Like any of us needed more evidence of the one world system. It’s incredible to me that even reputable “truth channels” talk like countries are separate and make their own decisions.
The Beijing Winter Olympics is just another pile of evidence that points to the one world system. So far, it’s a pile of something else too……
Hi Matt long time viewer here, finally decided to join you on this website. Mainly beqause i read your comment on Forever consious research channel’s latest vid about why the reincarnation chiefs would’nt just reincarnate us as a baby instead of going true the trouble of putting us in the same body after a nde. I thought that was a good question and worth pondering on, hopefully you speak on this further in a future video. I’m gonna watch this video you just uploaded on here about the olympics, i have no doubt it’s gonna be good. Take care buddy
It’s even better here, it’s no holds barred 🙂
I hate to ask, but is anyone having trouble with the video not loading? It could just be my end.
Play’s fine on my end.
All good here.
All good on mine.
Sometimes it happens to me to not sure how or why? I have mobile data & wifi if it doesn’t work for me on one of those it won’t work on the other one? IDK?
Yes my video froze to around the 19th minute mark..weird it’s not playing anymore
I skip the vid for 15 sec and worked, or go back 15 seconds and wait a bit to load
Great presentation and like your summary – it’s all how you see it. Once you get to a point to be able to see the trick and not engage with it, it’s entertaining. I like to visualize the Ship of Fools cruising away while I’m chilling out on the riverbank drinking coffee and watching the show. I always try to remember a few mantras/phrases throughout the day and have them on post-its around my desk:
“Seek nothing outside of yourself.”
“Woi ’bout yo’self!”
“The only winning move is not to play.”
“Remove yourself from the equation.” (My new favourite paraphrased from Tron: Legacy.)
How could you have watched this entire video already? It’s only been up 10 minutes.
No it hasn’t
My apologies if wrong. I commented 2 minutes after getting the notification.
It’s been up over an hour on my end & it’s 6:29 PM??
The video it’s self says 2 hours ago??
I see that now. As a matter of fact it now says 3 hours ago for me. Again I was simply basing my question on when I received my notification. I came here the minute I received it. I was simply curious. Everyone can sit back in their bathtub.
>It’s entertaining
Enter Tame Mind (entertainment). It’s still consent to their suggestion; hence allowed to enter and tame your mind.
>“Seek nothing outside of yourself”
Seek implies want (suggested information); which ignores need (perceived inspiration).
>“Woi ’bout yo’self!”
Self sustenance (need) of form (life) within flow (inception towards death); while resisting the temptation (want) of other form.
>“The only winning move is not to play.”
A game implies suggestion towards outcome; which ignores that life represents resistance until predefined outcome (death).
>“Remove yourself from the equation.”
Aka resisting suggested equality; while adhering to perceived differentiation (of collective flow into individual form).
For me, the emerald green signifies the heart chakra, the zero point of the torus field projection we are in, the aurora borealis (& not just because my name is another word for them)…which then also explains why it can represent both “good” & “evil”, since all is contained within the divine whole that we are fractals of.
>it can represent both “good” & “evil”, within the divine whole that we are fractals of.
Question if one as choice (fractal) in response to balance (whole) doesn’t fall for a temptation to ignore perceived balance (need/want) for suggested imbalance (want vs not want), and if the latter can be rebranded by those who make the suggestions into “good vs evil”?
We BEcome what we identify with. Embodiment of beliefs.
Soul contacts, Delores Cannon and sheer idiocy repeated for only a handful of years. Drinking it down like kool-aid.
NONE of this is spoken of by the old ones.Why? Because its garbage in garbage out within an echo chamber of repetitious chinese whispers.
Holding up fools as visionary. ”Careful what you wish for” in Reality Few Can See
(let alone ability/willingness to confront)
>We BEcome what we identify with
What if to be implies coming out of; while being moved towards getting back in? What if identify (which implies choice of evaluation) ignores IDEN’TITY, noun “sameness”?
>Embodiment of beliefs
What if EMBOD’Y, verb transitive [en, in, and body.] – “to form or collect into a body or united mass; to collect into a whole; to incorporate” represents the suggested inversion of being formed differently out of the same whole aka as form (life) out of flow (inception towards death)?
Ask yourself if the parasitic few use suggestion (-isms; beliefs) to incorporate (embody) the mind (from mens; ment) of the many who consent to them?
