Give Matt a Tip:

Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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It seems like once a month a “sport” pops up that I have never heard of before. For most of these, it is clear that the fan base to support and pay for the sport does not exist. (We know where the money is coming from. The same place it always comes from.) When I found out that “break dancing” is now an Olympic sport in 2024 (Paris,) it motivated me to make this video.

Matt McKinley

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Neil Jones
Neil Jones
1 year ago

You left out the craziest of the new sports – face slapping! It’s like a Monty Python sketch but without using a fish (probably the next spit off sport from it). I am not making it up, it’s becoming more popular now.

Someone is promoting it, look it up if you don’t believe me!

L Miller
L Miller
1 year ago
Reply to  Neil Jones

I haven’t watched that yet but it’s all over Rumble. WTF is going on? What’s next? Balls crushing?

L Miller
L Miller
1 year ago

Matty…. long time listener here, so hello. I am very new to this website. I must push back on synchronized swimming. It is a gorgeous sport and takes so much talent to do the things these women are doing.

Now when MEN want to be in this sport, that’s when we should be paying attention.
oh fuck my life…. it’s already here.

L Miller
L Miller
1 year ago

My cats went on high alert during the womens tennis vocalization segment! HAHAHA

Ricky Bobo
Ricky Bobo
1 year ago
Reply to  L Miller


Lukas Kalvaitis
Lukas Kalvaitis
1 year ago
Reply to  L Miller

Hah – my cat’s ears perked up at that part too.

1 year ago
Reply to  L Miller

The grunt-fest caused me to stop watching wimmens tennis.

1 year ago
Reply to  L Miller

I couldn’t edit my post, but wanna add, they now have surpassed elementary grunting and ooking and sound demonically possessed!

Chuck Pal
Chuck Pal
1 year ago

Enter: go into
Tain: hold
Ment: mind

Go into and hold mind

L Miller
L Miller
1 year ago

Did you delete my post regarding the mens synchronized swimming?

L Miller
L Miller
1 year ago
Reply to  L Miller

I made a joke but then looked it up and the men will now be in the olympics for that too.

Fraser Riak
Fraser Riak
1 year ago

Theres a Booty slapping League in Vegas!! Or the most dumb EVER, human cock fighting!! Not joking!! Insane 🤯

James Hawke
James Hawke
1 year ago

Next Olympics it’s camel humping.

David Garland
David Garland
1 year ago

Cheers Matt

Ricky Bobo
Ricky Bobo
1 year ago

On a serious note, perhaps the notion of preserving traditions came about from past failures, where things that worked for society became twisted into perverse mockeries and then lost to notnilc influences.

On a silly note, were the games from the movie, Meatballs, the inspiration for it all?

Ricky Bobo
Ricky Bobo
1 year ago

The “Oh, limp icks” have arrived.

William Burns
William Burns
1 year ago

Now I see why you can never see evolution happening – why it happens “too slowly”: The Notnilc have us “Race-Walking”, that’s why. I’d like to see evolution versus entropy in a fair fight, anyway…

Todd Burgess
Todd Burgess
1 year ago

That tennis screaming sounds like a rape in progress.

Last edited 1 year ago by Todd Burgess
Lisa Jarv
Lisa Jarv
1 year ago

Pole Dancing will enter the Olympics next. Clothing unnecassary, like the Greeks.
One Big Global Village All Under One Umbrella… umbrella Ella Ella ey ey ey.

Michael Dyer
Michael Dyer
1 year ago

Tip my hat to the Yemen Camel Jumpers. And with no “Air Jordans”. Very impressive.

TC Cummins
TC Cummins
1 year ago

I can’t tell if you are joking or being trolled at 12:33 – that’s netball ya jackass!

john postma
john postma
1 year ago
Reply to  TC Cummins

I don’t think they have it in america. when I was a kid it was one of the ‘girl’s sports’

TC Cummins
TC Cummins
1 year ago
Reply to  john postma

Netball is very popular in NZ and Aus as a woman’s sport. Indoor Netball is played by both woman and men here as well. I played a few seasons of it, it’s fun but bad on the knees!

Shawn Salter
Shawn Salter
1 year ago

We’re literally living in the movies “Idiocracy”, “1984” and “Children of Men”.

Michael Dyer
Michael Dyer
1 year ago
Reply to  Shawn Salter

Idiocracy? I thought it was a documentary.

