With it now being “53 years since,” the PTBe must understand that they have to deliver something to the people soon. What do you think the next fake mission will look like? Will it be to the moon or to Mars? Is the CGI “movie” already made and produced at this point? Personally, I believe they have most of it already done as of 2022. It’s just a matter of when they will need to roll it out to the dummies. The WOPR computer will let them know when they can’t appease the people any longer by moving the goal post with more talk, and when they will finally need to deliver “something real,” which of course, will be fake.

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Quantum of Conscience

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Matt McKinley

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Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago

Hey Matt, whatever they do will look so fake we’ll know it’s Real? WTF🤔
Thank’s Matt!

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Hall

Both fake (not want) vs real (want) choices represent consent to suggested (want) over perceivable (need). The few tempt the many to consent to the suggested; which puts the many into the want vs not want conflict called “reason”.

This represents mass population control by division (reason) through suggestion.

Martin Licht
Martin Licht
2 years ago

Exactly right, and you’ve outlined the basic programming AI will run from which the fake politicians will read their script.

Mandy Morris
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Hall

Are you quoting Lone Skum? I’m sure that creature is AI. Something really weird about him!

Joshua Griffis
Joshua Griffis
2 years ago

Remember when they made “300” to look animated but CGI… As if that was where technology had reached..?. Well they for probably 10 plus years had been making 100% real looking movies etc etc completely without cameras and Actors. Mtv music videos were doing this in early 90s. And by 2000, Hollywood was full blown and it quickly trickled on to YouTube big time and everywhere

James Hawke
James Hawke
2 years ago

I saw Star Wars in 1978 at the local movie theater when I was 14. I’m nearly 60 and we’re still talking about Star Wars. I think that’s weird.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  James Hawke

No doubt, I just turned 60 and when I was a kid if you were going on about a movie from the early 20s, like that was the golden age I would have thought that weird as well.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  James Hawke

Stalled century?

Meagan Waffles
Meagan Waffles
2 years ago

Most content- especially digital content- is CGI and NPC generated. There may be a few humans still involved but not in the way most people could fathom.

Eleni Demetriou
Eleni Demetriou
2 years ago

Matt I just wanted to say I have subscribed to your YouTube channel for a few years and wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your posts keep them coming thanks so much

Johnny Seven
Johnny Seven
2 years ago

We are all waiting for something to happen I guess but the normies, y’know what Matt, I do not think the notion nor the want to see a ?mission to space? and why any questions are sought. Maybe its why we have not already so I believe you are right and I feel they just don’t think about anything as they all await ‘things to blow over’.

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  Johnny Seven

>they all await ‘things to blow over’

Living (life) implies resisting the process of dying (inception towards death). The few suggest the many to ignore resisting; hence them “waiting for something to happen”; while the process of dying causes “things to blow over”.

303 Lauren
303 Lauren
2 years ago

first you think the reality is real. then you think the reality is a simulation. then you think the reality is a school. then you think the reality is a prison. then you think the reality is a dream. then you finally realize that reality is a joke.

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  303 Lauren

The conflict between reality (want) and fiction (not want) is caused by consenting to any suggested information; while ignoring that the system one exists within is communicating itself as perceivable inspiration.

If one ignores being within a moving system for affixed suggestions by others; then all these affixed suggestions will be corrupted by the moving; ever changing system. Where can one “affix” information? Within ones memory; which is where others are shaping and exploiting corruption by means of suggestion.

alec russo
alec russo
2 years ago

They sure are pushing the extraterrestrial stuff lately. Its just subtle enough to not alert the normies, but its in the “news” WAY more than ive ever seen in in my lifetime.
I believe there is something there being prepared. Whether its to exert mass control over a scared global population, or put on a show in order to lead society somewhere horrid…..i cant help be think there is a reason why the elites are suddenly releasing military footage of “UFOs” and hinting to the public, even more is going to come out.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago
Reply to  alec russo

Yes a lot of people are saying this.

mk RAM
mk RAM
2 years ago

18 in ‘69, watched the “moon landing” in Las Vegas. Dad spread asphalt on most all of the roads at Mercury, NV 65-70. We knew it was a joke. More bunching onion bullshit from da govt shills. Thanks for your lovely presentations. Love from Sactown.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  mk RAM

Wow, thanks for sharing, cool.

