What apparently happened to Simone Biles during the Tokyo Olympics was obviously planned ahead of time, and part of a much larger, long term agenda involving mental health. This is my opening attempt at getting to the bottom of what the heck that strange presentation was all about. They had even labeled her “The GOAT” (The Greatest of All Time) before the Olympics even got underway.

Matt McKinley

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3 years ago


William Lodderhose
3 years ago

Hmmm… let me guess, won’t be long before “they” make a movie about this starring (I’m sure – no doubt) Tom Hanks as Simone, all in an effort to help the masses understand this mental health topic (Hollyweird) style, right?

Kevin Compton
Kevin Compton
3 years ago

Simone Biles is a perfect representation of every female her age now a days. Gets non stop attention and validation by everyone. Then when it’s time to prove herself as what she claims to be, she can’t and blames mental illness.

Edit: poor Michael Phelps. How about you campaign for real issues instead of crying and whining about depressed multi millionaires. Freaking Simp!

Last edited 3 years ago by Kevin Compton
Tina Marie
Tina Marie
3 years ago

Ok. If professional sports is so tough on their mental health, why don’t they just find a new profession? Or, cant they at least just find a good therapist? I’m sure they can afford it. Why is this my problem? Lol

PS- most mental health issues are a result of unresolved childhood trauma

Last edited 3 years ago by Tina Marie
Thomas MacIntyre
Thomas MacIntyre
3 years ago
Reply to  Tina Marie

True, but too dismissive. The trauma that many in western nations feel isn’t replicated on such a scale in middle easter or asia. nations, there are two things that are destroying western people specifically.

One is the lost emotional wisdom and feeling, most westerners cannot feel anymore, they are like stone, barren, it must be taught at childhood and it isn’t, ‘cos previous generations lost the skill and now, many people cant even speak emotion. Westerners lost the loving mother aspect of culture. This debilitates intelligence and makes it so the adult is unable to resolve trauma, deep emotional wounding. And two, the modern culture, progressivism, atomism and materialism, brings people up with no boundaries, no security, no bonding skills and children in it do not develop into adults and are unable to develop a healthy relationship with others, the world or themselves. It’s mostly a lack of emotional wisdom.

Last edited 3 years ago by Thomas MacIntyre
Drew Murray
3 years ago

My guess is with mental health, the system is cultivating another false “reality staple” like global warming and in time the “mental health professional” will normalize as a longstanding accepted cultural concept of being more important than police through bombarding the youth and creating inter-subjective critical mass. The concept of therapy is babylonian in nature and thus urban normalization is always good in the eyes of the satan archetype. Meanwhile, the rural young person does perfectly fine without it just like a mask. In essence, therapy just fuels more narcissism through a financially dependent relationship but one’s dependence on it would gain more dependence on Babylon like a 5g connection or the CLEAN energy electric grid.

During the “defund the police” movement there was serious talk of replacing the police with “mental health professionals”. I hypothesized maybe this is a good way to achieve a gestapo-like “multicultural” organization that could turn on it’s citizens better than police. Combined with a social credit score and the apocalyptic Bitchute truther could have a hay-day with doomsday theories. But oddly, I started seeing this concept of therapy in all pockets of culture. Whether it’s Kevin Samuels talking about the worth of Black women or Bobby Lee flashing his genitals at comedy shows, both were advocating for therapy and pitching apps like “betterhelp” on their podcasts. So I figure that just like the mask, we will see over the next two decades, every celebrity in the book advocating for therapy, driving more youth into the city after some niche internet forum tells them they have a psychological problem that NEEDS to be treated. So many faceted algorithms running automatically, the system always impresses me with it’s diligence.

3 years ago
Reply to  Drew Murray

Its already happened in relation to Celeb’s pushing therapy. Brooke Shields well over a deacde ago and the Tom (Mister Tiny Pants) Cruise Matt Lauer appearance. Back mid 70’s there was a new push in regard to ”co-dependency”.. ”’Self help” books were huge in the 60’s-90’s
Its nothing new under the sun stuff

Brian Walendy
Brian Walendy
3 years ago
Reply to  HARLEQUIN .

Tom Cruise was dead set against it, though. Maybe he’s not as nuts as everybody thinks.

Jack Gallant
Jack Gallant
3 years ago
Reply to  Brian Walendy

I believe his role was to play the foil.

An important part of their applied hegelian dialectic.

Drew Murray
3 years ago
Reply to  HARLEQUIN .

