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Quantum of Conscience

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Sorry we missed last week. We can speak completely free again. These are the topics that have been saved up that we can’t speak about on YouTube under the watchful eyes of their Gestapo. The main theme is the emasculation of men, but there are many more topics! 

Matt McKinley

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Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon
11 months ago

Ha First! Blessings all. Thank you Matt!

Joseph Antoinette
Joseph Antoinette
11 months ago
Reply to  Richard Nixon

And it shows you as the first unlike these other sights that puts the first post like 25 post down for whatever reason

Earthling Carl
Earthling Carl
11 months ago

Sunday is Free Voice day! Thanks for another video, Matt!

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
11 months ago

Awesome NOTnilc license plate. My friends Bruce and Cheryl moved out to Sun City AZ two years ago, I’ll have to tell them to watch out maybe they’ll spot your car, way to go…for taking the public plunge on this one.

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
11 months ago

I’m in Arizona and I’m definitely going to be on the lookout. I’m slightly jealous that I didn’t think of it first. Too bad you can’t double up on license plates. I realize that there’s a plethora of other statements that I could make like woi bout yourself, abbreviated.

Was kinda hoping to hear that you lived in AZ as well 🥹

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
11 months ago
Reply to  Shelly Perrini

No, we’re near St. Louis, would prefer the weather in AZ for sure and the beautiful desert.

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
11 months ago


Jilldren Ofthegrave
Jilldren Ofthegrave
11 months ago
Reply to  Shelly Perrini

Tucson here!

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
11 months ago

I’m over yonder in Tempe 🌵

Gay Robinson
Gay Robinson
11 months ago
Reply to  Shelly Perrini

Hi Shelly, I’m in Mesa. Love my new plate. Lol. My other one was sunrotted. Lol. 5 years old. Got the Vet plate again cuz it keeps the cops away. Lol. I am a Veteran though. Lol 12 years Desert Storm! Navy and Army. Ty.

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
11 months ago
Reply to  Gay Robinson

We’re neighbors! I’m in Tempe🌵

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
11 months ago
Reply to  Gay Robinson

Great plate Gay.

Lainer Martin
Lainer Martin
11 months ago

I live in AZ too. Will look for it

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
11 months ago
Reply to  Lainer Martin

Wow, Arizona sounds so good…

Gay Robinson
Gay Robinson
11 months ago

Well its hot as Hades in the summer. Lol. Leaving for AK soon. 2 weeks of bliss!

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
11 months ago
Reply to  Gay Robinson

I’m land locked (again) however / whenever I’ve been in deserts I adore that dry heat, love that hot rocks sauna and I’ll bet those landscapes are perfect for painters (like me) take care.

Gay Robinson
Gay Robinson
11 months ago
Reply to  Lainer Martin

Hi, this is Gay. I live in west Mesa! Ty

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
11 months ago
Reply to  Lainer Martin

There appears to be a good amount of Arizonians here 💖. I’m in Tempe

Melody Donnallie
Melody Donnallie
11 months ago

Thanks Matt.

Stellar Shriner
Stellar Shriner
11 months ago

(Off-topic), I just learned today that the very first ever website was created by cern. (at least according to google.) Somehow this just added to the world feeling less real. I know this is random but I didn’t have anywhere else I could express this strange idea. Thanks Matt-much love

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
11 months ago

Hmmmm. Never heard of that one. Probably the mainframe??

Danielle Marin
Danielle Marin
11 months ago

Wow, for real? Cern, eh? Never heard this before…can’t say I’m surprised.

11 months ago

Makes sense. The guy that invented the World Wide Web – Tim Berners-Lee – worked at CERN

Danielle Marin
Danielle Marin
11 months ago

OMG – is that meme about if we divide 123 genders by White supremacy real? Just wow…just too crazy.

Matthew Hector
Matthew Hector
11 months ago

To me ( io ) means outside/inside – it’s a staple song written and performed by The String Cheese Incident. The lyrics are profound in my mind. I keep this stuff close to the vest.

Elaine Brock
Elaine Brock
11 months ago

I never wanted a “vanity” plate until now. I live outside of OCNJ. I see license plates all the time…luvOCNJ, OCNJ4Me or whatever but I’m seriously thinking about Notnilc.

