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Quantum of Conscience

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It’s always fun to boot up the old iMac to see what’s on it. It’s probably 14 years old, but 5 x better than the “new” iMac

Matt McKinley

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Agnes Andrzejczyk
Agnes Andrzejczyk
1 year ago

Brilliant as always!!!
You hae amazing abiliy to see connections and see their possible significance!
Always the mind ( and more)feast to lessen!

Agnes Andrzejczyk
Agnes Andrzejczyk
1 year ago

AI ,the author of this reality has a twisted sense of humor!
David Icke and Oracle Girl discribe this artificial reality in different but complementing each other ways.

dag b
dag b
1 year ago

I know what youre going through, its mentally exhausting. I got huge constipation from FEARS

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
1 year ago

I went to look up “The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus.” Strangely enough, the short trailer on Google ends with Dr. Parnassus looking right into the camera and, with a knowing smirk, saying, “Nothing is permanent. Not even death.”

Gary Lewis
Gary Lewis
1 year ago

Yet another video worth a tip 🙂

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
1 year ago

Thanks, Matt. I enjoyed looking at these pictures, as always.
It’s very important to take the time you need to revitalize yourself. ( I need to practice what I preach.) Whoever thinks what you do is so easy has not really given it any thought. All we see is the finished product, not everything that went into it.
And, btw, Belle was so pretty! I don’t think I saw a picture of Belle before, at least not while knowing it was her.
Much love. 🤗❤️

Jay Holewinski
Jay Holewinski
1 year ago

Hey Matt it’s Jay… I logged in today expecting to be pleased with the video as usual. I certainly appreciate your time and efforts. . . i just wish I could actually watch the videos. This thing sits here and spins it wheels like its not getting a connection meanwhile my device is getting a 5 bar (very strong) amount of connection, and has 4g rollin…. I’ll be damned the videos play a second and spin for 5 minutes. Play another literal second and spin. Spin. Spin. Spin.

Its amazing to me how I can watch full hour + long video on youtube, but somehow the “ears” are more concerned with your content on a FREEVOICE platform. Lol… I want to watch ALL of these… But the notnilc says no. As it fakes a bad connection.

I have more “computing power” in my hands than supposedly Nasa did in written code to launch a fucking rocket *yawn* but I can not seem to watch these videos? That’s strange.

Rest assured if it was fucking pornhub it would roll SEEMLESSLY for hours and hours. Of course… Because Idiocracy rules “He interrupted me while I was watching ‘Oww My Balls’ and THAT is NOT cool” Which I don’t do. I don’t bother. But I have proved this to “google” the first step of the thieves of joy. That pornhub will roll seemlessly and actual factual information even on topics of nutrition or spiritual topics, for examples… Sit and spin.

Anyway. Imma try for the like 5th time. I mean notnilc, how close to the god damn windows do I have to be?

I got as far as the Pluto dog looking at himself in the planet and had to laugh , how did they light up that DARK ass end of the solar system to take that photo? Lol. Its kind of like what I said a few months ago about IF they ever stabbed a flag into the moon then that would surely be a celebrated day in each calendar year. Yet here we are, there has never been such a day to indeed reflect on “that one time… When we landed on the fucking moon? You guys remember right?? I stuck the flag into the surface of the moon!! Wooow.”

$$$$ I’m a bettin’ all my dollas that I will not be able to watch this video today.

Michael Eyer
Michael Eyer
1 year ago

Only 6 comments? I guess people would rather watch the unwatchable NCAA basketball tournament. Me, I’ll watch Matt 🙂

Stellar Shriner
Stellar Shriner
1 year ago

ROFL!!! ” low and behold, there’s Pluto, on the planet Pluto. 🙂

Michael Eyer
Michael Eyer
1 year ago

“You already told me that grandpa”. Grandpa answers, “yeah, and I’m going to tell you again”…and now back to my IPA and basketball.