Morgan trollinger
Morgan trollinger
1 year ago

Grooving on that song, games people play. Nice editing with “I don’t want to live here no more.”
Very nice🔥

john postma
john postma
1 year ago

when I was a kid, my father did alot of long-distance running, sometimes he would do speed-walking while training/exercising, one time he saw me trying to copy him and he showed me how to do it properly(none of the people in the clip shown were doing it properly); it was very difficult and very good exercise, not exactly a spectator sport though. I played rugby for my school and besides being lots of fun, it taught me alot about working with other people, even people I didn’t like, to achieve something together. By the way; non-contact sports; tag-football etc, were only for people who were afraid of normal sport. or under 6-7years old. (isn’t cornhole-ing basically a swear word in america?)

Chris Minor
Chris Minor
1 year ago

god damn I don’t mean to do this and point something out about the band at the end, but I couldn’t help but notice the fact that they looked like they went into a twin tower formation with the “jets” logo underneath – I obviously don’t think this was planned – but the reality just gives itself away – and likely has been for a very long time as Matt mentioned.

William west
William west
1 year ago

Watching the flag football segment thought 2 myself will Matt even notice the xfl absurdity (he hate me) was a players name back then just a fun fact. Full disclosure I use to poke fun at some of ur ideas but this place is going full non sense almost nothing makes sense I been trying to get a car inspection for 2 weeks he just keeps telling me to drive it to clear engine light that has never been on I have never been more confused but I’m just going w it I suppose

Bella R
Bella R
1 year ago
Reply to  William west

Oh you need to just take one far drive to trip the engine light and then go right to get inspected if possible

1 year ago

I attempted to both eat and drink during this episode…. Blew both out laughing 🤣🤣🤣…. Todays Sports are so bizarre 🤣🤨😵‍💫😫

William west
William west
1 year ago

I’m in my 30s I find myself thinking oh this is why older folks walk around confused saying I just don’t understand I’m almost convinced if you stay aware for too long u will lose ur dam mind this reality never makes sense

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
1 year ago
Reply to  William west

You are now officially an ‘old’ person ✨

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
1 year ago

The tennis screeching had me dying! 😂

1 year ago

You mentioned patience. Do you know how patience is expressed in our being? It’s the subconscious self. Slow to change but very powerful, I would say it’s the most powerful aspect of our character. However, because it is the subconscious, we are mostly not aware of it. The subconscious part of us projects the reality we experience. We create and we experience, but our awareness is mostly limited to the “experience” and we remain largely clueless about the “creation” process.

“I plug the string, and I resonate to the sound. Looking for the source of it, nowhere to be found.” -by Jocke The Sauna Philosopher

1 year ago

Why dear gawd have I never heard of “cornhole” as a competitive “sport.” What a name, intentional.

Bill Cullen
Bill Cullen
1 year ago

It should be called, ” Women’s Orgasm Tennis”.

A Ross
A Ross
1 year ago

Extra points for Alan Parsons Project and the lyrical referwnce. 🙂

Justhere Forthefood
Justhere Forthefood
1 year ago

They want to emasculate men and masculate women. Oh boy, the spell check thinks “masculate” is not a word! It’s all part of the tranny/non binary/baphamet/metaverse/transhuman “redefining life” (which is a term used by the WEF).

You guys know what else is emasculating? I just realized this the other day. MEN LOOKING AT THEIR PHONES. I can’t put my finger on why. But girls are you with me? NOT SEXY! (Just a tip for the guys here.)

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
1 year ago

WTF is fencing football?! Matt you’re a little sexist enjoying the lingerie football league. I think I have a good chance in transitioning into a man that pretends he’s a woman and joins the afl, I think I could be one of the top players in the league.

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
1 year ago

How about the ridiculous new sport of SLAP!?

Bella R
Bella R
1 year ago

I was just watching the vid you said about “just hang on” in this place. Since breaking out of my programming over the years I can usually hold myself together because I know how comical this place is and try not to take it too seriously. Unfortunately I guess the soul ties I created with some zombies here got to me and damn did they all hit me nice at once. I literally lost my cool, broke down yelling and crying like a lunatic. After wanting to find an escape route like Jim Carey I watched your video about “just hang on” and omg I am trying but how do I get these creatures around me to leave me alone , you know, my soul ties lol.
I keep trying to think of that quote about the hard times being something that the gods (us) created for us to laugh at or something. I know I butchered that lol

Brandon Dickerson
Brandon Dickerson
1 year ago

Is there a way to contact Matt I would really like to show him what I’ve caught on video and possibly give both of us a better perspective on this breakdown of what we thought was real? I’ve have some very interesting videos and takes on what is going on even though I know it would be impossible fir me to actually know. If you think you know it’s only a trick and what iT wants you to think.
6 months ago

camel jumping baby !

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