A further look at the philosophic and wisdom encoded in the first season of the TV show Westworld. This video looks deeper at subjects like robot-human experience, Moby Dick, Plato’s Cave, Brave New World, Loops and “robotic behavior”…if we are the robots, how do we learn to find the part of us that is not, or can be trained- to think and act clearly?

Howdie Mickoski

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Servant Of Manifestation
Servant Of Manifestation
3 years ago

At 19:55… the irony of Not-Doing… where scratching close the to the lapel mic results in the failure of ‘language’. Language being the most common ‘doing’ of all…. which is, I suppose, why Carlos Castaneda wrote about Stopping the Internal Dialogue… which is most most easily done by causing a linguistic maneuver/script to fail.

Last edited 3 years ago by Servant Of Manifestation
Paul Hogsten
Paul Hogsten
3 years ago

He was itching like dog (possibly using his left or right foot to scratch that itch)! I liked the sneeze and loved the nose blowing!

Last edited 3 years ago by Paul Hogsten
Roxanna Nisson
Roxanna Nisson
3 years ago

so Refreshing to view this discussion on your New Platform…escaping out of the YTube cave!

Daniel Montoya
Daniel Montoya
3 years ago
Reply to  Roxanna Nisson

Yeah, so sick of YouTube, the Google Gulag.

Neil Barker
Neil Barker
3 years ago

Thanks, Howdie and interesting discussion. I too think that the reality itself presents truth for those with eyes to see and provides clues to escape the cave in a sense. I don’t necessarily think it’s planted or truth drops and instead is more that some are just able to see more clearly beyond the illusion.

Perhaps it’s a filtering mechanism of some sort but who really knows. I’m going to have to watch the WestWorld series now as I haven’t seen it. There’s a good Korean movie that shows some of these concepts – especially about karma and trying to break out of the cycle: “Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring” (2003.) Solid movie with little dialogue and only a few characters. Would definitely recommend.

Thanks for sharing and glad you’re uploading on Freevoice as well – so few people discussing reality from perspectives like yours and Matt’s.

Last edited 3 years ago by Neil Barker
Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
3 years ago
Reply to  Neil Barker

Is this movie dialog in English or does it have subtitles?

Neil Barker
Neil Barker
3 years ago

HI,, Timothy – there should be a subtitled version with English subs available. Honestly though, there’s so little dialogue and the visual storytelling is really well done.

3 years ago

I’ve never seen Lost, but I get it. Also, did anyone notice similar facial expressions between Matt and this gentleman? Have they met in person? What is their relationship?

Brian Bone
Brian Bone
3 years ago

Ive watched season 1 and 2 of W.W…Ive also watched the 1973 movie..Its always been very clear to me that the robots are the masses.The guests that question the reality of W.W.,are the truly aware people..This concept is shown in the walking dead as well…Great Job Howdie!..

Cathy Johannes
Cathy Johannes
3 years ago
Reply to  Brian Bone

I saw the old one too. And that’s how I interpreted it . The aware guest realizes something is very wrong . Same as I Robot with Will Smith.. some just can’t see the problem with the bots at all until things go incredibly wrong . That’s exactly where we are now . People will see .. they will have no choice because it’s going to slap them in the face

steven ison
steven ison
3 years ago

great to see you on free voice. peace brother.

Dion Tolen
Dion Tolen
3 years ago

Great to see you here Howdie love you and everything you’re doing. keep the good way and the amazing work you’re doing for those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Eric Baltz
Eric Baltz
3 years ago

How are flies a ” contradiction ” ?
What’s so annoying , is when a person receives free wisdom , that someone put time and effort into , instead of expressing gratitude , they express pettiness and a total lack of self awareness .

Dion Tolen
Dion Tolen
3 years ago
Reply to  Eric Baltz

Couldn’t have said it better myself. How is it the trolls ALWAYS find the best knowledge around and want to act like….. grrrrr… what’s that Mr Troll…. No I’ve already spent too much time on you. Thanks Eric for also seeing the crap in this comment form ppl like Scott S. JeeZze

Paul Hogsten
Paul Hogsten
3 years ago
Reply to  Eric Baltz

Dude, Wake up he is LORD of the FLIES!

Kelly Clarke
Kelly Clarke
3 years ago

I never noticed the characters were named after cats, I think their a symbol of Saturn (“Sat” urday).

Life begins at conception so does this mean we have two astrological natal charts? This way they could read people in the womb?

Great video, very thought provoking.

Lindsey Bailey
Lindsey Bailey
3 years ago

Great video! Howdie I’m so happy that you are on free voice! I have followed you since Matt introduced your channel. You and Matt make quite the duo when I need to escape into “my sanity” away from the daily construct. Thank you.

