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Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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It’s interesting we’ve never had this discussion in the past, but after I watched the new trailer for the Apple TV movie “Dark Matter,” it’s time to talk about it. They have been endlessly pushing the concept of the multiverse, and infinite “copies of you” in other universes, for almost 10 years now. In this video we examine why they are pushing this “multiverse” concept with such vigor.

Matt McKinley

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Dash Corbett
Dash Corbett
8 months ago

I had a drug overdose that required ER docs to bring me back mere weeks before the C the Vee debacle started a few years ago. Really does feel like I woke up in a different time line.

Dutch Crunch
Dutch Crunch
8 months ago
Reply to  Dash Corbett

I think we all have probably died and this is a different timeline none of us recognize.

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
8 months ago
Reply to  Dutch Crunch

I’ve been wondering about that too. Like in the movie “Jacob’s Ladder” from 1990. Most people seem like holograms or part of a dream, not that real, and reality makes no sense and is full of contradictions. Too bizarre to be real. Matt should talk about “Jacob’s Ladder” more.

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
8 months ago
Reply to  Dutch Crunch

Do you notice too that most people seem like holograms and not real? Including members of your own family? It’s as if they are all in on something but you can’t prove it. Weird feeling. Try walking into a new place. You will often notice that the place is empty for 5 min and then people start walking in out of nowhere and it becomes crowded. It’s as if the Notnilc matrix is readjusting to your new location and bringing NPCs into your area. Very creepy. Also notice that you never see your neighbors bringing in groceries, even if they park their car outside. It’s as if they don’t need to eat. lol. Creepy. Also sometimes everyone seems to know something that they couldn’t possibly know, except for you. Have you experienced that too?

Last edited 8 months ago by Winston Wu
Michael Snodgrass
8 months ago
Reply to  Dash Corbett

Dude that’s how I feel… I woke up to my girlfriend at the time, calling me saying America is under attack, I turned on the tv… saw the towers fall… she came over we had sex like 5 times( she thought it was all over !!!) Lol… then I curled up with my kitty cat (brown tabby) and went back to sleep saying to myself
“that can’t happen, the air force woulda tooken action on somethinglike that”.
… … woke up again hours later and it was like a different world, twilight zone even. Lol. Reality has been getting more and more outta hand and unrealistic as time goes by.

Tj Smyth
8 months ago

Thanks again Matt

EthericBliss -EB
EthericBliss -EB
8 months ago

I’m guessing y’all will cover this, but this “Multiverse” concept introduces and condones this “fluidity” BS. The “Multiverse” is, in essence, an awesome “morality blocker”. Gives a “go” to pretty much anything and EVERYthing “Insanity”. o.0 It’s also a cheap, easy and a very basic “story-telling” shtick. ANYthing “goes”… What “fun” is that?!?

It’s does make a good thought experiment and makes for low-budget, Scifi movies. A cheap writing tactic, sure, but as for implementing this in IRL, is going just a lot, too far. Hahahahah!! Yeah, ain’t NOBODY’S, evil doppelganger is trying to “get into this version” either.

Dan Corey
Dan Corey
8 months ago

I can think of nothing creepier than a poster of Stephen Hawking

William Lodderhose
8 months ago
Reply to  Dan Corey

(sound of a bell, ding…ding) Gather round everyone Dan Corey has inspired a new poster, yep, after reading his comment a few days ago I created…(wait for it)…a Stephen Hawking’s poster. I wanted to up the creepy level on this one so I placed it in Switzerland, it’s an old European shop called Stephen’s Statue Shop and only sells statues (egregores of Hawking) every shelve has only Hawking tributes and outside the store which is where our perspective takes place (though you can of course see the shitty Stephen’s statues on shelves)…

Outside are the three Stooges – Gates, Musk and Bezos posing for pics in front of a very large statue of Stephen in his wheelchair, seems the stooges are on a research trip because they want an artist to create statues (tributes / egregores) of them, does that sound creepy enough Dan?

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
8 months ago

It’s been raining for days and my foot hurts and you made me laugh super super hard Matt. Thank you! Seems logical that we should really keep our thoughts on what we wish to create. I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t even know what the D-Wave is, but I don’t want a snow cone.I want a wooder ice. CHERRY!!!

Brad Lacey
Brad Lacey
8 months ago
Reply to  Eva Winchester

I agree. I think focusing on that may be a step towards getting passed the either/or program that we are presented with. The “camps” mostly operate from a binary position. Perhaps we find avenues of possibility beyond that limited scope simply by imagining other options exist. After all, who is it that always seems to reinforce the idea of all or none, us or them mentalities. What if there’s an us and them consideration purposely kept off the table? Food for thought

S Frog
S Frog
8 months ago

Another interesting topic. To answer why, can we not look to the topics of space travel and moon landings? The answers there are that those that “believe” they were real, that “belief” will mean something after they’ve taken their last breath. So, why not the same for a multiverse? “Lookie here, Matt, you come back here, we can put you with Jennifer!”