Justhere Forthefood
Justhere Forthefood
1 year ago

And let us not forget Hanks declaring the New World Order on the Golden Globes, complete with a kneeling Charlize Theron in a green dress. “We’re on the Love Boat.” And he’s crying. Are you kidding me? And the peeps in the audience, like Brad Pitt, looking rather nervous. Like those guys in The Phantom Menace “We should not have made this bargain.”

That letter sounds like a code. Like the Georgia Guidestones being blown up was also a message.

Justhere Forthefood
Justhere Forthefood
1 year ago

Let’s also not forget Mr. Nice Guy Rogers Hero Sully Hanks that everybody loves saying “talk to me dirty” to a little girl on the Jimmy Kimmel video. Jimmy Kimmel, now there’s another stellar human being. Oh, and the film Polar Express. One of the creepiest things you’ll ever see. And Hanks got his start cross-dressing. Yeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. His wife is creepy too.

Justhere Forthefood
Justhere Forthefood
1 year ago

Woops in all fairness to Mr. Hanks, the little girl says that on the stage. I don’t know which is worse. And he calls her a “sexy baby.” God help us.

Last edited 1 year ago by Justhere Forthefood
William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
1 year ago

wait…what? the little girl said “Talk to me dirty?” wtf? I’m soooo glad I shut my TV off when Cheers went off the air.

Justhere Forthefood
Justhere Forthefood
1 year ago

I kid you not, you can find on YouTube, unless they scrubbed it.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
1 year ago

Yes, a code! I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something is terribly strange about that letter. If it were a coded message, it might account for it being so strange.
(So, let’s start counting… Every fifth letter… Every tenth letter… Every thirty-third letter… With the vowels and without… 😂 Lol!)

Justhere Forthefood
Justhere Forthefood
1 year ago
Reply to  Rachel V K

Also ask yourself why was the letter put out there at all?

Simone Van Dorp
Simone Van Dorp
1 year ago

Thanks Matt, such a funny presentation of the bizzaro notnilc! Don’t feel that you ever have to justify yourself to us, I can barely keep up watching the videos you put out and I don’t know how you find the time to make them! Belle was such a lovley girl, where would we be without our lovely cats.

1 year ago

We appreciate your videos. Thank you!

Alison Williams
Alison Williams
1 year ago

Hi Matt, I’ve been watching your videos for a short while now and I just wanted to say, I agree with you. I love listening to you and I love the great things you point out. Just wanted to say thanks x

Darren Cox
Darren Cox
1 year ago

The Jahn Hinklee by the Frodz Theatre just made me say (in my inner Matt voice) “oh no – it’s a mudflood building – no way that door is in the right place – is this reality bleeding through”? I joke, but it does show that my brain is now programmed to see the whole mudflood idea no matter where i look – i can watch a sci-fi show and the mountains look like melted structures made by giants etc – it’s harmless and entertaining although a little distracting at times but i am aware of myself creating this paradigm. I once wished that life would not be boring and I would be the hero in some kind of adventure, well, somehow it happened!

Gary Brunner
Gary Brunner
1 year ago

What happened to the magenta video from Friday on Matt’s channel. Was it taken down?

1 year ago

20 min in. Dark reality. Compared to what?

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
1 year ago

Matt I’m pride myself in being an honest man, but I’m reluctant to tell you that I fell for ottos piss warm beer. Yes it was absolutely ridiculous. He supposedly to a picture of the president off the wall in his hotel, but Donald Trump saved him and got him home even though he was in a mysterious coma and eventually died. GTFOH!

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
1 year ago

Michelle Obama is a dude playing a dude while banging a dude. That thing has a really strong jawline. I saw a video of Michael Obama in the green dress with his junk protruding on Ellen, he was dribbling the rock driving on barry/ barrack and goes up and dunks on him while shattering the glass and bringing the rim down and he says, WHO’S THE BITCH NOW NIGGA!?

