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Quantum of Conscience

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There are many things discussed, but I can’t stress enough that the massive “pushback on woke” occurring at this time is all by design. It seems like a big win, but it’s exactly what the Notnilc wants right now.

Matt McKinley

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1 year ago

Definitely has to be some satanic ritual bullshit

the51Project .
1 year ago

Academy Award: Best Picture: RUST

Richard Clark
Richard Clark
1 year ago
Reply to  the51Project .


William Lodderhose
1 year ago

I’ve seen that piece of shit commercial for Amazon and thought only BEZO would approve of that horse shit.

Jimbo Conno
Jimbo Conno
1 year ago

Definitely a dude. It’s a youngish kid. That’s what sick that’s exactly what the point is.

Jimbo Conno
Jimbo Conno
1 year ago

Flea was in the Babylon, which was surprisingly good movie. I’m starting to think they put their numbers & symbols multi purpose of course but because they HAVE TO and as a form worship. Power and glory to their God(s) whatever or whoever that is. I used to think it’s dupers delight fixation..not so much imho. It may also be for us…and Them…?

James Meadows
James Meadows
1 year ago

Always a good reason to be excited for Sunday. Keep it up Matt.

Katherine Wood
Katherine Wood
1 year ago

If Matt is going pantless to the grocery store, we should all go pantless and start our own thingy.

Simone Van Dorp
Simone Van Dorp
1 year ago

Alec Baldwin has always given me massive creep vibes, I cannot look at him! He is such a weird creature.

dag b
dag b
1 year ago

They just dont want friends, or a date.

Richard Clark
Richard Clark
1 year ago

I attempted to use AB as material to break the ice. It failed because I am unable to translate the significance of sovereign expression and folded like a chair even though the absurdity is layered. Ultimately, can’t shake your notion of it being a collective office of the beast. Acquitted of charges. What does this suggest to the “popcorn cruncher?” I use this not as a derogatory. No investigation into live round being put into a prop gun. Seems simple. Much like the “we will look into it” of COVID. Matt, my mind went into a tract of repeat. I became my own “bumper sticker”. “Omicron is anagram for moronic!” Cov ID is “certificate of vaccination. 2019, reference to 911 and means to socialize in the nwo future. ” Hillary and Schwab, not the tire guy, wear the same pant suit! 😅 You will eat bugs and own nothing. No responsibility for self expression. All is rented to you. You will be happy 🤖

A sovereign, “sovereign citizen” seems to be resurrected as conspiracy theorist has lost savor. This stood out to me after watching a clip of a presumed authority was confused by the terms in isolation. Been watching a lot of “1st amendment audit” videos lately. 😒 Realized the phishing not just horizontal. Folks like “deletlawz” and Brian of HIF suggested a vulnerability in the self identity for me. I think that with all of this, there is a goal to self actualization. This, like aims to label folks “sovereign…”those of the system await script to initiate combat to any assumption of no tethers to the system that seemingly gives such a sovereign life.

I am getting lost in my “own weeds”. I get that the system has to present an example. The example must “understand”, be always submissive, to the fact that the system has the domination in the entirety of expression within it. I really do appreciate Paul’s of POTF channel following this ever important story. Will AB get jail time? 🤣 Can’t imagine how his pouty lips to impersonate trump and therefore being a more flamboyant AB will serve the tech future. I would find more interest in the consensus of folks that actually watched “rust”. Last “” was something. Notice folks afraid to admit how they think and act as though they just got handed the info? I have noticed this in myself to a degree.

Why can’t I just say, “you found yourself in a realm that you subconsciously create. If you want to know the mechanics of the reason you have presented yourself to me, I can’t. However, I would be interested in how you make it to the other side.”