>Soul contacts
a) SOUL; SPIR’IT, noun [Latin spiritus, from spiro, to breathe] aka form adapting to flow for self sustenance as choice (free will) to balance (momentum) of flow.
b) flow (velocity) meeting form (resistance) causes friction; vibration; resonance; hence the communication between balance (offer) and choice (response) aka the need for temporary form to adapt to ongoing flow.
>repetitious chinese whispers
a) chinese whispers aka trust based exchange of suggested information aka choice (suggestion) to choice (consent) contract law; which is in ignorance of balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law.
b) question utilization of repetition as FRE’QUENCY, noun – “occurrence of a thing often repeated at short intervals”; especially in regard to the growth of temporary resistance (form) within ongoing velocity (flow)? Something; something…energy harvesting.
>”Careful what you wish for” in Reality Few Can See
Wish implies choice of want (suggested) over need (perceived), and falling for that temptation (ignorance) causes ones lack of comprehension towards perceived; hence the “reality that few can see”.
Great presentation Matt!! I so Appreciate your Time & effort love listening to ya, you’ve kept me from loosing my mind a few time’s! And for that I Thank You very much!
Hello Matt, Have you read Edena by Moebius? It is a comic book with predictive programming about the kooof. The people who live within the city all have to wear masks because of the sneeze disease, everyone who doesn’t are outcasts and live outside of society
This video just froze on me on the 19th minute 19:11 to be exact ..WTF 🤦
skip the vid for 15 sec or go back 15 seconds and wait a bit to load
Also a long time viewer here. I am back and forth between you and Owen Benjamin as i think its the only thing worth watching and listening to. Literally. Its good to know (some would even say necessary) to have a place to go. We arent alone and thats refreshing.
Speaking of how these creeps and “doctors” tell people that they’re going to get sick or cancer, reminds me of the nocebo effect:
“Less well known is the ‘nocebo effect,’ in which patients, believing themselves to have terminal illnesses (or to be under curses) literally make themselves sick and die. In these instances, the patient’s belief sets off a chain of mental images that culminate in the person physically making himself sick, perhaps even dying from fright. […] Adroit mind-slayers deliberately insert confusion, doubt and fear into the minds of their foes, purposely staining the foe’s mind-mirror in order to make that foe ‘see’ an imperfect reflection of the world. An imperfect reflection of the world around them causes people to act on incorrect information. Calculated on incorrect intelligence, an enterprise cannot but fail. In order to remain in a constant state of readiness to do battle, be it physical battle or a no-less-lethal mental challenge, ninja cultivated makoto, the stainless mind. Makoto is a balanced state of mind allowing us to remain calm even in the most trying of circumstance.” — Haha Lung, Christopher B Prowant, (Mind Manipulation: Ancient and Modern Ninja Techniques)
Sounds like a book “the order of the black sun” would read and utillize. Not a fan of using mind manipulation tactic’s on people but on the other hand we should be aware of these tactic’s to better defend against it, Think like the serpent and don’t act like it and all that.
Agreed! The Antidote to Mind Manipulation, is Increased Awareness. 🙂
Question the difference between understanding (standing under) the suggested information from others, and ones comprehension of all perceived inspiration?
In other words…if one increases awareness of what others suggest; then one still ignores what everyone perceives for what a few are suggesting?
MIND, noun [Latin reminiscor; Latin mens; Gr. memory]…to manipulate the conscious memory requires consent by ones free will of choice to suggested information by the choice of others; hence filling ones memory with suggested information (fiction); while ignoring perceived inspiration (reality).
Thank you Matt and Rob.
Maybe the following video answers questions as to why the Vector symbol is used repeatedly:
“This is Vector science to put it in none complex form ,You are exspossed to every day and you don’t know it , now you do .This is my new film . Funny how little people know about astro physics and how it has been applied to all things around us and the universe . I hope this will help people understand more about the world around us and not to be afraid of what they are trying to do and brings clarity of truth and a deeper understanding of self .” — Zakaos Breedlove Ewing, (The Evil NWO Vectornism Masonic Cult TransHuman Agenda Expossed)
THE VECTOR & THE 7 – The Vector Symbol is the Sigil for the Sith: “Now, these… witches, freemasons, occultists… they have an agenda, a plan, Agenda 21, that is world depopulation. Where they have actually tricked the world with United Nations and their other nazist eugenic organizations, and lied. And started poisoning the world and saying well, ‘overpopulation―we need to depopulate or it’s gonna be crowded on the earth, and we need to put the earth before humanity’, and it’s all lies. This is all their ruse to just, you know, kill people, that’s all, to justify killing people. So I want you to understand […] how they’re using vector-borne diseases to just kill people with nazi eugenics. Because it’s …very prevalent in vaccines.” — Zakaos Breedlove Ewing, (The Evil NWO Vectornism Masonic Cult TransHuman Agenda Expossed)
Thank you.
