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Quantum of Conscience

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The video at does not have a single topic, but an “update” on the Israeli / Palestinian presentation is in the first 10 minutes. The rest of the video is just our weekly attempt to stay sane! Somehow, most of us are still doing pretty well.

Matt McKinley

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Matthew Lorking
Matthew Lorking
8 months ago

Oh my GOD! That first Image is hilarious!

Thanks, for all you do, Matt and friends!

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
8 months ago

crazy world isn’t it?

Last edited 8 months ago by William Lodderhose
8 months ago

Bill Lodderhose: Great graphic (as always) but I am slightly offended only because all three checkered jackets look exactly like the three in my closet. And yes….I do wear them often!

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
8 months ago


Matthew Lorking
Matthew Lorking
8 months ago

Taylor and Travis, the TT, the 88.

Like Finis Temporis has a video on.

Eclipse symbolism, and she represents a fast bird imo, oh no I’m in the weeeeeeeeeeds LOL

8 months ago

I think *He* represents a fast bird, I agree with the transpocopoco army on this one

Matthew Lorking
Matthew Lorking
8 months ago
Reply to  Steve

Fair enough – it’s a common trope – I don’t research it because it’s completely irrelevant to my journey. 😀

William Burns
William Burns
8 months ago

College students confusing the right to bear arms with a right to bare legs?

Matthew Lorking
Matthew Lorking
8 months ago

That phone screen is in colour, while the girl behind is black and white… for me it’s “artistic” and it is showing that technology/social media/digital status is “more real” than the actual you and your day to day life and living. Art “critics” are usually deep asleep imo haha.

8 months ago

If he was wearing that on our first date? my vote:

I would, at first, attempt to suspend my judgement for as long as possible before I burst out laughing, hoping that it happened to coincide with a joke at least. Possibly choking on the 2nd beer (or whatever was handy) that I had to pound to enable myself to make it another hour at least to maintain politeness before heading for the nearest door.

Now, on the other hand, if he managed to do or say something within the first ten seconds (while I was concentrating on suspending my judgement) that resonated with my POV and gave me pause to possibly want to know more? I’m honestly not sure what I would do, truth comes in strange ways sometimes. If you judge, you might miss it.

Thanks Matt!

Morgan trollinger
Morgan trollinger
8 months ago

It’s very ironic that my family ( sister mother) who are on the ship. My mother doesn’t drink, but sister is having a blast drinking wine with Isaac. Anyway, they want guns eliminated and they support both wars, our financial aid, which keeps the death going…

J.L. Supriano
J.L. Supriano
8 months ago

So hard to see the suffering & grief–anywhere. But the sadness is a reminder that ‘they’ haven’t stolen every last scrap of our humanity. We CAN”T allow that to happen to us! Despite the horrific movie rendition of Orwell’s 1984.

This was a really good video, Matt. One criticism: I wanted it to go on longer.. 🙂

Meg Snyder
Meg Snyder
8 months ago

@4:57 the ‘shrouded body’ begins to sit up.

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
8 months ago
Reply to  Meg Snyder

OMG, Meg I went back after seeing your comment and replayed it twice, wow, good catch.

Maria C.
Maria C.
8 months ago
Reply to  Meg Snyder

The Gaza Palestinians are still paying the price. Even if that was filmed for the effect, those Palestinian people are getting hammered by Israel. The Jew’s cruelty knows no boundary!!!

8 months ago
Reply to  Meg Snyder

I wonder if war time crisis actors get paid more for possible hazard pay, say vs school or mall events here in good old USA

Last edited 8 months ago by Steve
thea leblanc
thea leblanc
8 months ago

Every week I tell my husband if I never see Mahomes again it’ll be too soon. I think there’s a Tartaria rabbit hole in Ireland being the origin of human race (black people??) Not100% sure. Would that be the reason for honoring Barry and Michelle? Great talk.

George Grezik
George Grezik
8 months ago

It took me so long to log in to leave a comment I forgot what I was going to say but it was something like hell yeah

Jon Piekos
Jon Piekos
8 months ago

Hey Matt.

You should watch a movie called *A Perfect Getaway* starring Tymothy Olyphant, Steve Zahn, and Milla Jovavich.

You should watch a show called dark matter. I also recommend the TV show called limitless.

I’ve listened to you for years. You need a break my guy. Sylopsism (psuedo) and isolation will damage your psyche.

I suspect you haven’t had much human contact after the last holidays.

Review that movie for me. Go out and socialize and don’t worry about what they believe. Just enjoy the interaction for what it is.

Most of them are not self aware or thoughtful. The ones who are aren’t ready to face the implications of what you are saying.

Find their coolness and enjoy it. If they have no coolness ditch them and move. Who knows? Maybe you’ll get a piece of nice pussy.

I don’t know man. You can tell me to go worry about my own self, but I’ve never known off or met anyone who went through prolonged social isolation who wasn’t affected by it adversely.

I also know it first hand. It can be done but it weakness your mind and clouds your thinking.

Anyway. Just my thoughts on things. Do with them what you will.

Josh Scandlen
Josh Scandlen
8 months ago

I’m unsubscribing- Matt didn’t thank us for watching at the end

That’s just wrong

8 months ago
Reply to  Josh Scandlen

I know, I really look foward to the “thanks for watching”

Justhere Forthefood
Justhere Forthefood
8 months ago

I could not get through that news clip for even 2 seconds.

Brian Bacacao
Brian Bacacao
8 months ago

Hi Matt, I got to say you missed the mark and this one. Victim blaming and hating on regular people trying to just live their lives is giving the Notlic exactly what it wants. Most of the population are just kids, the men and fathers are working most of their time to provide for their families, and they can’t be expected to put all of that and their lives on the line to fight against the ruling military order in their country. This is just a big ritual of death, suffering, and farming hate from all around the world to feed egregore demons exactly what they love. Don’t give into those negative vibrations.

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
7 months ago

In regards to people being followers for instance the sick or pant leg thing, the minions and especially the NOTNILC is well aware how easily manipulated, indoctrinated, and brainwashed the average idiot really is, I know when I was a teenager/early 20s I was a FUCKING idiot.

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