Jay Gray
Jay Gray
3 years ago

When I started watching I felt the hosts behaved better than the guests. But came to see it was out of an innocence rather than a free will decision to be moral. I reacted to it negatively as it appeared the message was once again that humans without control would be violent and immoral. I obviously became more aware of the layers as it went on. One of the most interesting thing was that the residual from wiped experiences was building up a conscience in the hosts. Like the Gurdieff idea that we do not automatically have a soul but have to develop it. Thanks Howdie. PS that is one sensitive mike on your headphones !

nuun nuun
3 years ago
Reply to  Jay Gray

interesting. didn’t think of a reverse concept of the soul; “idea that we do not automatically have a soul but have to develop it” souls develops according to the level of one’s awareness in later years. will ponder up on that, scan through my memories.
food for thought 🙂 cheers

Hamish Bartholomaeus
Hamish Bartholomaeus
3 years ago

Great chat Howdie!
I always came across to others as strange talking about these sorts of films, (Machina, Blade Runner, WestWorld etc) because they only made sense to me as an allegory if the robots or androids on film were the humans here, and the humans on film were the “controllers/in-organically, ancient gods..”

The way you are framing this also dovetails nicely into one of my most persistent theories about what “this” is, via Lisa Harrison; Home was infected with a ‘virus’, (in an Archon kind of way) which was so parasitic as you be holding home hostage…super entangled! And the only way we could figure out how to beat the infection in real time was to create a simulation,(what we are currently in) and gameplay/war game how to disentangle from the parasite without completely destroying the host, (our home and our selves).
It’s somewhere in between the Vedic idea that you are just here for different experiences, and the gnostic idea that this is a prison to harvest your energy like a battery and you are being looped…
Sort of a “both and “.

Anyhow, thank you again for sharing your thought out loud.

Scott Bourne
Scott Bourne
3 years ago

freeVoice as a platform comment: I miss the playback speed functionality!

Mustafa Khan
Mustafa Khan
3 years ago
Reply to  Scott Bourne

You can use this extension. It allows you to control the playback yourself.


Scott Bourne
Scott Bourne
3 years ago

Thanks for this interesting analysis – I’m very interested to learn more about these non-humans among us. Matt mentioned them briefly, but this is intriguing to me . . .

Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
3 years ago

Although Howdie is very good at explaining things and painting pictures so that we can understand what he’s speaking about, I’m sometimes at a disadvantage because I haven’t watched any movies or television in well over a decade. At the beginning Howdie explains how the robots at the amusement park aren’t actually robots but human like us. At least that’s how I’m hearing it. If that is an accurate description of his opinion I’m confused because according to Wikipedia (for what that’s worth) it led me to believe there is a clear distinction between the robots that work at the park (robots) and visitors to the park (human). Anyone care to elaborate? If Howdie already explained this it went over my head. Thanks to all.

Last edited 3 years ago by Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
3 years ago

Please disregard my comment prior to this one. I have a bad habit of commenting before watching the entire video. Prior questions answered. Thank you to everyone.

3 years ago

I thought you were going to say it was the violence that made Westworld so hard to watch!
I have not watched TV and film for the past 20+ years, but even if I had .. nothing could have prepared me for the level of violence this series presents. Horrific and demeaning to life in general. Are people not sensitive to this?
Interesting philosophical components but not worth scarring my mind.

Bryan Kelley
Bryan Kelley
3 years ago
Reply to  Kimm

So incredibly violent. The only way I could stomach it was reminding myself that it was coolant not blood.

Hamish Bartholomaeus
Hamish Bartholomaeus
3 years ago
Reply to  Kimm

This is almost normal…!!
One i If my children in particular is constantly telling me that some friend or other of theirs has seen this film or that, and when can he see it…stuff that is rated for children with mild violence is stuff my parents would never have sat through!!!
I feel that Game if Thrones desensitised everybody, and now brutality is just common place in the most pedestrian of shows.
I wonder how this will play out in the coming months as we see more and more unrest it wealthy, western countries where folks have been mainlining this stuff for over a decade…

Simone Van Dorp
Simone Van Dorp
3 years ago
Reply to  Kimm

Yes, I found the violence extremely disturbing to the point where I was not going to watch the series. I pushed through and ended up watching both. I found I felt desensitised to the violence once I understood what the hosts were. My girlfriend though, who does not understand the concepts discussed here, could not stomach the violence in westworld at all and wouldn’t watch it.

I too worry about the effect all this screen violence is having on the masses.

