Give Matt a Tip:
In the video, I show you two books and discuss several topics that I can’t talk about on YouTube. In fact, one topic has a similar theme to my video of 4 years ago that got me a “strike” and then locked me out of my own channel for a week. YouTube said it was “hate speech.” How ironic. I was talking about the “Founding Fathers,” the people that supposedly gave me the right to speak freely, but in speaking freely, it was deemed hate speech. I’m still confused about that!
Earth age and age of universe have always been different.
WAR / good / win is neuro-linguistic programming.
Is anyone else wondering where these Colonial Notnilc(s) purchased all their Bed, Bath & Beyond stuff? Please don’t educate me on tradesmen back then, remember the Rockefellers staff was decorating this Fairy-Tale, lol.
And the trades, according to the script, were so understaffed they had to threaten the apprentice with arrest if he failed to work his term
The interior decorated that location like it was a piece in a lifestyle magazine. Wow.
Great Presentation! As a child, I was always full of fear of the world around me. As I got older, I lost most of that fear and realized it was all artificial and heaped upon us by those around us. It’s amazing that the powers that be still put out books to scare kids. Unbelievable.
Convinced propaganda knows no age,
probably notnilc cave drawings
Great Vid Uncle Matt and Zara
For better or for worse, Matt is responsible for breaking the mental chains that I was previously bogged down by. That said, I am pretty sure that the reason that all of the evidence of previous civilizations exists is in of itself a M.E. of sorts, and the more it is explored the more NOTNILC grows due to our collective contentiousness? But I obviously reserve the right to be wrong 🙂 All in all we are all more than we were trained to believe that we are capable of and the beautiful thing about that is that once a person comes to that realization, they want absolutely nothing from this realm in terms of it’s physical offerings. Once we see what is, we all realize that the sunset, sunrise, bug on a leaf, dog in the crease of your neck, cat purring in your embrace, etc etc etc, is the best of things and the reason for being. Again just in my humble opinion, but with clear eyes and a full heart I say, thank you to Matt for your time and dedication, I assure you that it has not been a waste of energy. You my eternal brother have been instrumental in my awakening. PS any family members reading or watching, your crazy nephew or cousin isn’t so crazy after all.
we havent even started to realize our minds full potential…much love to matt and all our full listeners
Do you think some of our founding fathers were inverted trans decepticons like most are today?
Well we know they wore wigs . . .lol
Lol, yes Bill, I forgot about that.
Regarding 1776, a great and long lasting founding myth if ever there was one.
A ratty group of squirrel hunters with flintlocks, handed the worlds greatest empire a much needed ass kicking. Then that empire, far from demoralized by the most humiliating defeat of its career, goes on empire-ing for hundreds of years, enslaving half the world, ( the half of the world not as tough as the squirrel hunters) only to be dismantled by an unfortunate victory over zee natzees . This victory benefitting primarily, the descendants of the squirrel hunters.
Awesome. Can’t get book reviews like this anywhere else.
I’m still waiting for my Frommers book, to one of the many David Bowie islands. I’m ready to go visit and party there
On diseases: way way back in the day I honestly thought
that AIDS (AIDS ‘n’ sheeiat) had always been with us but
never was diagnosed because THE SCIENCE until now
was not able to do so. /true story
The catastrophy book needs to assume early warning as a given.
Of some kind, for whatever proportion of time.
To then run for the hills / seek shelter.
Does not add up. (“Computer says no.”)
I lost a lot of my sense of humor in digging through the layers of ‘reality’, down the rabbit holes for many years. Found temporary relief for some years in new age hopium. When the flewplaindemic arrived I could let go of it all. It was enough, very much enough. The absurdity and absolute weirdness of the people around me just was the cherry on the cake. Then I found Matt. Very grateful I can fully laugh again. You are a true angel in on my journey.