Gustavo Brett
Gustavo Brett
2 years ago
Reply to  mk RAM

“Dad spread asphalt on most all of the roads at Mercury, NV 65-70.” ..This may seem obvious but could you clarify what this sentence means ? Thanks…

Jim Townsend
Jim Townsend
2 years ago

This official space presentation is as fake as rubber dog crap, but I have to admit a lot of these space sci-fi movies sure are entertaining.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jim Townsend
Teryn Romero
Teryn Romero
2 years ago

Elon Musk is a prick. He wants to bury me alive in a torture box. I wish I had the chance to fling my shit in his face.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Teryn Romero

Hmmm…while I won’t waste a (wish), if you happen to get the chance to fling your shit I would enjoy being there to watch. Just remember, before you do your thing and fling your bling, shout to him: when shit looks this fake you know it’s real!

Gustavo Brett
Gustavo Brett
2 years ago

That was funny.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Gustavo Brett


Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago
Reply to  Teryn Romero

I sort of like Elon. I can’t help it. Here come the thumbs down:) I know he’s a clown, but he’s endearing. Sorta like a half blind puppy dog. I find him hard to figure out. He has an innocence about him. I don’t really get it. Enigmatic.

M Dorn
M Dorn
2 years ago

Watch the talk he gave on how he wants to ‘chip everyones brain’ and hook it in to a computer (can find it on the internet, plug in ‘Musk Neuralink presentation’)…you might have second thoughts after watching it…*especially if you like animals and find it unethical that he’s already linked a monkeys brain to it

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  M Dorn


2 years ago
Reply to  M Dorn

Hahahahahaha. Omg… This is so funny. 
“he’s already linked a monkeys brain to it” LMAO.

Let me tell you one thing. If you take a few big steps back FAR from the screen, you’ll be able to see that Elon Musk is a screen character putted in there for only one reason: to get to you. To put you in a place of fear, panic, worry, distraction… 
If you keep doing very close examinations of the screen you will miss it, the big picture. And end up in a place where you think that what happened to the monkey will eventually happen to you, lol.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago
Reply to  M Dorn

Yes I know he’s a freak. I wish I could take him to an island and re-program him. And give him a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows. I’m a hopeless maternal empath.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

I was trying to illustrate there is something different about Musk. I have no such feelings towards Satan Klaus Schwab, Tom Hanks or Justin Trudeau, for instance.

Tim Lord
Tim Lord
2 years ago

Ablated: verb
gradually remove material from or erode (a surface or object) by melting, evaporation, frictional action, etc., or erode (material) in this way.
“drying winds slowly ablate away the ice”

Electric Tao
Electric Tao
2 years ago

I agree that they probably already have the Mars Movie ready to release. They probably have the A. I. Director ready to spit out any story line they come up with, to match the current events on the Blue Ball.
Our current narrative is an incoherent toaster, probably scrambled by (verified) aliens as they are also on their way to Mars.
Who knows, maybe we can strike an alliance with them, and they can come rescue all the starving people with their emerald green tech. Great presentation Matt.

Brad Holden
Brad Holden
2 years ago

What does anyone think of the godgevlamste yt channel? Pure truther research and channeling or a deliberate agendea? Good or bad agenda?

Brad Holden
Brad Holden
2 years ago
Reply to  Brad Holden

Is it apart of the new nasa space agenda to put images in the public cgi or not?

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  Brad Holden

Inspiration for adaptation. Try drawing inspiration from the way he thinks; while resisting the temptation to reason (truth vs false) over suggested information. Utilize implication (if/then) to reduce the temptation of reason (want vs not want; true vs false; believing vs not believing; capitalism vs communism; on vs off; pepsi vs coke etc.).

Choice exists within perceivable balance (need/want); yet is being tempted by suggested imbalance (want vs not want) from other choices to ignore that.

sigh inara
2 years ago
Reply to  Brad Holden

I enjoy Wim’s unique ideas & don’t get the sense that he is part of the system (I think he’d put out more than one video a month if he was) though his focus is yet another channel trying to “figure it out”, which I’ve pretty much moved past…

Gabriel McLoughlin
Gabriel McLoughlin
2 years ago

A new presentation will have to be offered, Farcto many people will never accept what a screen image can present, Already a substantial minority believe everything shown through these lenses of a camera is manufactured nonsense,
On the other hand, many more will be living in the faux reality of the metaverse , So those GMO hybrids will accept any nonsense the “Super Computer” programmes into them. And for those lost souls It is 100% their reality. As real as ours is supposed to be to us.?
Cheers Gabriel ☀️

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago

>a substantial minority believe everything shown through these lenses of a camera is manufactured nonsense

Question the suggestion of PICTURES (captured moments) and MOVIES (moving pictures) to tempt others to ignore being form (life) within the momentum (balance) of flow (inception towards death)?

