the ever changing moment (um) of flow (inception towards death).

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
2 years ago

Thee river and crossing thee river, Lethe and/or Styx are the better known ones figured in literature.

“The five rivers of the realm of Hades, and their symbolic meanings, are Acheron (the river of sorrow, or woe), Cocytus (lamentation), Phlegethon (fire), Lethe (oblivion), and Styx (hate), the river upon which even the gods swore and in which Achilles was dipped to render him invincible. The Styx forms the boundary between the upper and lower worlds. See also Eridanos.”

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Jarv

“Pew pew pew, Bang!” The telling of her tale – the how of her mother’s demise – definately comes up short.
She could maybe improve upon it by miming, forming a pistol with her hand and either pointing it at her left/right temple, or even more
graphic holding the pretend gun under her chin or putting it in her mouth.

Jen Kupp
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior


Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

Chris Knowles defines these events as rituals and interdimensional interference:
The Songs Of The Siren.
He writes about pop-culture and how it intersects with the mysteries in his blog,
The Secret Sun.

(… the first time I heard somebody express the sentiment of space being
fake and gay was a few years ago by Jay Dyer. Since then I have come to
accept that space is extremely fake and intensely gay, giant mechanical
phalluses penetrating the skies at ritually meaningful times)

Paul Hogsten
Paul Hogsten
2 years ago

“Planet” he says! Show me the curvature (you can’t it doesn’t exist)! We live on a plane not a planet or a pear!

Isaiah 40:22
It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

Not a sphere or ball (כדור or Мяч in Hebrew) but a circle (מעגל/Круг in Hebrew)!

Leif Jones
Leif Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Paul Hogsten

Not a good idea to use the bible as evidence, since it changes every day.

Tyler Hansen
Tyler Hansen
2 years ago
Reply to  Leif Jones

Another way to look at it is the fact that Mormons, Catholics, Jehova’s Witness’, Methodists, Baptists, Episcopalians, Evangelists, Lutherans, Pentecostals, Anglicans, and many, many more specific religions all use the Bible as proof that their religion is the one and only path to return to God.

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Hansen

>the one and only path to return

Form (life) within flow (inception towards death) represent “one” within the “only path”; hence being transmuted in and out…flow to form (inception); form within flow (life) and form to flow (death).

RE (response as form) to be TURN (turned by flow); hence being temporary resistance (form) within ongoing velocity (flow).

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  Leif Jones

EV’IDENCE, noun [Latin evidentia, from video, to see.] What one perceives with ones senses represents constant change (inspiration); which others try to obfuscate by affixed suggestions (information).

Is “life” true (want); false (not want) or maybe within the process of dying; hence in “need” of resistance by adaptation to being moved from inception towards death?

The “bible” represents the suggested word; which ignores that “change” implies perceived sound; out of which responding choice can then shape the suggestible word.

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
2 years ago
Reply to  Leif Jones

Depends. Are the changes according to Logos, Natural Law?
Or according to the projections brought about by dark arts?
Both can be true, which would make the bible and its’contents
a bit like a zebra, good & bad.

G Thousandaire
2 years ago

Any advice on how to get this to stop buffering? This happens every weekend. Thanks guys.

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago
Reply to  G Thousandaire

Happens to me all the time, don’t know why?

James Kaplin
James Kaplin
2 years ago

So I wonder when Prince arrived at his own Private Idaho did he make pancakes for David Bowie and the King of Pop after the shirts and blouses game of B-Ball!?!?!

henry batten
henry batten
2 years ago

Don’t forget Matt, Jim Morrison’s Dad wasn’t just a naval admiral, he was operating the ship involved in the Gulf of Tonkin falseflag operation he orchestrated to start the Vietnam War… While his son Jim conveniently was a a driving force behind the counter culture anti Vietnam war anti government LSD using degenerate generation used to justify the creation of the war on drugs that would fuel the mass incarnation rates and begin the turn to the country into the massive police state funneling funds to invade the average citizens privacy ñ justify putting the whole country under surveillance

Last edited 2 years ago by henry batten
Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
2 years ago
Reply to  henry batten

And the use of LSD in MK Ultra, entity creation and inter-dimensional communication, mindcontrol by destruction as in the loss of soul, loosening
the bonds by trauma and drugs. (compare with Puharich & psylocibin)

Isaiah5417 Same
2 years ago

Matthew . . . In this house you are a celebrity. . . . Now what ?

Isaiah5417 Same
2 years ago

Sounds like sum one shot the wad before Orgy started LOL

Lynn Yvette
Lynn Yvette
2 years ago

It seems to me that these are the hybrids. The not I’ll loves to use the word hybrid in everything. They are soulless and shown in the movie “they live”. They cannot die and are thus playing an unlimited number of characters to push the narrative further into chaos and another reset. They get bored and want a new character to play so they kill them off in an act and they resurrect somewhere else. The act is always a show in itself. Dramatized in craziness like drugs, suicide, drowning, stabbing, etc….
It must be a ‘Lazarus’ type of existence to never get out of the play. A living hell without end. Bowie’s last scene.
It’s just my two cents and the show must go on.
We of the old guard tribe and rubber ducky crowd see it for the screen man ipulation that it is and don’t run down the holes ‘no more’. As you would say Matt, “homey don’t play that game no more’. Great show.
27 club, it ember chasing that pissed on breadcrumb LOL

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  Lynn Yvette

>loves to use the word hybrid in everything

HYB’RID, noun [Gr. injury, force, rape; Latin hybrida.] – “a mongrel produced from mixture”. To be implies out of; hence being a differentiation (life) out of sameness (inception towards death) aka form out of flow.