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
11 months ago
Reply to  Elaine Brock

Do it!! 💖

Susie Steagall
Susie Steagall
11 months ago

Gaye! Where in Arizona are you? I’m just outside of Sedona. Would love to meet 🎀 Either way, you are my sista!

Gay Robinson
Gay Robinson
11 months ago
Reply to  Susie Steagall

Hi Sista! I live in Mesa but thinking of going to Sedona when I get back from AK next month. Here’s my email. Send me a note and I’ll get in touch in the future. Ty. I had a chance to move to Sedona 20 years ago. Ugh. Could kick myself for staying in the valley. Lol.

Gay Robinson
Gay Robinson
11 months ago
Reply to  Susie Steagall
Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
11 months ago
Reply to  Susie Steagall

I’m in Tempe!

Danika Sinram
Danika Sinram
11 months ago

My mom is one of the forever COVID (I don’t even know what noun to end that with). She will only interact with other people outside (still!) because she doesn’t know how careful they’re being the rest of the time 🤯😟 I have to strap on (ha) extra spiritual armor before I call her

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
11 months ago
Reply to  Danika Sinram

Oh man, I’m so sorry. You got me thinking if my parents were still alive – would they have bought this , Dad was born in 26′ and Mom in 31, lived during the Great Depression and didn’t trust the Government (too much) way more than me, but who’s counting.

Anyway, a few hours ago I created this new poster and just sent it to Matt, your post inspired me to post it here now.

Last edited 11 months ago by William Lodderhose
Deborah Joy
Deborah Joy
11 months ago

Christina wore an emerald green strap on. 😆

Dan Ross
Dan Ross
11 months ago

The amount of Shaq stuff the screen is pushing lately is off the charts! As Matt points out the big question is why? Who gives an F about Shaquille O’Neal anymore? I think he’s been posting on social media about a recent hip replacement too…

Last edited 11 months ago by Dan Ross
11 months ago

It would be awesome if the Phillies-Nationals game goes 20 innings before Diesel gets to perform!

Nigel Offer
Nigel Offer
11 months ago

1970s Michael Moorcock science fiction tremendous stuff.Don’t be like the one who tells me he doesn’t read fiction only non fiction because he only wants truth.Well mate its All fiction.Great ending Matt,thankyou

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
11 months ago
Reply to  Nigel Offer

After Matt’s recommendation, I put these books on my reading list. I love science fiction/fantasy. I’m happy to get something recommended to me. Just like with other forms of entertainment, Notnilc is ruining books, too.

Gabriel McLoughlin
Gabriel McLoughlin
11 months ago

Is that voice saying imasculate or mastrubate??

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
11 months ago


karin teves
karin teves
11 months ago

You should look into ticun olam. You may already be familiar with what it means. Turning everyone´s true nature into something less as what is happening with men, women, and children.

Kimberly Wilson
Kimberly Wilson
11 months ago

I think it’s possible that some of the “cryptids” people report seeing may come into play when they try the alien invasion thing. Those things they call Crawlers for instance. They look like some kind of human hybrid. That video that was shown of what those people saw in , where was that Nevada back in May? It didn’t look like an “alien” , it did look like a crawler.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
11 months ago

I don’t know what those things are, except that they are terrifying. There’s that classic picture of one looking into a trail camera. I don’t like when people say everything is a hoax. Who is going to go to all that trouble and how often will that happen? Whatever they are, any of these cryptids are not “aliens from outer space.”

Darky .
Darky .
11 months ago

Ask Jeff if he knows about the latest BS
to accompany all the new 911 footage, the so called “5th plane”.

so apparently people knew there was a fifth plane
but miraculously remembered it just in time for the new vids lol

gotta love that crap.

Maria Isabel
Maria Isabel
11 months ago

I finally found someone who managed to fit all the “pieces of the puzzle”, including what the moon is… have you seen this channel by any chance?

Despite the author of the videos not talking about it, knowing Real Facts about where we “exist”, I came to understand, that makes sense all the pressure to increase the control and to decrease the population number because, what they call “climate change” is another Cyclic “Natural Reset” … but never loosing control over the ignorant of the truth…

Matthew Eggleston
Matthew Eggleston
11 months ago

Satan Smoke

Tyler Gorton
Tyler Gorton
11 months ago

Seeing The Road Warrior recently, I realized that the Mad Max franchise is definitely George Miller’s homosexual S&M fetish splashed on the screen. This component of the films is clearly the baseline inspiration for its entire existence. The series is overflowing with burly, hairless men in S&M leather outfits. I can’t believe this wasn’t blatantly obvious to me when I saw it originally… but that version of me was still (at least partially) “on the download frequency”. I’m consistently reminded just how powerful that frequency is… how much obvious truth it can obscure when you are tuned into it.