Also notice that the suggestion of ACTORS is being contradicted by DIRECTORS; since acting in response to direction implies being a REACTOR; hence being reacting form within directing flow.

How do the ones perceiving react to all perceivable? By free will of choice. What represents the foundation of choice? Being the center of balance aka the momentum of motion aka the perceivable ever changing moment. Entrance parasites suggesting a captured moment (picture); then further animating it into a moving picture (movie)…all to tempts the many to ignore their foundation of existence…momentum.

Jack Fowler
Jack Fowler
2 years ago

I absolutely love Matt covering space and the moon. The moon landing chapter on the QOC YouTube channel is what started me on my path of Truth.

Maria Maybe
Maria Maybe
2 years ago

lol ramping it up weird science just posted a anti truther on the moon landing mass email

Erin Phelps
2 years ago

There are many of us that know people that recognize that this is all a bunch of BS. Look at this post from yesterday from someone that I worked with years ago.

Brad B
Brad B
2 years ago

I don’t believe there will be any more high profile space events from here on out, just a lot of can kicking. Sure they will keep doing this b-roll, international space Station, mars rover CRAP but anything they do will look far too fake to put it in front of the eyes of the whole world on an a class media cycle. Case and point, the hook is SET. People BELIEVE all this crap they present, their not taking chances on a new event backfiring unless their paradigm really starts to come apart they could go for a hail merry mars landing movie. However, I think they would use an asteroid hitting earth movie to reinforce their lies rather than a mars or moon movie. I predict their strategy will turn from offensive(going out there) to defensive(“protecting” earth). If anyone is really even trying anymore which I’m not convinced they are.

Mark Cooper
Mark Cooper
2 years ago

This feels like that episode of black mirror where the black guy got to have his own show where he could complain about the system. If your website grows and you get donations, are you going to film yourself drinking a nice cold glass of orange juice?

2 years ago

The heat shields on the old manned modules were said to be composed of ablative materials, who Tim Lord defined in an earlier comment. I can’t remember who or when, but some time back, someone from NASA (and not the usual suspect) literally said they lost the technology to create those shields, despite the tech’s extremely obvious military use.

kat rayne
kat rayne
2 years ago
Reply to  Shimshon

seems impossible to ‘lose’ technology, but they know most are too retardo to realize that…

Thomas Keenan
Thomas Keenan
2 years ago

“Neapolitan Dynamite” was the best CGI yet😂

2 years ago

It just hit me. When Achilles said “The gods envy us” he was talking about us. We are Gods who envy the people around us beacuse they can experience life as real.
We and they may have made different choices in the beginning before we were born. 
What if their choice was simple and modest when they choose only one life on Earth that is real. And because of that choice they might be the ones who are able to move on for good! Not us. We may not be rewarded, at least not in the way we expect.
Just think: who do we have more in common with, the world stage actors/freaks or normal people? Creeps can’t play us. It’s not hard for us to see through their tricks. It could be said that we almost speak the same language. It isn’t impossible that we are these disgusting creatures in the making.

“The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.”

Does this ring like a truth to you?
I also have another take on this.

2 years ago
Reply to  Spaghetti

McKinley is always like “We are winning guys don’t worry” but what if we are not winning. Has he ever took a moment to take that side into the consideration?
We think “Normies are the losers, they are the ones who are being fooled”… but what if we are, also? Let us be real here. We are dealing with masterful manipulators. We think we can be ahead of them? We can’t fathom what they are, we don’t even have a clue what are those creatures and what is their ultimate game. And we think we are winning? Does winning usually feels like this: desperate, hopeless, uninterested in life…
We should start looking for answers in all places from all perspectives.
Red pill – red color in Star Wars is the only color associated with the dark side.
Before Anakin fell to the darkness he was in a great pain, feeling isolated from others around him, and when he fought Kenobi he was deluded that his power was greater then Kenobis. But the blue lightsaber won. 
“From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!” Maybe we should start questioning our point of view before it is too late?
All these tricks in front of our eyes can be there just for us, to get us. Not to fool the fools… To deceive those who think they aren’t able to be deceived. That is a real win.