Good to know, although the implementation now seems almost universal compared to yesteryear. They also had gay cowboys dancing with Cass Elliot back then but it’s NOTHING compared to Lil Nas X.

Brandon Jerome
Brandon Jerome
3 years ago
Reply to  Drew Murray


William Burns
William Burns
3 years ago

Lol – what’s in a name:
Definition of hokum1 : a device used (as by showmen) to evoke a desired audience response
2 : pretentious nonsense : bunkum

Brian Stahlman
Brian Stahlman
3 years ago

I was a die hard Mets fan for years before giving up on all mainstream sports so remember this well, Mackey Sasser was the catcher on the Mets you mentioned Matt who couldn’t throw the ball back to the pitcher. They dubbed that phenomenon the “Yips”, like Sax who couldn’t throw the ball to first and another one was Rick Ankiel a pitcher who suddenly was wilder than a little leaguer. Chuck Knoblach of the YanKees was another

Brandon Jerome
Brandon Jerome
3 years ago

They can also be priming people for the coming health issues when everyone’s neurology has been rewired, and the antennas and the receivers are in place and they could literally make people crazy, more than they already are.. so then there will be some kind of therapy and or treatment and or new religion, all that kind of “fun stuff”.
Always great to hear from you Matt

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
3 years ago
Reply to  Brandon Jerome

Intresting, sounds to me like you are probably onto something there, everything you mentioned is kinda connected. This just popped in my head.
Imagine the creepy minions in the Illuminati control center standing by the Giant switch saying to each other watch em freak out when we pull this switch we have everything in place & are Ready to go online? IDK Just a thought like in the old cartoons. They were telling us back then what they were gonna do but nobody believed em & now nobody believes us? 🤯

Patricia pellegrin
3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Hall

… not hiding it … research Tesla Death Ray

Brian Stahlman
Brian Stahlman
3 years ago

I def think the “solution” the creeps are driving at and as you said Matt it will be the long con, slow burn over even a generation to get to but it’s always about the perversion of the kids. They’ll have more children tested as early as 4/5/6 for quote unquote mental health reasons and find more & more kids to test approve or show signs of ADD or ADHD or whatever the F new bullshit they’ll make up and medicate them along with the 96 new vaccines they’ll invent dumbing down society even more, at least in the normie/mainstream world.

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
3 years ago
Reply to  Brian Stahlman

But to me there’s something very wrong with them insisting on multiple, multiple vaccines for a New Born Baby, imo those so called vaccines could literally do ANYTHING you could imagine or Anything they wanted em to do to a Baby for the rest of it’s life.

alec russo
alec russo
3 years ago

It was all fake in the sense that she didnt have the mental health issues they are claiming. She is an entitled, coddled, spoiled brat, from the generation in which anything uncomfortable is automatically terrorizing….so she has mental health issues, but they are persistent and have nothing to do with gymnastics— and had zero effect on her ability to perform. They do make her arrogant and selfish enough to choose an irresponsible tantrum over doing her job. They do remove the healthy human conscience.

Biles has no connection to actual suffering, and she has been told she is super special and important her whole life. Her issues were purposely created in millions of people in order to create a society in which the Matrix has total control with little persuasion ever even needed.

Biles is the analog of the weak minded individual the system needed to create….and if it could take people, supposedly the best in the world in their field, and turn them into easily manipulated to crumble, eternally infantile, cowards….How does the average person believe in themselves enough to resist.

Biles is a case study on how quickly the system was able to take a resilient Kerri Strug society and turn it into a bunch of excuse making quitters.

For his part –Phelps is bought and owned by the system. They allowed him to succeed and return to power and influence after DUI busts and behind the scenes bad behavior….there is zero point zero percent chance he doesnt voluntarily act as evils puppet in retribution for his place in “District One”. Every word out of his mouth reeks of sulfur and you can see the repulsion in his face, even as he gladly regurgitates his lines.

Biles called herself the “GOAT” but when the moment to BE the “GOAT” came, she folded like a cheap table….thats the system getting exactly what its been working towards.

Lee Allen
Lee Allen
3 years ago

Simone Biles = Someone Buylies

Claudia Ciao
Claudia Ciao
3 years ago
Reply to  Lee Allen

Very nice catch !!