Chuck Pal
1 year ago

Since every “story” that comes out of Hellywood is usually based on the bible I’d say there’s a biblical theme mixed in there somewhere. Other than that it’s a classic gun themed event meant to keep guns in the “news”. They may have fell behind or had setbacks on their fake mass shooting planning. Baldwin probably volunteered to fill in. Probably got an extra large supply of adrenochrome in the deal.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
1 year ago
Reply to  Chuck Pal

I was just thinking about those Hulu commercials, maybe comment about them, but I clicked on your link first. They’re _not_ “human,” whatever that might be, whether spiritually or physically or both. He’s one of those who are, for me, at least, a good example of the “uncanny valley.” Not regarding AI, but something a lot weirder. And TV does rot your brain!

Richard Clark
Richard Clark
1 year ago

Jesus was made measure. Sovereign is offered a dependency upon a system thrust into. The advancement, allegedly, of tech to make the realm more palatable for the sovereign call is, perhaps, a spiritual outsourcing. Maybe true idolatry. “How better to know yourself than to flirt yourself as all inclusive?

free will of choice
free will of choice
1 year ago
Reply to  Richard Clark

>was made measure

Only within whole (perceivable) can partials (perceiving) measure.

>Sovereign is offered a dependency upon a system thrust into

a) center (perceiving choice) represents highest authority (sovereign) within surrounding (perceivable balance)…yet each one (life) exists at the center (momentum) of surrounding motion (inception towards death).

b) “free” will of choice implies dependency to “dom”inance of balance, hence being FREE (life) within DOM (inception towards death).

c) thrust into implies transmutation of whole (ongoing loss) into each partial (temporary growth) through self differentiation of base into ingredients. Think alchemy…


Perceivable (inspiration) advances the minds (Latin mens, ment) of those perceiving it, hence allowing one to grow comprehension (growth) by adapting to perceivable (loss).

>allegedly, of tech

TECHNOL’OGY, noun [Gr. art, and word or discourse.] – “a description of arts; or a treatise on the arts”…before suggested words (artificial) exits perceivable sound (natural). Artificial represents the temptation to ignore natural…

>to make the realm more palatable

PAL’ATABLE, adjective [from palate.] – “agreeable to the taste”…before suggested taste/appetite (want) exists perceivable hunger (need). Choosing want over need tempts one into a want vs not want conflict (reason), which others rebrand as agreeing vs disagreeing.

To agree (want) vs disagree (not want) with suggested tempts one to ignore the need to adapt to perceivable.

>spiritual outsourcing

SPIRIT (Latin spiro; to breathe) represents partial (life) adapting to whole (inception towards death)…hence from “within” source aka through the center into surrounding. Others suggest outsourcing to tempt one to ignore being within (perceiving) source (perceivable).


a) ones consent to suggested (information) over perceivable (inspiration) represents the foundation of idolatry.

b) wanting to hold onto suggested tempts one to ignore the need to let go of perceivable, hence ones attachment to the idol of suggested information, while perceivable inspiration can only be utilized on the fly (within momentum)…not held onto (within memory).

>all inclusive

Each one (perceiving) is included within all (perceivable) as expression (temporary growth) within impressing (ongoing loss).

Sleight of hand: “all for one and one for all” or “there can be only one” or “alone” aka ALL(in)ONE.

Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
1 year ago

Message from the system: You can find yourself in the system. A perfect inversion of the truth.

free will of choice
free will of choice
1 year ago
Reply to  Jon McIntyre

>find yourself in the system

Consider if partial (perceiving) can grow self discernment about being within whole (perceivable) and if the suggested systems by others can tempt one to ignore self discernment?

1 year ago

The Notnilc wants you to choose a side to keep you in the bog…. soon as I notice everyone choosing a side, I get in the damn lifeboat and I’m off that ship……LMAO , Thanks Matt.

Nigel Offer
Nigel Offer
1 year ago
Reply to  BOD BNAIRD

Yes! You must choose a side.Choose a side in the war between good and evil,the war against the cabal,the war against this,the war against that.The struggle for this,the struggle against that.No matter if you are on the winning side you are still a loser.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nigel Offer

Good lol Rather be a loser in this realm than one of them “winners” 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  BOD BNAIRD

shit is being a loser a side ?
yin yang
1s and 0s

free will of choice
free will of choice
1 year ago
Reply to  Nigel Offer

>You must choose a side.