Last edited 2 years ago by Spaghetti
William Burns
William Burns
2 years ago

In the last image – Elon’s mars base reminds me of LA’s Dodger Stadium…

EthericBliss -EB
EthericBliss -EB
2 years ago

Hahahahah! You found a clip of “Lunar Lander”… Oh, S#!T… Don’t know HOW many quarters I wasted on that game, watching it “blow-up” into little stick looking “pieces”. Ya GOTTA love it!!

EthericBliss -EB
EthericBliss -EB
2 years ago

It won’t let me edit my OP… so here goes the “EDIT”:

Seriously!! As for the “delayed gratification” thing with the whole “Space S#!T”, I would venture to guess that it is because “we” DO have a lot of “Outer Space SciFi MOVIES already… “we” don’t NEED a “live action movie” because we’ve been INUNDATED with “Outer Space” movies, like you said, since 1977. When Star Wars was originally released, they’ve kept a “trickle” of them coming since.

Then started to REALLY ramp-up in the 2000’s, when CG started to look “real”. And that’s ALL “consumer-grade” (“prosumer” for SOME of them) programs that they were (are still) using, too. Except these Studios have a litany of programmers that are able to “tweak” these programs and write scripts for them, that put them “out of reach” for the poor Schmo who wants to create something LIKE “Them”. They ALSO have access to some of the biggest, fastest computers and Render Farms now, as well…

So yeah, I’d say that “They” have “sated” the taste-buds for ACTUAL “Outer Space”, with a now, barrage of “Fake Space MOVIES”. That is why “people” don’t give a S#!T when they push it back, every four to five years… at least that’s my “take” on the whole, moronic, “Let’s go to MARS!!!” speech every so often.

Questions Stuff
Questions Stuff
2 years ago

The most cathartic thing to do,is take the piss out of this entire reality we’ve woken up in 🙂

Last edited 2 years ago by Questions Stuff
2 years ago

Yes, they could fake it perfectly — but they won’t. There will always be ‘mistakes on purpose’.

2 years ago

This is my “last Call” Theory i have since quite a few years – that everybody will have a chance to see, if they want to. And this “giving a Chance” leads to: it’s getting more obvious, as time goes by.
It’s like qualifying, but each new class is on a more easy circuit.

Last edited 2 years ago by thorsten
free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago

>the PTBe

“The Powers That Be” tempts one to ignore that to be (perceiving) implies out of (perceivable); hence within and in response to. Question the source of power aka EN’ERGY, noun [Gr. work.] – “internal or inherent power”.

Consider the following sleight of hand: “Arbeit Macht Frei” aka Work (energy) will set you Free (will of choice). What if the perceiving represent reactors within the perceivable generation aka being temporary form (life) within ongoing flow (inception towards death)?

AllDeception WillBeDefeated
AllDeception WillBeDefeated
2 years ago

Whatevers in the mind of the brainless zombie’s started by the screen, who buy Mars bars, milkyway bars, moon dust sweets. Maybe it’s a fake messiah. I like this one Matt

Maria Isabel
Maria Isabel
2 years ago

It’s good to be back, at least, and for now, from Europe, after many, many months, I am able to see your videos 🙂

With the confirmation (from several sources) that they managed to inject 70% of the global population, with at least 1 injection (nanotechnology that is self-assembling and recognizable in the microscope) many will not be able to escape the irreversible program where they can even make them to believe that camels have wings 😉
The stupid argument, to entertain the masses, that the “Earth” is a ball or flat, when it is neither, well explained on page 18 of a very old CIA Document.

Of course it’s an old document, but with the new stuff they injected, most people will believe whatever… and they will Feel it… this creation it’s “real” enough, not only to feel emotions but also to feel pain, whatever the program wants to program… in a very “vivid” dream.

The strong Will to control our own mind it’s not for all. Even without the “injection”, it needs a kind of mastery of our own mind, not to fall in our own illusions/Beliefs…
The more difficult war is not with “them”, but with ourselves. There is not a recipe that can be taught…only tips from others and for hundreds of years.

Each one has his own key and his own way. A few want to have “a master key for all doors”.
In a way, they can’t even be called “bad or evil” because they start using what many do not use (their own Will). As a metaphor it’s like throwing something in the trash and accusing of theft, who took and used the garbage.

The End Goal has always been to Control the Minds, to manifest the kind of reality of those who have always known that:
“The All is Mind”.
“In the beginning was the Word”… (“word” has nothing to do with “matter”)
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

Nothing is “solid”, but to create “reality”, it requires creators, and for few to control the manifestation of this creation requires controlling minds/holograms.