EthericBliss -EB
EthericBliss -EB
3 years ago

Didn’t this start, on the “National/Global” Olympics level (show) with Bruce(ette) Jenner…??? If THAT ain’t a “mental health” issue then I don’t know WHAT is. People “hiccuping” is what makes “us” human. Makes us “people”! And sure! EVERYone has SOMEthing that “we” hiccup on. Be it spiders to over-cooking eggs. No matter how much one tries to “get over it”, it’s STILL a “hiccup”. We are all human-suited, etheric-beings. Having an “experience” on/in this Realm. There are TWO sides to this. One that “we” call “Good”(enlightened) and the others “we” call “Bad”(Evil)… and the “Bad” ones are taking over THIS Realm and they are FU@K!NG with “our” reality, to their benefit. To whatever end, that may be… “Insanity” to the Nth degree!!

Dave Scott
Dave Scott
3 years ago

An exercise in the bog:
Having your hands on the buttons and levers of the Tavistock institute, is liken to driving in the snow.
You make small inputs over decades and steer society where you like.
Little nudges.
Happy scrappy hero puff.
Phelps is using hypnosis techniques, while reading from a script, words like change and scary, listen for the pauses.
Simon, from the agenda perspective, is a perfect dual purpose face to bridge the gap, subconsciously in the people’s minds to help with trans acceptance.
And cause teenagers to question if they themselves have mental health issues.
It’s tough enough to I be a teenager as it is, and a time more easily influenced.
Simon is the perfect Goldilocks, subliminal missing link, if you will.
Goat always pings me with the Bach saga, that says we (humans 5 finger types)
We were a result of mixing some kind of fallen angel/nephlem with goats.
Crrow 777 had a cool show on that.
As far as coming off meds, think about the “great” depression from the 1930’s people were ladies and gentlemen back then.
What happens when our economic system does it’s thing here pretty soon, and these prozac laiden soccer mom’s pharmacy is closed, or can’t get the shipment, or fill in the blank.
What then?
OH Nooooooooo……

Joel Tomei
Joel Tomei
3 years ago

Matt, great discussion.

This is a stretch, and I mean it in a mocking fashion – doesn’t the gold over america tour logo slightly resemble their creepy chi rho symbol? I don’t dissect reality, which I thank you for graciously carrying this “burden” for us, so its my first time seeing this. Her head representing the P and her arms doing the X. Gold – the sun – the two eclipses over america. This was the first thing that popped in my head when I saw the image. I’m throwing it out there but giving not much weight to it. It’s very “ritualistic”

Athlete’s, especially the younger, high school demographic, will more than happily ride this narrative and virtue signal it. Wear it on their sleeves’ with pride. I can think of someone I know personally who would be proud to parrot this trend.

We all (you know what I mean) battle ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Bigpharma wants everyone soul and this is a way to cater to a certain demographic to slowly funnel individuals to your local CVS drive-thru.

Thanks, Matt


Helene Legerton
Helene Legerton
3 years ago

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” Jiddu Krishnamurti

james delab
3 years ago

Good Call not posting this on NotTube

I think MichelPhelps looks like very Soyboy post 10 years of doing Olympic speaking tours. we might as well call the Olympics the SpecialOlympics and not discriminate

jolyon dupuy
jolyon dupuy
3 years ago

Matt…you might look at the Judas Goat analogy… a goat trained to lead the sheep(us) to slaughter…to be like them…this is what they want for all of us….to have mental disorders….no matter type as this reduces our ability to become the incredible beings we all are….cognitive dissonance…yet again…. Judas goat – Wikipedia

eric jansen
eric jansen
3 years ago

Greta thunberg say’s her Asperger’s is her superpower.😂
and a few years ago they were promoting how your mental illness is your strength.
The normies fall for this bullshit! How they do not see the agenda is anyone’s guess?

Scott Bourne
Scott Bourne
3 years ago

Although she had SUCH a big build up before the games, maybe she just wasn’t all that good and there were people on other teams that were better. So rather than not see their BIPOC hero get the gold, they pulled her from the competition to save her for another day.

Jazen Valencia
Jazen Valencia
3 years ago

the “real”story is that Simone Biles has ADHD and has a prescription for Adderall which is super illegal in Japan. The Olympics have seen many athletes try to use meth like compounds as Performance Enhancing Drugs. Americans with ADHD pills have gone to jail for a year there for what she’s accused of. She could have been arrested and her name tarnished forever. She got off light because of her ethnicity IMO. Her Adderall was confiscated and she mentally crashed. This is the real story behind the news. When you do huge amounts of Stims your Dopamine receptors are down regulated. If any of this is real She should stay off them and reupregulate her Dopamine receptors using 9-Me-Bc, Bromantane, Uridine monophospate, and CDP choline, Semax and Selank are also good for helping to repair the brain to baseline functioning after stress. Just my 2 cents this could all be made up after all it is the screen presenting the story.