Being choice implies being center of balance (need/want), hence balancing at center, while resisting (need) the temptation (want) of being drawn to either side (want or not want).

>a side in the war between good and evil

a) wanting (good) vs not wanting (evil) suggested tempts one to ignore the need to adapt to perceivable (change).

b) war represents ones state of mind within a conflict of reason (want vs not want); shaped by ones consent to want or not want suggested. The few utilize suggestion to divide the many into reasoning against one another over the suggestions by the few.

c) good implies vs evil and vice versa…it doesn’t matter which side one chooses; both tempt one into the conflict of reason against the other. The few gain control over every conflict of reason by suggesting the many what to reason about.

d) reason (want vs not want) represents the inversion of implication (if/then).

e) look up the georgia guidstones “let these be the guidestones to an age of reason”…which is now being destroyed, hence ones starting to discern self within perceivable instead of reasoning against other ones over suggested.

free will of choice
free will of choice
1 year ago
Reply to  BOD BNAIRD

>wants you to choose a side

a) choice can only exist within balance (need/want).

b) choosing want over need tempts one into imbalance (want vs not want).

c) imbalance (want vs not want) represents ones choice to ignore balance (need/want).

d) need (perceivable inspiration) or want (suggested information)…ones free will of choice.

Pepe Briguglio
Pepe Briguglio
1 year ago

I too would love to speak to the holy congregation on oxford. But that shows the nature of the system in a nutshell. Because no matter what I did or said, and for what reason, the system would use every bit of it for its advantage. There are no exceptions to this rule. Its all about distraction and misdirection. And in the end, whatever we give our attention to is directly fed. The more we relate to ‘the world’, and the more we think of it, or do about it, the more we feed it. Every tiny aspect of engaging in the world, especially the media-driven version of it, can be observed to work this way … And seeing this, slowly but surely turns us into monks in a true and real sense of that term.

Last edited 1 year ago by Pepe Briguglio
1 year ago

I think humiliation generates a desired type of loosh. being like food to them loosh likely comes in endless variety with certain types probably being more desired then others. ppl like you, ppl like me who say are having a bad day because our car wont start or something is maybe like a bowl of mac n cheese to them, whereas a famous actor with legions of fans getting humiliated for all the world to see could be something like champagne n caviar

1 year ago

as to why the gematria i think its a device used by the system itself as confirmation to those waking up that the reality they thought was real just can not be the case. reality is a wake-up machine. welcome my son…welcome.. to.. the machine

Claudia Ciao
Claudia Ciao
1 year ago

I actually really like that Amazon commercial and I think you’re off base with this one. It’s not JUST about the moustache. She realizes ALL the things that are weird about her have been seen on famous and revered people. The moustache, yes, but the eyebrows on frida kahlo, the space in the teeth on Freddie Mercury. She then embraces these things about herself and celebrates them.. This commercial is saying “Love yourself as you are, no need to change to conform”. That’s an amazing message. Nothing “woke” about it. It’s about self love no matter what IMO. and that’s a good thing!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Claudia Ciao
Justhere Forthefood
1 year ago
Reply to  Claudia Ciao

That was kinda my feeling too, having been a teenage girl who had all kinds of awkwardness and was bullied horribly. There was not even a word like “bullying” back in the 80’s and when I sought help, I was sent to the school psychologist because they thought I was paranoid.

But I do think this commercial is just another attempt to blend the sexes, look too, how she is wearing a tie. It is the evil genius, they disguise their agenda with “sensitivity,” making it difficult to criticize them.

But I agree self-love is a great message!

Justhere Forthefood
1 year ago

I have to wonder how many teenage suicides had to happen before bullying was acknowledged as a serious problem. I was almost one of them.

