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I guess the strategy at this time is to keep the public entertained by “two bit” space agency missions… a variety of countries attempting to “catch up” to the United States. This, for now, keeps the focus off the United States needing to do anything significant.

Matt McKinley

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William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
5 months ago

I remember the summer of 69′, my parents and some neighbors had their TVs on for the ‘fake’ moon landing. Of course I believed the b.s. like 99% plus did. Re-watching this footage (btw great editing Matt), it’s made me realize my Tax dollars have not been totally wasted (totally being the key word), I now realize they purchase a lot of LSD to make this missions magical.

Ricky Bobo
Ricky Bobo
5 months ago

The delay required for light to travel to the moon and back (2 times 1.28 light-seconds) would be the fastest response time that a radio call could experience per the Theory of Relativity. They must have been using subspace communication technology from Star Trek because Neal Armstrong’s response arrived immediately without a 3 second delay at video time marker 1:47.

James Hawke
James Hawke
5 months ago

They have to do “space disasters” once in a while so that the public know how hard space is. 🙂

Adrian Galactica
Adrian Galactica
5 months ago

The lander looks like an art car at Burning Man. And that looks like a black Dodge Grand Caravan in the middle left with some white utility vehicles in the lower left corner.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
5 months ago

Masterful as always, Matt.

Chris Fernandez
Chris Fernandez
5 months ago

I personally remember the magenta space invaders.

Jonathan Hodgins
Jonathan Hodgins
5 months ago

I have a feeling that all the high powered hallucinogenic drugs that preceded the fake moon landings and afterwards played some part in the group consciousness of the human populace to accept such a fantastical claim of traveling to lights in the sky.

Aye Jay
Aye Jay
5 months ago

“If you believe, they put a man on the moon…”

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
5 months ago

GET your ASS to MARS!!!!!!!!!!!

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
5 months ago

How people can believe this Ridiculousness I’ll NEVER understand..

Jeremy Marquart
Jeremy Marquart
5 months ago

That shi* is hard to watch. I had to staple my eyes open just to be able to power through. It hurt a little, but I’ll be alright. To quote Happy Gilmore. Thanks Matt and everyone!

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
5 months ago


Dean Malone
Dean Malone
5 months ago

Omg Matt the re entry trailing a body with the hatch open lolz..It is the mat Damon movie 2015 the end he has to dump weight ,he removed the nose cone that weight was 400kg or something which he just shoves off with his arm and shoulder …So ridiculous..That one was new to me ,how would Neil the grass fed bison describe that one …Keep em coming my friend and this is coming all the way cross the plane in the chappy old UK….=)

5 months ago

Lol, I love the big rooms with everyone at there computer stations which mean absolutely nothing!. Im so grateful for all this fake shit that we can all laugh at now for the rest of our lives in Notnilc.

Dan Kon
Dan Kon
5 months ago

Enjoy the silence
stale persecuted violence
in your head
somebody is always
wishing your death
On the broken radio
is playing the story about the Golden ratio
On the TV screen
All the pictures look so omnipotent, so extraordinarily clean
but Brother…
reality is not what it seems
Did you know…
Your TV can silently scream?
All the world is hidden in the perfect motivated dream
Black and white synthetic neverending vine
has been spilled on the silver tapestry of time
Hidden tongues are creating the all-seeing rhyme
red hot damsel caught in a white immaculate crime
future and past are catching together spinning ride
how can be …
Summer in the wintertime?

This is my comment, about reality…I hope Japanese Cosm- Ono- not are safe and sound

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
5 months ago

Matt, did you see the 1969 documentary I sent you called “Footprints on the Moon”? It has Werner von Braun saying “The apollo 11 astronauts are actors in costume waiting for the main show” at about 8 min into it. That’s a HUGE truth drop! Why do you never give me credit for such discoveries? Are you programmed by the matrix to ignore me? lol

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
5 months ago

Why can’t they put a 24 hour live webcam on the moon? What’s their excuse? That vector looks like the Freemasonic insignia too.

Last edited 5 months ago by Winston Wu
Margriet Brandsma
Margriet Brandsma
4 months ago

Now-a-daze we are so much more sophi-sticated and techno-logically advanced. We need the hypnotic mesmerizing 666Hz sound wave to accomplish believability. Lovely well done Jax-ass breakdown.
Thanks Matt.

Last edited 4 months ago by Margriet Brandsma
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