Morgan Tristram
3 years ago
Reply to  Jazen Valencia

I have not listened yet , I Love The Show, No, I Love Matt, I Love Zara, I’m a total quantum Geek And I Love It! This Comment For Any With ADHD or not or who has And Has Taken Everything, And Canadian So Yeah, Vyvanse 70 mil, Jazen Valencia 😂🤣 I Love You, Exactly, She Would Have not been able to preform without having The Invictus Dudes Show Her How To Boost!! and drink About 2 gallons of Water🥛🥛🥛☣🈯✅➿do the double loop Knot Round The Colostomy💨♿ Go, GO Pressure Power make You Go. From MyTell 🤭🙊🙉🙈🤫😉

Larry Beck
Larry Beck
3 years ago

Word has it she takes adirol and knew she was going to pop on a drug test. But there’s always “the world isn’t real and blah blah.” I think the adirol story makes more sense.

William Lodderhose
3 years ago

Is something happening, why are everyone’s private emails suddenly showing up?

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

I see this as well

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

Its gone now, I left a comment for Rob. I saw my email and others.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann


Jen Kupp
3 years ago

In defense of the claim that “scientists” can determine someone’s decision 11 seconds before they take action, I present… The Algorithm.

Years ago I heard an interesting story on a morning radio show, which, I do admit, WAS potentially written by… The Algorithm. Nevertheless, in tech news that morning, the DJ explained that experts had been surprised by a recent discovery…

The Algorithm, in a number of startling cases, had actually been the FIRST to identify the recent conception of a child – BEFORE the child’s MOTHER even SUSPECTED she was pregnant(!) – based on subtle changes in the mother’s normal purchasing profile.*
(*yes, before the purchase of something obvious like a pregnancy test)

I contend we are sending signals & leaving clues all over the damn place all the time (lol) & if you add in retrocausality, TOO, shoooooot…
What machine could they hook you up to that would be able to guess your answer before the question was even asked? Idk, maybe a machine running… The Algorithm? 😉

Possibly it’s a sentient “Holosphere” that responds to & interacts with human consciousness, or perhaps it’s a super-imposed, malignant “Simulcrum.” I’m still learning the terminology & how it all works myself. For folks who’d like to follow that white rabbit:
archaix dot com ~ our world is not what you think ~ break free or die trying

hashtag SimLivin’
hashtag no hashtagz

Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
3 years ago
Reply to  Jen Kupp

I can’t get anything to come up with the website you provided. Anyone else try?

Jen Kupp
3 years ago

that’s odd! i just tried it & it worked. ?
archaix [dot] com

Last edited 3 years ago by Jen Kupp
Bella R
Bella R
3 years ago

Does not work for me either 😭

Jen Kupp
3 years ago
Reply to  Bella R

Try the yt channel “Jason Breshears” or search for the facebook group “Archaix.” I’m not sure why the website isn’t coming up for some folks?

Jen Kupp
3 years ago

Try the yt channel “Jason Breshears” or search for the facebook group “Archaix.” I’m not sure why the website isn’t coming up for some folks?

Morgan Tristram
3 years ago
Reply to  Jen Kupp

Encounter at Far Point , Grop LaZorn! 🌌🛸🛰🪐🚀⛓⛓⛓⛓⛓

Stardust Nicole
Stardust Nicole
3 years ago


Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

Rob, When I first viewed FV commenters emails were next to their names on the comments I went and checked other files and did not see it. Only on this file. Now that I am back, I do not see it. I will try to get it to happen again. one other poster here has seen it as well.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

All is running OK after maintenance.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

Ashman and Bill,

I appreciate you guys!!!

Yes, something very weird happened. I was doing maintenance work and something I updated caused the issue.

It is now fixed. Separately, Ashman, I emailed you a few times about your meetup list. Please email me direct when you can.

I am close to launching a new FreeVoice iteration that has loads of member features to get people connecting and much more. Would like to chat about the list your gathering.

Thanks again.


Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Thanks Rob , for FV! I will check my email. Use the list as you see fit , Public Domain.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

email sent 😀

3 years ago


Last edited 3 years ago by Eyesee
3 years ago
Reply to  Eyesee


Francis Murphy
Francis Murphy
3 years ago

The solution will be easy. Elon Musks neurolink will fix it all. Probably another way to get tech into the body. Then the world can become the grand utopia that this system wants.