The birds nest is the crown of thorns (corona) within that is ground zero, (the excavation on the Moon) with the Monolith inside.
Matt, it’d be awesome if you did a live chat type of video with all of us one day. It’d be fun to all have a laugh at what I agree, has become the dark reality. Much love as always, brother.
Also you’re right about the pattern you’re seeing I remember seeing a channel breakdown a news segment – where they showed the order they gave the news and then mixed in the more absurd with the serious and they suggested it had something psychologically to do with peoples attention spans and the way certain things will be more likely to I guess be retained in ones memory when done a certain way – if I can find it I’ll email it over to you, but I feel like it was year ago (and ya already know it anyways haha).
Want a good laugh? here…
The Scottish still wear kilts occasionally!!
No, we wear kilts whenever there is an excuse to get steaming drunk.
Boy I’m glad you watched this so I didn’t have to. I do feel bad for the athletes though. I agree with the one world system and it being obvious and more and more obvious. Vanessa had an interesting video up a week ago about ears ringing, sleep paralysis and Christ Consciousness that I really enjoyed So glad to have found you guys
The political drama during the Olympics is complete and total fiction, and,
as usual, the normie believes every frick’n bit of it.
I have a breakdown of the final part of the ritual! on my youtube channel, farmingfromscratch. again we are looking at a completion ritual of 911 a space Odyssey!
BROKEN RECORD ALERT, I have a video on my youtube channel that outlines the HIDDEN CODES IN THE ONE DOLLAR BILL, and a potential second 911 DATE, it is rapidly approaching, FEB 13th. My channel is farmingfromscratch
The Olympics are always a good distraction while the global order puts some nefarious plan into action.
No mention of the Monolith!!!!
Maybe the creepy ritual should be re-examined, especially if we think it’s creepy! We might be missing the truth beneath the lie!
“1.4 Billion – whatever..” You mean you don’t believe there are 8 billion souls on this _________?”
Jesus really is the truth! Seek God before it’s too late! ❤️
Reunite the Holy Trinity.
Hello, watched every freevoice… Every video reassures that im not the only one… Thanks for taking your time and sharing👍👍
Hi matt, I took my soon to a rugby tournament under 10s at sarcerns rugby club, 200 kids playing all day they got to run out as mascots before the game tried putting them in masks for the cameras 50 percent said no and they still run out no problem
Matt, In Woodrow Wilson’s quote that you mentioned, he’s talking about the Jews.
I’m familiar with that quote as well but am I understanding you correctly that you’re saying the Jews are at the very top of this mess? Don’t they work at the behest of someone or something as well?
I’ve been trying to tell people for a long time that there is nothing real about how reality is presented to us. It’s all a massive scam. But the way people are losing their rights is very real. And a war could break out any day now. That too would be as real as real gets. I think this place needs suffering to function. They need to deliver souls to hell or whatever you want to call it…Someone has to pay.
I’ve never really thought of it in the way you’ve laid it out, but seeing it qnd reading it, I have to say I agree.
>nothing real about how reality is presented to us
Question the difference between consenting to suggested information (fiction) and responding to perceived inspiration (reality).
Does nature use words (brands; idols; suggested information) to communicate itself to everything within, or does it simply move everything; which the senses of those within perceived as inspiration to grow their comprehension out of; while adapting to being moved as form (life) by flow (inception towards death)?
>I think this place needs suffering to function
Being form within flow; implies being temporary resistance within ongoing velocity; represents being temporary chaos within ongoing order. How to corrupt ones comprehension thereof? By suggesting the inversion thereof aka seeking order out of chaos; while ignoring being chaos out of order; hence the struggle to survive. And what would the parasitic few suggest the ignorant many who seek order out of chaos? War!
>They need to deliver souls to hell or whatever you want to call it
Question alchemy aka transmutation out of base aka flow to form (inception); form within flow (life), and form to flow (death). The few use suggestion (choice) towards consent (choice) as the ingredient to transmute the many back to base.