A very long and old document, but whoever has the patience to analyze what was already ancient Knowledge, makes it easier to understand almost everything, especially for those who, for a long time, have questioned the nature of reality.


William Lodderhose
2 years ago

I have top secret info that Elon dresses up for bed as Buzz and screams “to Infinity and Beyond” till his servants bring him a glass of warm milk and that night’s sacrificial goat. As soon as I get some pics I’ll be sure to post them here. Cheers.

Last edited 2 years ago by William Lodderhose
Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

You’re a riot:)

Kris Robertson
Kris Robertson
2 years ago

Death to Smoochie. Horrible movie, couple laughs. “It’s a rocket ship. It’s a cock. No it’s a rocket ship.” The only lines from the movie I can remember. They have also slowly pushed back space missions by having their “disasters” like in the 80’s and the one over Texas to fool the masses into thinking they are just having troubles with setbacks and other issues. No doubt the next movie will be the best one yet. Full of obvious fakery to us and completely believable to the rest. The truth is Not out there. Thanks Matt

Martin Licht
Martin Licht
2 years ago

And, no doubt, there will be the ritual ‘blood sacrifice ‘ when a mission fails, allowing for more delays and blending of minds to mush as the groomed population bends over gleefully taking it up the ass while handing over their souls.

Gustavo Brett
Gustavo Brett
2 years ago

First a technical note; Matt your videos generally sound good. With your laugh tracks there is (or there was when I used to use garage band) a way to turn down the volume on the provided “ Laugh track ” in case you felt like adjusting it.

On the subject of Matt’s video a few things strike me. First I don’t think the spellbound (screen drones) will actually ever demand that the next space illusion is presented. Doesn’t matter if it’s 60 or 600 years, that particular population of people are just waiting to be told what is next. The screen could them anything IT wants and that will be what is next. There is a middle ground population that I call the “Soul Swing Voters”. It seems to me that many more of them are questioning the narrative since c-19 was launched. But I don’t think too many of them are ready to challenge the screen’s lies either. That said they may begin to question it more as it’s expression of absurdity and fiction grow more aggressive.

That leads me to the next point. I’m pretty much convinced that the ongoing expression of absurdity is part of the spell craft of the chaos magic the screen relies so heavily on. Basically the more unreal it can present to us without our collective push back the more ground it gains for the next level of illusion. This realm is a battleground of the polarities . And all though Matt is always saying this place is “NOT VERY REAL !” I observe it to be both real and unreal at the same time; natural and artificial at the same time. The screen is rooted in us forgetting our “ true nature ” and giving ourselves to it’s lies and deceit . So the more crazy, absurd, and unreal it can get us to buy into the better for it’s perpetual agenda. An agenda to control our collective choice, consciousness and attention. That includes our community being overly involved in it’s lies and deception (our attention), which gives merit to Matt’s central theme of leaving the Notnilc’s rabbit hole alone as much as possible. Or as I would say “ Observe without compulsion”. If we can observe without compulsion we can learn from it without buying into it’s whirlpool of perpetual confusion and energy drain. Interesting definition of a whirlpool …

“A whirlpool is a body of rotating water produced by opposing currents or a current running into an obstacle.[1][clarification needed] Small whirlpools form when a bath or a sink is draining. More powerful ones in seas or oceans may be termed maelstroms (/ˈmeɪlstrɒm, -rəm/ MAYL-strom, -⁠strəm). Vortex is the proper term for a whirlpool that has a downdraft ” 

The absurdity is essential to us being confused enough to never break out of the collective spell of being separated from source . The central deception that we are not all eternal in nature. If we know that we are eternal the prison walls come down and the screen no longer gets to feed off us . Blessings on the path everyone . May love find you well and at ease.

This is the first definition of absurdity I found : “The state or quality of being absurd or inconsistent with obvious truth, reason, or sound judgment; want of rationality or common sense.”

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Gustavo Brett

Thanks for sharing this, looks like it took some time to create (and) it’s a very visual take on this storm outside everyone’s house (no doubt).

Neil Barker
Neil Barker
2 years ago

Wonder if the WOPR will just roll everything into one big shitshow and give us a Mars Mission + Project Bluebeam/Alien invasion + deadly pandemic…haha, might as well go for a hat-trick at this point in the game.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

I met Buzz Aldrin at a book signing once. He seemed sincere. It would not surprise me if he really thinks he went to the Moon…I think they messed those guys up bigtime.