Last edited 8 months ago by S Frog
Matthew Cattell
Matthew Cattell
8 months ago

It’s occurred to me that it could be clever marketing for the yet to be perfected virtual worlds, touted by the likes of meta where you can experience pretty much anything, at a price. How much would this guy be prepared to pay to return to the relative stability and normality of his old life? Once the real soul is buried in multiple layers of real/not real (what is real, Neo?) and is desperate enough, it would do and submit to practically anything to get back to baseline reality. Is this the logical progression to the ‘rule by fear’ doctrine that’s had a hold for millennia? Reminds me of that film “Otherlife” where someone could be made to experience years in a prison in just minutes of base reality. Creepy and scary as f**k. Notnilc introduces concepts with the aim of normalising them, just not in the ways we might expect. All the physics in the world and the sharpest minds still haven’t cracked multiverses except on paper but I agree, if it can be inculcated into the creator being consciousness then who knows what could happen one day.

Michael Snodgrass
8 months ago

Have no fear, it’s not scary or something to be worried about friends. It will never be anything but a tool controlled by the asshole dark and its weak human minions, which we all know is weak, nothing to be fearful of. Look inside yourself and realize, let the holy spirit in and say to yourself out loud like He-man did, …… “I Have The Power. “”

Ooom Yoga
Ooom Yoga
8 months ago

Matt, no hard feelings but I’m going to do what you have asked us to do… Horse shit! 😁 Tony, no hard feelings, but horse shit. Matt the question is that is truth 0, 1 or 2? That is all that matters. You mentioned in one of your emails that we should focus on the next level not the foundation. That is horse shit. The only thing that matters is truth. There are no levels of truth. Obviously there is no multiple universes. There isn’t even one universe. 😁 There is also no higher self. Not even one. Truth is absolute (no higher nor lower) and if there is any separation (meaning 2), it is an imagination. 🙏😊

Ooom Yoga
Ooom Yoga
8 months ago
Reply to  Ooom Yoga

No matt you are not nuts. But you keep inhabiting a limited perspective. Also, you shouldn’t believe anyone, not Tony, also not me. You should study yourself. The answers are obviously not “out there” but “in here:”.

Please don’t get offended. I appreciate your work. I just have to call “horse shit” like you have asked us to do. Peace. 🙏

Ricky Bobo
8 months ago

Physicists enjoy spinning new theories based on existing laws and theories, and they will frown on you for not buying into it. Dark Matter and Dark Energy are two classic examples. Then they will pull something like the concept of Multiverses out of their ass that has no observable evidence, and pat themselves on the back for doing so.

Ricky Bobo
8 months ago

I’m planning to open a universe supply store to provide the resources required to produce these universes. Get out there and indulge in quantum choices so that my new business will thrive!

Goran Tanko
Goran Tanko
8 months ago

Dark matter….what a bunch of HORSESHIT!!!

Ricky Bobo
8 months ago

The “all time and events coexist theory” is a less radical cousin of the multiverse theory. It basically considers reality to be like a huge, very long 3D immersive experience with many perspectives. It is basically saying reality is static in nature, and we only interpret it to be dynamic such that free will does not exist. If life is meant to be experienced then it does not actually have to be dynamic; it only needs to be perceived that way. Perhaps this is why God is quite comfortable ignoring prayers, where He can’t intervene into a static reality that He created in order to experience limitation and non-greatness from our perspectives. I can begrudgingly buy into the “all time and events coexist theory”, but the multiverse (many universes) theory seems nonsensical, baseless, illogical and pointless to me.

Last edited 8 months ago by Ricky Bobo
Justhere Forthefood
8 months ago
Reply to  Ricky Bobo

God does answer prayer…sometimes:)

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
8 months ago

Yeah but it’s the same reason why casinos let people win sometimes and pay out jackpots sometimes. To keep hope alive. However, the casino always takes more money than it gives. Same with the god of this world or the admin of the Notnilc. He feeds off of our worship and energy and usually takes more than he gives back. But a casino can’t let everyone win of course or else it will be bankrupt. Same with the gods of this matrix. They can’t answer all prayers or else their energy will run out. So they have to do it once in a while to keep our hope alive. It works the same way a casino does. They are parasites and feed off us.

William Lodderhose
8 months ago
Reply to  Winston Wu

nice analogy…and Kiara I understand where you’re coming from also

Last edited 8 months ago by William Lodderhose
Morgan trollinger
Morgan trollinger
8 months ago

I think this is all a Petrie dish of mind warping. I don’t watch movies anymore, they’re all so creepy now. What ever happened to Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase combo…or Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn….

It’s all just weird titillation for the mind, which is on way overdrive. It seems that we who see the “truth” are not really seeing the truth. The realness has to be just getting in touch with myself. Then there will be no separation. The mind separates me from myself.