TG TheRobot
TG TheRobot
1 year ago

At the 32 minute mark, showing the monolith at the zero ground. Look to the left in the picture. It looks like the crane is a black hand reaching for the monolith.

Sue Lutz
Sue Lutz
1 year ago

Some of this information is new to me. Thank you! I always enjoy your videos.

Suki Says23
Suki Says23
1 year ago

Brilliant! The best part of listening to Matt are the non-stop waves of realization about just how incredibly stupid I’ve been in my life. Doesn’t make me feel shame, makes me happy I’m not a moron anymore. Thank you, Matt.
1 year ago

Hey! I love that song, “Rhythm of the Night”! Never saw that single cover though. Wild.

*Can webmaster help me change my name, I don’t need my email address out here…

Last edited 1 year ago by
Nigel Offer
Nigel Offer
1 year ago

The gun culture has enabled massive profits into the industrial complex and been a source of massive consumerism.The same complex many gun owners rail against.I’m definately not against ownwership by any means but its time every thing is brought out to be honestly examined.Even with a heavily armed population it hasn’t stopped the US going into a dramatic decline.A decline comparable or even worse to Europe etc where firearm ownership is miniscule and limited so where has it helped.Reliance on physical items perhaps mask the need to look at the construct with a different awareness Last 18 months or so the outdoor craze has spawned a whole new class of consumerism.It needs our energy money.

Jimmy Tename
Jimmy Tename
1 year ago

Matt please rewatch JAWS. he says both lines in the film “we’re” and “you’re” about 2 mins apart. i don’t think it used to but it does now…….

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
1 year ago

Of course space is an endless void without light, but I do remember seeing magenta colored galaxies that is probably enough light to make the planets visible SMFH.

1 year ago

Hi Matt, thanks for another great video. On a kind of off topic but not really that off, I had to realization today. I’ve been trying to stay really mindful and be aware of what I’m thinking during the day and why I’m thinking that. I mean I think it’s pretty obvious what we think about we manifest. And I find myself thinking about whatever TV show I watched the night before. Or some stupid song Loop just playing in my head. I honestly think the whole point of TV is to block people’s creative ability to create what they want, to create more of the same. And that same is usually all the bullshit we hate dealing with. Anyway have a good one!

Ronald Layton
Ronald Layton
1 year ago

33:34 Wow! Like Paul from Whattheflocktv Just wow. 2001 Space Oddesey / 2001 7/11 job app. Kite hit steel plane must? Like from the Cabin in the Woods. Ancient Gods! Who knew?

Lalonne Juliet
Lalonne Juliet
1 year ago

Matt wouldn’t it be funny if the triple layer conspiracy with Obama and Michael was that Obama had carried the children?? It would be celebrated this year but just a little before its time?! Oh why me…lol

Matthew Lorking
Matthew Lorking
1 year ago

How’s this for syncronicity:

Last night, I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey, for the FIRST time in my life, ever. I was never interested in it before. Strange movie. Skipped through 1/4 of the movie probably because why would I waste 5 minutes of my life watching models slowwwwwwwwly moving through the scenes. Those ape scenes, oh boy, and the music? Dun…… dun……….. DA-DUNNNN!!!!!! Hilarity.

Anyway, I wanted to watch a video on Freevoice, but realised since it’s New Zealand here and we’re a day ahead, it would only be Saturday, so I scrolled down and clicked one that looked like I hadn’t seen.

And what do you know… a 2001 / Monolith connection I had never seen. That Hilton Hotel is CREEP-EEE!! I never knew it was that close to ground zero, etc etc. I knew the 1968/33 years connection, but that monolith? What a colossal joke!

Thank, Matt, you always provide that little bit extra.

Now back to watching Sliders, that TV show from the 90s… S1E04 just had a pandemic episode, and the virus was called the “Q Virus”… hahaha… thanks reality, well played yet again.

I’ll be in my room.

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