Give Matt a Tip:

Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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Violet said I could share this with all of you after she passed. About two months ago, she asked me for a video so she could explain “people like us” to her friends and family at her “funeral” or “wake.” (She preferred the word “party” and never used the “system words.”) She liked what I put together in the video. Of course, I “toned down” the message because the audience watching was 100% “normal people.”

Matt McKinley

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Wayne Levonitis
Wayne Levonitis
5 months ago

Matt you have been my unseen friend for many years. When my wife Christine was sick I would play her your videos and we gathered strength from them. We were staying positive and doing the impossible.
Unfortunately while she was in the hospital they gave her the jab without our permission. That was December 3rd 2020 she transformed. We had 29 years of life and love together. Your voice still comes as the beckon of hope. This is just an experience that we pass through to grow. I glad you are our friend eventhough we haven’t meet. Much love to you. Wayne

Recynd 77
Recynd 77
5 months ago

Words aren’t enough, so I won’t embarrass either one of us to try. But you’re not alone, Wayne. You have friends everywhere. 💚🌼

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
5 months ago

Oh Wayne, there’s nothing I can put into words, except to say or note the 29 years of love you both shared. I was married twice totaling only 11 years and looking back I know I never had what you had, what you both shared. That is very rare and special.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
5 months ago

God bless you Wayne. We will all be at that party soon enough. May you find comfort with us here. And Matt is the best friend we could ever ask for. No doubt. <3

Corine C
Corine C
5 months ago

God bless you, Wayne.

Margriet Brandsma
Margriet Brandsma
5 months ago

Sending you the best hug I have.

Mandy Morris
Mandy Morris
3 months ago

How beautiful Wayne. It is rare to have a husband and wife on the same page as you must have been. You have been blessed with this and 29 years of life and love together is wonderful. Sending you lots of love

Recynd 77
Recynd 77
5 months ago

Your tribute to Violet is amazing. I have instructed my son to play this at my own passing, assuming anyone is left by then to gather in my name.

I feel such a profound kinship towards you and the rest of the Old Guard; it’s an incredible comfort to know you’re all around me, even if you’re mostly unseen.

Thank you for reassuring us all, nearly daily, that we’re not the crazy ones.

Susan L./Recynd77/Cheekyfly

Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon
5 months ago

Matt I can not know but can only feel how taxing that must have been, in my humble opinion you did great. Stay the course my brother and always remember that all is well. This ride is amazing if we deem it to be and it is horrendous if we think it so, with your help both through the frustration as well as the joy, I have chosen to see all of the amazing one moment at a time. Armor always on my eternal brother, lets all seize the day!

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
5 months ago

for Violet ~

SNOW GLOBE world view - for Violet.jpg
Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
5 months ago

That’s so beautiful Bill. <3

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
5 months ago

You have a knack for choosing the perfect visuals 💖

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
5 months ago
Reply to  Shelly Perrini

This one took dozens of images and then layering the filters, etc., old school style

Mandy Morris
Mandy Morris
3 months ago

Wow, like Matt you are also an amazing human William. Thank you for all you do.

Last edited 3 months ago by Mandy Morris
Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
5 months ago


Margriet Brandsma
Margriet Brandsma
5 months ago

Dear William,
thank you for the way you are sharing your part of acknowledgement of what and who we are.
You enrich my life. You bring joy.

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
4 months ago

Thanks so much Margriet, I really appreciate you reaching out like that. Now I’m curious what part of the world you’re in?

Rhonda D.
Rhonda D.
5 months ago

God bless you, Violet, wherever you are.
I pray that you feel peace, BLISS & TRUE freedom.

5 months ago

I’m almost crying even though I did not know her. A life cut short. But per this group’s viewpoint, she’s still here. So we cry for ourselves.
Sorry to be sappy.

Last edited 5 months ago by
James Hawke
James Hawke
5 months ago

Great work, Matt.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
5 months ago

Could she be any more beautiful? I did have to dry my tears for sure. We love you Violet. Please reserve a seat for me at that party. <3 And Matthew McKinley, keep on keeping on. You are one magnificent shepherd. <3

David Garland
David Garland
5 months ago

Cheers Matt

Corine C
Corine C
5 months ago

Oh, Matt. Violet was even more beautiful than I could have pictured. This was wonderful.

Jim Townsend
Jim Townsend
5 months ago

Peace, faith, and hope to Violet’s loved ones, and to each of us here in this fringe “those people” group.

5 months ago

Thank you Matt. That was perfect 💕

clifford mcguire
clifford mcguire
5 months ago

My new favorite video you have ever done, this is the type of thing we need, i could not make it out of this video without bawling my eyes out. I didn’t even know Violet but I miss her and I really appreciate what you did here Matt, well done sir, well done.

sam esfahani
sam esfahani
5 months ago


Broderick Stafford
Broderick Stafford
5 months ago

That was truly beautiful, she is one now with the force.
I feel from that video she went in to the next place with love, peace and dignity.
Into the new dawn, the awakening away from this place where we know experience soo many things we possibly cannot elsewhere.
Matt your giving knows no limits. I can only hope to grow as much as you have in the time I have left here.