Maybe that pet goat, helio, thing (that’s creepy too, can’t watch that either. I used to be so into it. Creepy=notnilc) was a truth drop for me, with the Jesus thing. He was not “thinking”. Fish jumped into his boat, etc. He had gone beyond the mind, he was whole, linked with himself. And the flow carried him.

I don’t think we’re supposed to talk and use the mind so much. There are vibes amongst us. Animals are not depressed, they are not using their minds this way. The mind has been distorted by notnilc, the mind looking out becomes ego. The mind looking in becomes our true being.

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
8 months ago

I just said to my dog yesterday ” your life is so wonderful! You didn’t have to think about any of this stuff and you are 100% happy! Domestic animals have the best existence ❤️

William Lodderhose
8 months ago

I agree, provided they find a loving person, some end up with weird, neglectful messes for their people person.

8 months ago

Lol, I love Matt’s interpretation of the D-Wave computer horseshit. A snowcone machine. Fantastic Matt, I agree 100% until that shit betters society that’s all it is, a fking snowcone machine.

8 months ago

An egregore (pronounced egg’ gree gore) is a group thought-form. It can be created either intentionally or unintentionally, and becomes an autonomous entity with the power to influence. A group with a common purpose like a family, a club, a political party, a church, or a country can create an egregore, for better or worse depending upon the type of thought that created it.

clifford mcguire
clifford mcguire
8 months ago

Lmao the D-wave computer voice was top notch and I like that you gave a nod to Lev from Armageddon while you done it! Top notch hahah

Tore Rasmussen
Tore Rasmussen
8 months ago

I belive we manifest a lot in our enviroment, 15 years of studying every conspiracy fact there is and as you said Matt the more it brings you, 2019 i quit wasting time on chemtrails..havent seen one since!
Thank you Matt for helping us see the BS

Justhere Forthefood
8 months ago
Reply to  Tore Rasmussen

Haven’t seen one since??? Where the hell do you live?

William Lodderhose
8 months ago

Right…I was thinking about asking what city, now I’m more inclined to wonder does Tore even live on Earth? (tick-tock)

Robert Nichols
Robert Nichols
8 months ago

Dark Matt-er
A series where the notnilc version of Matt made it big in the insurance industry by inking the insurance policy with Larry Silverfish right before the big day. He still likes cats but only the hairless type like Dr. Evil’s.

Loren Myers
Loren Myers
8 months ago

Brilliant! Funny and sounds logical. Preaching to the choir

Brad Lacey
Brad Lacey
8 months ago

Well I suppose if there’s an infinite number of “me” out there I should go try n find em. Shouldn’t be too hard since all of us eternally return to the same spot, right? Nah brah, I’m good. Think I got plenty to worry bout with this “me” here and now. Besides if they’re me, I’m pretty sure they can handle their own business, I’ll just tend to things on my timeline lol

Last edited 8 months ago by Brad Lacey
Justhere Forthefood
8 months ago
Reply to  Brad Lacey

We all return to the scene of the crime! I don’t think it makes any sense that there would be other you’s because of the Butterfly Effect, if you change one small thing, you alter everything.

Last edited 8 months ago by Justhere Forthefood
Justhere Forthefood
8 months ago

Hi Friends! Been going through a shift in my life, sorry I don’t come here much anymore. Part of it is that this forum is not very user friendly and I still have eye problems. Life is ongoing change. Now I want to create local community and work on getting some land to get away from it all. Off the internet and into the real world. As great as these forums are, it’s not the same as being in 3 dimensions with people you can see and hug. Not a judgment but things are heating up and we all gotta decide on fight or flight. Being a sitting duck is not for me. Love you all! Kiara

William Lodderhose
8 months ago

I wish you well. If you’ve never lived in the mid-west I’d consider it.

8 months ago

They love the multiverse concept because it’s nonsense mysticism masquerading as science. There is no evidence for it, and there never can be.

See also: retrocausality, time travel.

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
8 months ago

Do you all notice too that most people seem like holograms and not real? Including members of your own family? It’s as if they are all in on something but you can’t prove it. Weird feeling. Try walking into a new place. You will often notice that the place is empty for 5 min and then people start walking in out of nowhere and it becomes crowded. It’s as if the Notnilc matrix is readjusting to your new location and bringing NPCs into your area. Very creepy. Also notice that you never see your neighbors bringing in groceries, even if they park their car outside. It’s as if they don’t need to eat. lol. Creepy. Also sometimes everyone seems to know something that they couldn’t possibly know, except for you. Have any of you experienced that too?

I’ve been wondering if we are in the bardo state. Like in the movie “Jacob’s Ladder” from 1990. Most people seem like holograms or part of a dream, not that real, and reality makes no sense and is full of contradictions. Too bizarre to be real. Matt should talk about “Jacob’s Ladder” more.

Last edited 8 months ago by Winston Wu
Winston Wu
Winston Wu
8 months ago

Matt, what about that Apple TV Series “Severance” that you were talking about before? Any updates on that?

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