Gustavo Brett
Gustavo Brett
2 years ago

Brother I saw him tell a little kid we never went in the first place. I swear to god he said on TV to a little kid that asked him why we never went back. He said “ Because we never really went in the first place …” then he mumbled some non sense after that to cover it up. But his first sentence was “ Because we never really went in the first place …” it was crazy. But it doesn’t matter because the collective is not ready for truth so this stuff just spins past the populous. Matt says we never get a win but stuff does happen…it just doesn’t matter when it happens because it gets ignored. The illusion is not ready to fall and so it stands. I saw another moon landing astronaut say he didn’t know what the Van Allen Belt was. And NASA says we haven’t gone back because the lost the directions (telemetry). So it doesn’t matter how absurd it all is if the populous dosen’t care.

Dylan Parsons
Dylan Parsons
2 years ago

I just saw your latest video over on youtube regarding that children’s book. But this may be a better place to ask. What else has the Crimefighter gifted you?

Dean Aldridge
Dean Aldridge
2 years ago

Thank you Matt, and Rob.

2 years ago

A few days ago, I got confirmation from myself that it was always meant for me to awaken (tho I won’t get into it). We are not insane. This is real.
Everything is in front of our eyes, it only takes time to adapt eyes to see.

Before we were born we were given a choice. The choice was to choose between the red or blue pill reality. We were in a group of souls who decided to be awakened in this life.

That means we are surrounded by people who chose the blue pill. This largely explains their behavior. Their choice was not to be awake, and when truth-lovers confront them with the truth, they are not taking it in cuz they stick to their choice. Our 2 very different choices are the reason why we live in 2 different realities.
For the blue pill group the game controllers represent a reality that seems real and will always remain unquestionable for normies. For our group, we got totally opposite presentation of reality.

But there is a third group too. Think of Cypher from Matrix and his choice, I think it goes that way. My guess is that those are previously awakened red pillers who decided to come back, choose the life they want to have and help another generation of souls to awaken. 
The 3rd group is divided in 2 groups: winners and losers. Yeah, I think we can still lose even if we chose a powerful red pill. The losers are those characters we see all the time, who are put there to provoke negative emotions and a bad outlook on life for one goal only. They will do WHAT EVER it takes to succeed in that. Even mass vaccination if necessary. Not because they want to harm every man who walks the earth. They want fear to penetrate our hearts. 
Everything they do, the controllers and the losers from 3rd group, is to make for us as difficult as possible to fully awaken and do what we came here to do in the first place. I am sure they are winning big time over us. I actually think that everything they did was only for our eyes. Every big ruse event they putted out. Certainly not for our naive friends in the blue pill group.
Moon landing (and 9/11) was not there to deceive all the public, it was a major ruse for us to keep us talking about that fake event 60 years later! And truthers are still talking about it today? About something that we know for a fact was a lie?! Unbelievable.

But where are the winners? They are a bit hidden and not all in your face as losers. Think of people with talents doing what they love, who are putting the truth in films and music, giving us all these things we enjoy and love in our lives. They are helping us. If we win we may be able to make a choice to be like them; ones who will be involved in shaping the world in the next 100 or 200 years.

As a red pill group we have 2 goals to fulfill:
1. don’t fall for the screen. for god’s sake. 
2. figure out why did you choose to come to this place and be in awaken state, and keep doing that thing.
I’m also aware that the newbies have to examine the screen till they feel sick of it. First steps. We all have been there.
How we win? Let’s look at the Squid game.
Everyone was like: “Hey, look how that grandpa is jumping, his aura color is different from the others, what’ about these geometric symbols on the helmets, look at what that doll is doing with her eyes!”
Wait… who won? The silly guy with a big heart who had most fun playing the game.
Do your best to stay lighthearted.

Last edited 2 years ago by Spaghetti
monarch9 9hcranom
monarch9 9hcranom
2 years ago

latest video tickets $63 and $53 dollars are $116, or 911 inverted nothing to see here

Josh Akins
Josh Akins
2 years ago

Martian Covid. It’s coming. I can already see the first few trillionaire CEOs as a result of creating MarsVax 💉

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
2 years ago

At 5:00 minutes, The first shot has two engines, so it it from the first separation… The second shot has only 1 engine, so it is from the second separation…. So the same situation applies. They are always even tricking you on the cuts and edits.

2 years ago

21:24 magneta presentation showing its ugly head.

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