Q Wave
Q Wave
3 years ago

This reminds me of Zoolander where he couldn’t turn left on the catwalk because he had mental health issues. Hilarious.

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
3 years ago

Maybe the system is setting up for the lone gunwoman simone biles, she loses her mind, gets the twisties, and shoots up a crowd at one of her speaking engagements. I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
3 years ago

WHAAA WHAAA WHAAA WHAAA I’m stressed playing sports or competing, WTF about the 23 veterans a day that have flashbacks of invading countries, attacking and forcing freedom and democracy by segregating and killing innocent people!

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
3 years ago
Reply to  Greg Morrone


Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
3 years ago

The more a person sells out or has bought into the system, the easier it is for the system to manipulate them into what the system wants. This goes for the so called celebrities and the worshipping zombified imbecilles.

David Kaiser
David Kaiser
3 years ago

Just a comment on free will – possibly hemmed in. I coined a phrase out of my desperation. “It is easy to make bad decisions when all you have is poor choices .”

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
3 years ago
Reply to  David Kaiser

That’s pretty Good Interesting!👍

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
3 years ago
Reply to  David Kaiser

I like it. It describes the feeling of being boxed in, having nowhere to go.

But, sometimes, the best decision is to try not to make one at all. Other choices may be available later.

Steven Anderson
Steven Anderson
3 years ago

Your dependency is what it is after

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
3 years ago

Thank you, Matt! Thank you, Rob! Always a pleasure.

First of all, I hate this new thing, calling people the GOAT. It sounds like an insult, like calling someone a loser. More significantly, it feels like someone is being marked, as for a sacrifice.

Re:Simone Biles and her inability to do her routine. My first thought was that she had gotten her period unexpectedly. Or, it would have been, if things were normal. As you know, for a lot of girls in spots, menstruation stops completely, or they have it rarely. If Simone wasn’t feeling well, but was already labeled the “goat,” she couldn’t just give a mediocre performance.

There must have been so many times in the past that athletes didn’t perform as expected. Back in the “old days,” if things didn’t go well, they tried the next time. Put this together with what Michael Phelps was talking about — what he says he saw on everyone’s face sounds just like normal anxiety that any athlete would have at the Olympics.

However, “they,” always have an agenda, of course. They have already been promoting mental health issues, everyone has them, etc., for a long time. It’s the latest fashionable issue, like being gay or trans or on the autistic spectrum. Now, mental health issues are being specifically promoted for athletes. It’s just another way to emphasize differences by “celebrating more diversity,” putting people into more categories, and passing more laws to further divide people. Are we going to see a mental health parade in a few years? Like you say, I in won’t take it off the table.

Btw, re: this eleven lol seconds thing. Do people realize how long it would take for someone to answer a question? Even with five or seven seconds it’s ridiculous! Like you said, you would have to know the question before it’s asked.

All the best! See you soon on YouTube. 🤗❤️❤️❤️

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Rachel V K

I came up with : GOAT = Getting Over All That

Vehemently Flat
Vehemently Flat
3 years ago

I agree its an agenda, my guess is it’s about getting people to be quitters on all levels. They are taking the role models for persererence and having them model – opting out from even trying. they want a docile population and this is a direct step toward pushing for that. …. Also Michael phelps saying — people don’t know what we atheletes go through is so gross. as is he knows what people go through etc. but i think the point is to subjugate so much too. they want the underlings to stay underlings and to give up just like the “cool kids”. I saw a sign on a bus the other day it read ” Don’t just do something, sit there. ” I don’t know what it was advertising but I think the message was meant for everybody regardless.

Vehemently Flat
Vehemently Flat
3 years ago

all they have to do its be willing to lose and their problem goes away.

Vehemently Flat
Vehemently Flat
3 years ago

at this level it could be something as simple as china paying for this show to weaken te spirit of America. I don’t know if it is that simple – but yes it’s a clear psyop to weaken polulous.

Jennifer Spin
Jennifer Spin
3 years ago

I feel like they are putting so much emphasis on mental health to 1. Make everyone little bitches “you just triggered my trauma by telling me what to do” and 2. Eventually use it against us to get rid of us when we are “mentally unstable” because we would put our friends and family at risk by not vxing and not going along with the climate change agenda

3 years ago

I see the whole Simone thing as something that had nothing to do with mental health but rather just about relaying a message.
The greatest of all time = USA
Simone = loser

Therefore the message is:

A Judas will lead the greatest of all time to lose.