In other words…as life being moved from inception towards death…where do all suggestions aim at? Forwards; towards death. Which is why choice of need (sustenance of self by resistance to velocity) and choice of want (temptation to ignore resistance for going with the flow).
Isn’t Communist China the model for the New World Order?
IQ SUPPRESSING HEADBANDS: “It just all pisses me off, I mean, I don’t want people messing with my brain. Does that seem right to you?” — Harrison Bergeron [Sean Astin] in Harrison Bergeron (1995)
>Communist China
Communist China; leader of capitalism; run by a fascist leader who bows to international socialists. That’s communism; capitalism; fascism; internationalism; socialism and then some aka all suggested -isms; made by the same parasitic few to the many who consent to ignore the perceived ONE world they exist in.
I really enjoyed this presentation Matt. Every minute of it actually. I think that makes me 4 out of 5 in agreement with your last 5 presentations (if anyone is keeping count). One thing that makes me bonkers about the normies besides not being able to see what is so obvious to us is how (in my opinion) foolishly optimistic they are. I encounter people everyday who will admit to being tired of all the restrictions etc. but think “normal” is returning and it’s just around the bend. Coming anyday now. Not happening but good luck explaining that to folks.
Agree. Anytime anyone says anything along the lines of things going back the way they were I have to laugh.
Hi Matt, I have ‘attempted’ to prepare people for hardships since 2007/8 and accomplished nothing.
My close friends and family, I know why, do not miss a beat nor take any notice at all.
I understand the one world system and made a conscious decision to more silly videos or advice as I only harm myself in frustration and worry. I enjoy your chats and autopsies of our reality and the machine and I am grateful for your connection to open minds so yes, you make a difference..I had to accept my failure upon others and myself by chasing the obsession that drove me but no more. It’s sad but my heart is shattered as I am forced to watch their experience dissolve over time, I cannot degrade myself any longer in a false illusion that I…I can help..such folly.
Whenever war comes it’s on the back of economic woes and I see another old script of fear and suffering on the horizon and I expect normies to fill up on cola and popcorn.
Now family and friends are in dire financial distress, they still think me a Conspiracy Theorist and fruit loopy idiot..ok, I’ll take that as I did it to myself so I shall continue to enjoy our collective time together and reject fear as I see fear as the coward that stalks and invades our ever changing inner system which I must protect.
Now I am accused of giving up and a be it.
Thank you Matt…be well sir for you DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE…and you piss ’em off..great days man.
Johnny..formally known as, “that dick who’s off his tits”.
>I have ‘attempted’ to prepare people and accomplished nothing.
That’s because you wanted outcomes (preparing others); while ignoring the need to sustain self. The more you sustain self; the more inspiration others can draw from you…if they choose to adapt to it.
Suggestion of outcome (towards death); while ignoring to adapt to being moved as life from inception towards death; hence resisting every perceived moment(um); not ignoring to do so for suggested outcomes (fears towards death). That’s why both hope and fear represent temptations luring towards death.
>our ever changing inner system which I must protect.
As form (life) within the momentum (balance) of flow (inception towards death)…you represent the free will of choice responding to a balance based system (need/want); while being tempted by the suggestions of others to ignore it for imbalance (want vs not want).
Your protection represents your inner struggle to resist outward temptations (choice of want over need). Question being within constant change; question being the temporary response to ongoing change; question if the only thing that cannot ever change within constant change…represents the rules that define how change operates (laws of nature) and if you can only comprehend them; while perceiving the consequences of being moved?
Perhaps all of this is a competition to see which “country” gets to be the next dominant leader on the world stage for the next century. Whichever country shows their populace to be the MOST cucked wins the prize. And there could be serious repercussions for not participating and/or having a population that fights against the absurd list of mandates (repercussions being massive economic hardship for the next 100 years). What we may be witnessing here is some kind of demented pecking order process that will determine the hierarchy that will take over after this Grrrrrreeaaaat Reset.
Am I joking? Partly… but I’m in agreement with Matt, I’m really not taking anything off the table. If you look at how universally world leaders are participating in what is CLEARLY harmful to its own people, it makes more sense in the context of this being some kind of insane competition that will determine each country’s standing for the next chapter of B.S.
Anal Swabbing at the Airport was all I needed to know on this one.
I’m still sick after doing a reality script spell on the humanity hive mind/parasite. But I’m pretty surethings will happen. Psychogenic disease incoming. Exeter has a giant Moon -key in the cathedral. Just wait for it. I think the reality fractal also see the humanity hive mind as a parasite. It sees how individuality is being attacked. The clown stuff was effective and so should this be.