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
5 months ago

That was literally PERFECT Matt. 💖 If anyone wants to know what authentic creative originality is, this is it. I saw an image of you and Violet holding hands and you were speaking for her. Not because she couldn’t but because it was a task that a only heart-centered masculine entity could deliver. I’m not talking about the woke shit of masculine, I’m talking about the masculine who can express his feminine (heart) in the way that you did. That’s who you are and what makes you so brilliant.

Violet wanted to be heard and you did a brilliant job of tuning into the essence of Violet to give her (and everyone) a voice. Truly awesome Matt-Thank you!!!

I’m going to cry again ✨


Patice McGargin
Patice McGargin
5 months ago

This is beautiful Matt, very moving. Explains it perfectly.

Brian Simon
Brian Simon
5 months ago

A really incredible job, well said. Peace and positivity to everyone.
Brian Simon/Metal Demon

Last edited 5 months ago by Brian Simon
Brad Lacey
Brad Lacey
5 months ago

Beautifully done Matt. Thanks for sharing and to Violet for letting us be a part of it

oengus oengus
oengus oengus
5 months ago

aloha amigo

wow, man
just wow

thanks for everything
what we do does matter, it matters a lot

nina fought her way through life, day by year,
and with a voice like that, fingers like that

her freedom isn’t cheap, ya gotta give everything to find it, to maybe find it
you remind me a lot of nina simone, amigo

if this world is a puzzle (and it is), a kind of jailbreak challenge,
you’ve done busted out, and dragged a lot of us with you

words can’t suffice
many thanks
stay strong


Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
5 months ago

That was intense but it was really good. Karri says it was very moving and I agree.

Eric Woodson
Eric Woodson
5 months ago


Eric Woodson
Eric Woodson
5 months ago

I see this more of a mercy killing program than assisted suicide. When the person is writing in the worst pain, coughing, pushing, shitting blood and death is immanent. Like you’d kill a wounded animal to stop them from suffering.

Margriet Brandsma
Margriet Brandsma
5 months ago

Grateful for being with “the people like us” in your corner Matt.
I spent many hours writing here in this little rectangle space.
My words were not enough and way too many.
And that’s a good thing. My message is beyond them dem words words words.
I leave this here and now as it is, for now.

Darren Cox
Darren Cox
5 months ago

nicely done sir. Putting what we know into practice is the most satisfying thing I think I have ever done. I feel empowered to be some kind of positive, expansive and integrative force within the tiny sphere of my own influence and it feels good to know that your sphere is of a similar but grander scope. I find myself often in a sense of paradox and the synchronicity is so constant now that I am not surprised much by anything except the curious sensation of time no longer making sense – I can write an essay of 18thC French painters that would be better than any Wikipedia article on the topic but I forgot what day it was last week – one business I deliver to for my job had a desk calendar that was a entire week or so out of date at the front desk facing the public – i have a funny feeling that circumstances are similar to 1990 – things matching up in terms of improbabilities and repetition of similar sets of circumstances – I am able to communicate my observations of myself but seem incapable of stopping myself from being lead into what feels like a sequence of similar events and circumstances that happened in years past with nothing that should connect them but if it was apple peach plumb last time no matter what I seem to do it’s apple peach plumb this time in that same order – I have been seriously observing synchronicity since the late 1980s way before we knew anything – I am not saying I can predict things but I suspect you know and your listeners know what I am saying – I really don’t think there is anything special about me in terms of perception, I am fluent in English which is a curiosity these days but not so much to anyone born before 1980 I bet, not a genius but an A student – never saw a ufo or alien or anything cool, begging didn’t help, desperation didn’t help, nothing forced any evidence of anything we talk about on me however the slow passage of time and careful observation for decades as a serious college level experiment in personal synchronicity has lead me to conclude that while free will to express yourself as you see fit exists there are patterns and sets of circumstances that have repeated themselves within my lifetime of almost 57 years – so similar that it cannot be coincidence by sheer probability. Luckily after doing “the work” it is now like being on a ride – I know the roller coaster will go back up and plunge again and can almost gauge when at this point, I cannot get off of the ride and the ride can take many forms to fit my certain set of physical options but I can be and am different this time now that I know I’m on the ride again – that’s the only certain thing about all of this – the individual CAN change – evolve and maybe grow in terms of experience but changing the perception so that the circumstance has a preferable outcome even if you cannot stop the circumstance YOU can be different and thus the circumstance is different and perception is all there really is – everything is some kind of illusion like a dream and changing your own self to change the dream is all we are able to do!

Last edited 5 months ago by Darren Cox
Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
3 months ago


Mandy Morris
Mandy Morris
3 months ago

What a beautiful woman.
Matt this must have been a feat I would imagine. You have done it so wonderfully. I have saved it for my funeral. Not that I expect to be going any time soon- but who knows, and because of your work I definitely don’t fear it. I will welcome it.

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