A traitor will cause the USA to lose the next competition (War).

(Simone’s troubles caused the USA team to lose to the Russians.)

Jack Gallant
Jack Gallant
3 years ago

I’m hunting Hunter Biden’s.

Guess they all fled the chat. Oh, drat. *snaps*

Jack Gallant
Jack Gallant
3 years ago

It’s Biblical.

Alex AZ
Alex AZ
3 years ago

hey Matt, I just realized that you are a crypto Martinist, since followers of Kabbalistic order of Saint Martin, ordre martiniste, talk about very similar things that you talk about from a kabbalistic perspective, there is this video on youtube called “Le Martinisme, une voie cardiaque” which means Martinism, a heart centered view, which I am sure you will find interesting, it is in french but google does a decent job translating. google Martinisme and voie cardiaque and you will get more interesting stuff.

Victoria Pandora
3 years ago

It will involve plenty of psychiatrists, whatever it is.
To scoop those up who didn’t give their bodies to them.

3 years ago

I know, the “you want this problem solved, well here’s the ta’da solution”, like Trump and the vaqs, supposedly didnt know what it was and promised a vaqs in an absurd amount of time that was just laughable considering the research time it takes-THEN “delivers”, well why stop there, let Trump promise a vaqs for breast cancer or heart disease or stress or diabetes, he’d be president forever, it’s just that easy

Servant Of Manifestation
Servant Of Manifestation
3 years ago

That’s just ignorant… to rule out Genocide. You must be a US Citizen.

Travel a bit… talk to some people in Rwanda… or maybe some of the leftovers from US activities in Panama.

This system is quite capable of scaling up.

Jeremy Marquart
Jeremy Marquart
3 years ago

Hey Matt, it’s Jeremy. Thank you!

Bella R
Bella R
3 years ago

I have a great Mandela effect story about a birth certificate that happened to me recently. I’m highly effected. It’s a long story that I’d rather speak on and not type. I know for a fact Bernstein bears was Bernstein…..when I was a kid I wasn’t rich with $ but my parents did their best. With that being said I only had 3 books and one was Bernstein bears and I honestly read and looked at the book until it was falling apart….I used to draw on it and it was my favorite book. I don’t know what the answer is to the ME but I used to listen to IPS until his complete denial of the M.E. and one last draw for me was him backing Magic Mike M.M. 33 and his damn rocket that he ” died” in. Ya okay sure….he even called in after he ” died” so ips is either dumb or involved. Gematria is another one….Zack Hubbard is too cocky for me BUT everyone should go learn about it then “get out” . Anyways I know the m.e. is always happening and it’s not a one time ” time travel” event because of the birth certificate story I have as of recent.

Bella R
Bella R
3 years ago

Nice….my long ass comment is waiting for approval then disappeared AGAIN! Does this happen to anybody else!?!?

Maria Isabel
Maria Isabel
3 years ago

It’s been very, very difficult to get here even though I got the information in the email. Someone taught me a trick but it doesn’t always work.The answer is always the same “Not Safe” and does not give me access. Don’t forget I’m in Europe.

Everyone talks about the jab to reduce the population or a form of control, but the more information we know, whether on a physical or metaphysical level, the transformation of thoughts into matter is very real (just like we talk about The States of Water: solid, liquid, gas, but it’s always water, the best metaphor for the “material world” is “solid light”).
There’s a lot of information, but for someone who is past the stage of just thinking about the physical world and adding the metaphysical factor, we can look at experiences from the 70s and what they’re adding to the jabs today and see that it’s more than controlling, it’s to create another material world 100% away from the Original Creation.
3 videos that can summarize and are enough for those who have already investigated for years… and years.
The idea is to transform us into generating pieces of a new material world Completely different and 100% away from Natural Laws and the Original Creator, something completely diabolical (there is no word to define what they are trying to do)


RIP Preston Nichols.The Philadelphia Experiment = Phoenix Project = MK Ultra = 5G. Don’t think for a second it will not be used.


“Apparently shows dark field microscopy images of the substance from the BioNTech Pfizer vaccine
Especially after a magnet is held to the substance. Suddenly everything glows and flickers. Rectangular objects can be seen everywhere.”
“At the end it asks what are these? I think it’s substrates for self assembling nano circuits.”


Would love your thoughts, please comment.x