Rebecca Jane
Rebecca Jane
3 years ago

I was thinking about how our behaviour might be different knowing we are being monitored or having absolute freedom. I recall when I used to work in aged care, on particularly awful shifts, I would ‘pretend’ I were being monitored to basically police myself into ‘behaving’ correctly (when being verbally abused or beyond fatigued). I (sadly) also employ this tactic at home – at times unable to stand the monotony of day to day life (it IS robotic!) I ‘pretend’ I’m on my own cooking show, or some type of Big Brother program (I guess we are anyway) and make sure I’m somewhat entertaining to my ‘audience’. It’s the only way I can cope with certain tasks at times.

Paul Hogsten
Paul Hogsten
3 years ago

There is NO RANDOM only an Al Gore Rythms! Al Gore Rhythms – YouTube

Marcus Taylor
Marcus Taylor
3 years ago

The music is significant in this series. You get the Niburu theme song from Sound Garden (Black hole sun) in episode one on the piano. Then there’s Paint it Black playing during the gunfight.
Just started episode 2 and the Radiohead song No Surprises is playing on the piano in the bar.

LINDA castledine-davies
LINDA castledine-davies
3 years ago

I’ve always felt this since a child. Always felt as though I was looking through and inanimate object rather than being part of the human,

Cathy Johannes
Cathy Johannes
3 years ago

I would want to live in a Cozy beautiful Wood Log Cabin in the Michigan UP with a beautiful view of nature… overlooking Lake Superior.. the Robots would just make sure I’ve got awesome freshly ground Robust Dark Roast Coffee real cream ..healthy food and enough firewood cut to keep my Stone Fireplace Burning . I would want old books full of Truth … not lies . and a good Dog .. I like to Sew so a room full of great shelving to store my supplies and Fabrics.
Nothing else …
BTW please don’t worry about how long you talk . I love listening to you.

Cathy Johannes
Cathy Johannes
3 years ago
Reply to  Cathy Johannes

A fully supplied Art Studio too…. to draw and paint..: and of course beautiful Music to hear on good old fashioned speakers like old JBL’s

Cathy Johannes
Cathy Johannes
3 years ago
Reply to  Cathy Johannes

I guess I’ve got to look at it as I’m the robot though…and robots don’t create anything. I can’t imagine myself as one … and wouldn’t want to be .

William Lodderhose
3 years ago

I followed the 3 seasons of WW as they aired originally, however now after going through Matt’s book and many of his other videos I may re-visit the show – to look for “truth drops”, I rarely watch anything – anymore, however this might be interesting to study from Matt’s perspective of “pissed on bread-crumbs”, lol. Thanks for your review.

Jimmy Tename
Jimmy Tename
3 years ago

Matt, please what is your opinion of brave new world? the book but also the TV series has so much truth. i read it recently and can’t stop thinking about it.

nuun nuun
3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy Tename

this channel is Howdie’s. a second [newest] content creator on this platform 😉

nuun nuun
3 years ago

watching the series i kept thinking – this is the world “they” want; smart everything, self driving cars, those ipads, phones are already here. have a feeling technology must be so advanced, just hidden form us.
how would we know if organic robotoids aren’t already amongst us, grown in labs.
planning / pushing agendas 20-30-100 years ahead, like that demon schwab can’t help himself with excitement for the future; monster should be dead….yesterday.
did anyone noticed mask-wearers – predictive programming?
thanks Howdie

book by Dr John C Lilly “Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer: Theory and Experiments”

Daniel Montoya
Daniel Montoya
3 years ago

I think the better memory you have, the more you see the repetitiveness in life especially people. It’s the same stories over and over, just different actors. Some people can stay endlessly fascinated in their own self-narrative and other people’s stories. Others, not so much, lol.

Cambell Purvis
Cambell Purvis
3 years ago

Thanks Howdie, appreciate your insights. We’ll have to do our 2nd chat soon 🙂

Aaron Carter
Aaron Carter
3 years ago

“What if you had a West World of your own?”

That question cut right to the bone.

Gavin S
Gavin S
3 years ago

Video not loading.

Allen Laux
Allen Laux
3 years ago

What happened to this video, I really wanted to watch it?

Dick Miller
Dick Miller
3 years ago

It seems to be a broken link. Ie, there is no video analysis of Westworld. I tried it on my laptop as well just to make sure it wasn’t a glitch on my phone.

Monica Salerno
Monica Salerno
1 year ago

Thank you Howdie for sharing your insights and experiences with us in cosmic and friendly eye level. The contents of your book Exit the Cave and your videos are an enrichment.

Much of what was floating in my mind prior to seeing your content – has now become a clear and cohesive picture.

We will all meet soon, in time & space of another common plane. In the meantime, I am grateful that your honest and enriching insights reach me!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x