Earthling Carl
Earthling Carl
1 year ago

29:03 – Funny enough both Shapiro and Kisin are Jewish.

1 year ago

u always make me laugh with your horrible impressions and terrible singing …dont stop.. addicted to the shin-dig

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
1 year ago

This just in, alec Baldwin beats the BS charges against him and Helena Hutchins made it to David Bowie island safely, only because her father is in the big club.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
1 year ago

Matt didn’t you know that clothing is what separates men from animals!

Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden
1 year ago

It’s too bad you no longer break down fake mass shootings and hoaxes, there are performances every week that people need help seeing through. Not simply just recognizing the stagecraft involved but also to understand all of the massive groups/foundations behind them.
A massive structure has been established by the Strong Cities Initiative and other policies to help orchestrate this UN and Jew agenda that works hand in hand with establishing their 15 min Smart Cities (JWO). For anyone that is on gab here’s my group,
I’m also on 153:

Nigel Offer
Nigel Offer
1 year ago
Reply to  Tyler Durden

.You can ivestigate groups behind groups behind groups until you are blue in the face and still be right back where you started.Its all magicians tricks and the more tricks you look at the more tricks will be presented to look at ad nauseum.What people need help seeing through is the true nature of this matrix/reality not the illusory slieght of hand events.The role of the mainstream and alternative media is to bring into conscious awareness desirous agendas so that the timelines can be established by the collective co-creator humans.Subject governments as is clearly evident only create waste and dysfunction yet so many are still fearful of all these “plans”.Please say how these retarded governments have a hope in hell of implementing anything on the scale of the 15 minute city nonsense.

Rob Porter
Rob Porter
1 year ago

Matt, the last 5 minutes regarding Dyland, Nefarious film and Konstantin Kisin… I 100% agree with your sentiment. I now term this nonsense the totalitarian tip-toe. All this anti-woke and “wins” that the ‘truth’ community has been claiming plays right into the hegelian hands of the system. I think a lot of ‘truthers’ will fall for it because I see some version of “all will be revealed” will transpire and confirm a lot of what we all talk about…but only half-truths will be known….I feel that this will charge-up the population against some common threat and get everyone on-board, even some truthers who’ve not done the work to shed any programming. We definitely are in for a show in this simulacrum, “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” (Matthew 24:24).

Last edited 1 year ago by Rob Porter
David Garland
David Garland
1 year ago

Cheers Matt – take care

Diane Considder
Diane Considder
1 year ago

I believe that Budweiser was commanded to do this by the top of the pyramid or as you say the notnilc. There always comes the day when you need to pay up for your success.

Gregg Thib
1 year ago

The bog?
Could be the bogomil’s!!!
Makes perfect sense, questioning reality and all.

1 year ago

I’ve said for the last 10 years that all of this WOKE stuff is designed to eventually result in a huge backlash amongst the ‘moral-majority’ which the powers-that-be will then control and direct towards their own goals. When the inevitable wave of mass deaths from the ‘vaccine’ comes, along with economic collapse, the powers-that-be want to be in a position to be able to have society direct their blame towards a certain identifiable group and away from the real culprits. The church will also benefit from this maneuver as it will be able to portray the societal and economic collapse as being an act of God, a-la Sodom & Gomorrah.
 All of the social-justice-warrior issues of the past 15 years (transgender bathroom type stuff/gay marriage/gay adoption/pedophilia acceptance/cancel culture/gender dysphoria/mandated non-merit-based hiring practices/etc) as well as the populism rising, the 3rd-world immigration crisis, the race-baiting (which I’m sure will explode soon) and on and on, are all in an effort to push “straight/white/conservative/Christians” to the breaking point and unfortunately they are having great success with it. As for what their plan is for “straight/white/conservative/Christians”, they want to use the “straight/white/conservative/Christians” backlash to all of this abuse to subjugate the world in a genocidal purge. The NWO want’s to be able to steer or direct this outrage towards it’s own ends and the religious entities (who know that after the current on-going vax-purge is complete there will be a huge resurgence of religious fundamentalism as always happens after a huge cataclysm) want to be able to corral these people back towards religious fundamentalism.