Great catch! Unbelievable after all this time.
Matt I found a twitter post that shows potential video from other angle of WTC when the second tower exploded..
There’s something very disturbing I noticed with people, in fact lots of them can see that something’s wrong here in this “world”, but they consider that’s the way it is (!!) and nothing can be changed, completely submissive and resigned !
It seems that it’s not really a question of “not seeing”, but rather of “not daring” !
That category certainly exists… and they are the worst off, psychologically. Imagine knowing, through and through, that the cooties protocols were all nonsense… and doing it anyway, maybe even with grand enthusiasm to maximize social scoring potential. Makes the skin crawl.
Ask yourself if choice represents ones response-ability to all perceived reality…not to the suggestions (fiction) from all the other ones? To consent by choice to suggestion by choice of others represents a) submission of free will to others and b) shirking of response-ability as choice within balance.
In other words…life being moved from inception towards death implies movement to represent the natural order for those within, and being moved towards death implies the need to resist the natural order. Now how would the parasitic few corrupt the many to ignore resisting the natural order? By suggesting them to follow suggested orders (towards death).
25:30 regarding the distance between Xi and the other “leader”.
Just imagine how this script is. The person that placed the chairs controlled the leaders positions.You see…
Talking about dates, symbols … Check this out if you’re not aware of it :
On the 27th of January in Canada, “Holocaust remembrance day and National Kids and Vaccines Day” …
Thanks matt! About the filesize of your videos here on freevoice, around 1GB is pretty much, you should get a better compression algorithm to reach sub 500 or less MB.
The President of Tanzania broke the rules, didn’t want to follow the script and they killed his cabinet and then, they killed him.
I forgot to add the text which I hope it ‘proves’ my claims in my previous statement…unless it’s also part of the script, and probably they all live somewhere hidden and enjoy the show…silly smile
President Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi
>Expels WHO (World Health organization) Officials in may 2020 and gets reelected
>Dies of “heart complications” in June 2020
President John Magufuli of Tanzania
>dismissed COVID-19 vaccines and promoted “unfounded remedies”
>President John Magufuli says Tanzania doesn’t need vaccines, and that they don’t work anyway: “If the white man was able to come up with vaccinations, he should have found a vaccination for AIDS, cancer and TB by now.”
>died in march 2021 of “heart complications”, while his opposition claims it was covid
>after his death, the government of Tanzania’s new President Samia Suluhu Hassan has turned a page on the Covid-denialist policies of the late former president John Mugufuli by launching a national task force, which is recommending the country purchase vaccines and cooperated with the World Health Organisation (WHO) by publishing statistics and taking other measures. (the new president is a pro-vaxx WHO puppet)
President Moise of Haiti
>under his rule, the country of Haiti didn’t vaccinate it’s people, because the country rejected COVAX’s AstraZeneca shipment
>Haiti President’s Term Will End in 2022, Biden Administration Says
>Moise gets assassinated by some mercenary looking dudes (at least one of the glowies was clearly a white man)
>after his death the Director of the Pan American Health Organization Carissa Etienne extended her condolences to Moise’s family and pledged to reinforce her organisation’s work in Haiti. “I am hopeful that the imminent arrival of vaccines in the country can start to turn the tide of the pandemic and bring some relief to the Haitian people during these very difficult times,” Etienne said.
Nice ending to the vid Matt. Can it be said that the more we study and comprehend the ‘darkness’ the more ‘illuminated’ (perhaps) we become?
Well Matt you just reminded me that the Tokyo Olympics were on, I had forgotten all about that, I never seen one event, I have no idea if Ireland won a medal, And I care less, ?
My point is That something as big as the Olympics is now a total Non event, You video tonight is the only information I have heard or seen about the winter Olympics, lol
Welcome to Covidious maximous.
Cheers Gabriel ☀️
Never ending fear is there game my solution is seeing there cowardice for what it is and laughing at them daily while simultaneously continuing to live my own life. 😂 the news is the biggest comedy club of crappy comedians ever. Gotta laugh at there cringeworthiness.
Matt, What is a working email for you? I checked your website but the Geemail addy you have stated it is no longer working?
Mike Tirico is this generations phantom of sportscasting. Just when you think hes going to fade away, the system brings him back out front
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
― Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom
lol _ its all a game!