The inversion of perceived differences represents the suggestion of sameness; which the parasitic few utilize to tempt the consenting many to destroy as many perceivable differences (inspiration) as possible; since nature differentiates itself to communicate inspiration towards perceiving senses as inspiration for self sustenance by adaptation. In other words…if everything would be the same; then what would inspire one thing within to struggle for sustain itself?

So while the many are deceived to consent to suggested collectivism (togetherness); the parasitic few utilize the umbrella “unity” as a sleight of hand; reveal of method; notice of liablity for those with eyes to see (aka those who resist suggestion). U’NITY, noun [Latin unitas.] – “the state of being one; oneness” aka being a different one; not being same ones.

>they cannot die

Question being form to flow (inception); form within flow (life) and form to flow (death) aka ones transmutation out of base all (alchemy). Afterwards question if perceived transmutation (out of everything) can be corrupted by suggested creationism (out of nothing)?

Jen Kupp
2 years ago

My ex was on a “(celebrity name) is not dead” kick for a while. Just as much of a rabbit hole as the Trans-paco-paco Army, imo. Here’s one of the memes he made, after many hours of research, in Feb. 2020.

I do not think Alex Jones is Bill Hicks, but I found the evidence the Notnilc provided quite convincing that Rush Limbaugh was Jim Morrison. (Still on the fence re: Jimmy Carter was JFK.)

Kobe's helicopter ready for takeoff.jpg
Jen Kupp
2 years ago
Reply to  Jen Kupp

Here’s a Gold Bar Meme I made for the Trans-paco-paco Army – LOL.

maximum overdrive.png
Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
2 years ago
Reply to  Jen Kupp

Lovecraft:.”That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.”

The lie, and lying – scientism
Strange aeons – post singularity
Even death may die – immortality

Stardust Nicole
Stardust Nicole
2 years ago

#1 podcast!

cine wave
cine wave
2 years ago

Agree on the transpocalypse is probably not 100%.
Some definitely are trans but some definitely not.
The creeps have a place for each.

Nick Tupi
Nick Tupi
2 years ago

Bowie, Judge Kavanaugh, and let’s not forget the “Melinda Gates/ Kevin Klein” creature, who was supposed to be Klein’s sister or ex wife or whatever cover story (which only made it more bizarre). Hey, at least we’re never lacking for laughs. What a wonderful magical absurd plane we live on.

Melissa Dunn
Melissa Dunn
2 years ago

I know a lot of people don’t like MJ for many reasons, but I still think it would be interesting to hear about what he was like in concert.

Jimmy Haole
Jimmy Haole
2 years ago

I have a problem with celebrities dying twice on me. 😂

Dean Aldridge
Dean Aldridge
2 years ago

Thank you Matt and Rob.

mags trendkill
mags trendkill
2 years ago

videos on freevoice freeze constantly. i don’t know where to report it.

Daniel Hackl
Daniel Hackl
2 years ago

Hey I just signed up. Where’s the forum/community advertised on the payment page?

Ifixit Bear
Ifixit Bear
2 years ago

Hah….in my reality it was kitty-corner…in Matt’s it is catty-corner???? Hah good one!!!

Charles Parrish
Charles Parrish
2 years ago

hey Matt I really think you should checkout the YouTube page called Reimagine Reality — he has less than 100 subscribers – but he’s the ONLY PERSON TALKING ABOUT THIS !! What he has kinda pointed out or shown with evidence, is a lot like what you talk about….. how reality is a weird self conscious self thinking, thing🤷🏻‍♂️🤔

Reimagine Reality on YouTube (2 black R’s is his logo)

Agent Smith
Agent Smith
2 years ago

Don’t forget, Whitney Houston was buried in her “favorite Purple dress” ..

Jack Sutherlin
Jack Sutherlin
2 years ago

George Michaels, like the rest of these people who share a degree of fame and fortune only to wind up dying prematurely or have their careers end due to a humiliating scandal, are merely fulfilling an obligation they agreed upon when they entered into their particular contracts.

William Burns
William Burns
2 years ago

3 weeks later – “non-conspiracy” youtuber “Barely Sociable” puts up a decent video on celebrity death that goes down enough “rabbit holes” to actually be worth watching as an addendum to this fine Matt video – IMO:

Jo Henry
Jo Henry
2 years ago

Canned heat did some very cool stuff, check em out

Katherine Wood
Katherine Wood
2 years ago

3 men in a tub! HAAA

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