1 year ago

When 9/11 occurred it became evident to me that the whole Salmon Rushdie affair was just setting the stage to get people riled up about and afraid of Islamic fundamentalism. I’d venture to say that the Rushdie affair was, for most people, the first time they’d ever thought about Islamic extremism or about Islam in general. A decade of fear mongering had the people right where the Notnilc wanted them, ready to accept 9/11 as having been an Islamic undertaking from start to finish.

Morgan trollinger
Morgan trollinger
1 year ago

Well internally there’s a trade off for me. I do think that this is mind blowing that I can see this strange reality. But it is evil to the core. This sounds hokey but I want to protect my heart.
I was open with myself and talking to others.
Now I’m sometimes guarded around others and judge others and separate myself.

My mother called me tonight, she believes this reality. She’s a wonderful woman and cares about people. I need to check myself because I think I’m such a great person, but I definitely need to shine light on this. In other words, I need to be more kind to others. That will help loosen me.

Casey Ackendorf
Casey Ackendorf
1 year ago

As long as Chachi loves Joanie, even with her mustache, that’s all that matters.

Donni C
Donni C
1 year ago

They seem to be doing a stalled reset for the over 50 crowd. I instantly recognized her resemblance to Joanie from Happy Days, but it’s even more noticable at the end when she’s dancing. My question is why are they trying to hit the older crowd? Is there something subliminal in the message that’s designed for the over 50 crowd?

Donni C
Donni C
1 year ago

The other possibility is that the story was put in place before they came into this place. Whomever agrees to such sickness is phsychiatrically unsound and unwell and maybe deserve to be kept in this prison / insane assylum.

Maria C.
Maria C.
1 year ago

It’s not just a mustache…this “girl” also has the connecting eyebrow. He, he….

Michael Whittington
Michael Whittington
1 year ago

“award winning actor” lmfao… They really cling to that shit!
I got perfect attendance ONE semester! Can I go on the rest of my life announcing that?!?!!

Paul Deen
1 year ago

Hi Matt, I just flew back home to London Heathrow & was met with this wall to wall imagery

Paul Deen
1 year ago
Reply to  Paul Deen

Forgot image

Jeff Martos
Jeff Martos
1 year ago

a life-long 60+ years non-conformist… nothing in this fake america, full of its mind- controlled fakeness attracts any attention from my mind-controlled brain… they got me when I was young, but, realizations are leading to freedom… see you all on the other side of the collapse

Stephanie Boggs
Stephanie Boggs
1 year ago

In 1991 my 6th grade teacher took away my Eastbay magazine at lunch as I was eating food which my grandma had made when I was looking for new cleats to play for my elementary softball team. Can’t imagine what would have happened if I had been listening to OU radio on my Sony walkman over my ears at the same time [=

Victoria M.
1 year ago

Any normal girl would not let her “mustache” get so bad/bushy. There are a ton of gadgets to use on your upper lip as a woman. Nobody would let it get that way. So fictional!

George McFly
George McFly
1 year ago

Hi Matt, regarding Konstantin Kisin, please watch Alistair Williams’ analysis of KK’s interview with John Cambell (the fake YouTube doctor / convid shill). Alistair is one of the brightest and most observant people I’ve ever known. The video is on Alistair’s Rumble page, and is called ‘Dr Shill Vs Triggernoms’. There are 3 parts, so I will include the first part here…

1 year ago
Reply to  George McFly

We can no longer and NEVER could trust video or images…it can be manipulated and you cannot tell the difference when they do NOT want you to see it.

George McFly
George McFly
1 year ago
Reply to  Rob

It’s just an interview analysis. Whether or not the original interview is fake / CGI / AI, the analysis is definitely real.

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