Nope, today’s control mechanism wouldn’t feel a need to change Lord Humungus one bit. He’s the king of gay town and he shows no mercy. And of course the “gay” isn’t about sex at all, it’s about pure physical and mental dominance.

mad max gimp.jpeg
Rachel V K
Rachel V K
11 months ago
Reply to  Tyler Gorton

Well, that picture says it all. The gays must have loved that movie. I saw it a long time ago, and I don’t remember this blatant display, either.

Joseph Antoinette
Joseph Antoinette
11 months ago
Reply to  Tyler Gorton

Now that you can see it, it seems so simple. That theme like a fingerprint

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
11 months ago
Reply to  Tyler Gorton

Wow, what a comment, Okay here’s something I sent to Matt a few weeks back and it’s almost as if I channeled your comment (via Back to the Future) lol, anyway I give you “Road Warrior Sissy Boys”.
I just still can’t believe they got an 80 plus year old Harrison to play Indy (again). So what the heck, push the envelope and really humiliate him and Mel, put Mel back in that 80s leather since Harrison’s 80, oh well maybe you see what I mean.

Last edited 11 months ago by William Lodderhose
Tyler Gorton
Tyler Gorton
11 months ago

Nice one. It seems to be a somewhat universal experience for those of us who accept we were “on the download” through the first part of our lives. Now, when we revisit things from our past, the propaganda components appear blatant even though we completely missed them the first time around. This really drives home how powerful an influence the download frequency is. For me, it confirms we are on the right track in terms of gaining at least a mild understanding of how the reality functions. Will we ever fully understand it while we are also living within the construct? Likely not. For all I know, I am still deeply entrenched in the “download frequency”, it’s just a different layer of the same deception; these adjusted tiers of the frequency are likely designed to make us feel overly confident about having “escaped” the mainstream frequency, when we’ve really just (for lack of a better term) graduated from one tier to another.

Isn’t it possible that none of us have ever encountered a human being completely off the download frequency? We may not have any actual understanding of what that would look like. Would it be something of a “Jesus” scenario (whether you believe in Jesus or not isn’t relevant, just the concept of a spiritually elevated person)? Where you have a person so mentally beyond everyone else in terms of understanding how the reality functions that they transcend our normal perception of what a human being can be? I don’t really know.

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
11 months ago
Reply to  Tyler Gorton

I hear ya, well worded Tyler. If you told me in the early 80s Harrison Ford would return to the Indy role at 80 years old – well I wouldn’t have believed it.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
11 months ago

Hi, Matt. I got this weird message while I was using my phone, scrolling through the list of your older videos. I clicked away, but it appeared a second time. I took a screenshot, but I couldn’t figure out how to post it here. So, here’s the text:

“This website may be harmful
This website may install malicious software or collect your personal information. Visiting this website is not recommended.
Continue anyway
Go back”

(“Continue” and “Go back” were boxes to click on.)

It’s most likely nothing. But, it’s good to know it’s there, in case it’s something. Otherwise, it’s actually pretty funny! 😂
Has anyone else seen this before?
Thank you. Much love and blessings. 🤗❤️💖💜🙏

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
11 months ago
Reply to  Rachel V K

wow, so is that referring to FreeVoice Rachel, I hope Rob scrolls this and see it. Do you want me to email him, I could copy/paste your message? Thanks.

Tomi Bon Tomi
Tomi Bon Tomi
11 months ago

I don’t recognize this world either. As the pancakedemic started I stated: this reminds me of a circus full of clowns. The mankind was brought to crossing the line between the reality and a freaking circus show. Most people are now inside the circus circle and are the part of the silly show. Now they all behave like bozos and they even enjoy it. As if they were under influence of some kind of drug. It starts to make more sense when you watch videos like “The Nephilim looked like clowns” on YT by UnderstandingConspiracy. Thanks to people like Matt I feel like I’m still outside of the circle and in charge of my sanity.

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