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Quantum of Conscience

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March is Woman’s History Month. The key word is HISTORY. It links to the past where the injustice was real, and then tries to carry it forward. As usual, under the guise of appearing to help all of us, the system intentionally tries to hold women back and create camps to separate us further. What else is new? 

Matt McKinley

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Gary Lewis
Gary Lewis
4 months ago

I realize there are multiple angles to the creation of these ‘victim’ groups; the case can be made that part of it is a means by which people can placate their own ‘guilt’.

My question is, and just to use this one example for the sake of simplicity, are these ‘white liberals’ who are all about the ‘race’ issue, supporting BLM, and so forth, really racist or is it some type of manufactured guilt they’ve unconsciously clothed themselves in?

At the end of the day, the ultimate minority is the individual.

sam esfahani
sam esfahani
4 months ago

May I say just a thing? that life is like a tivoli. The people on the ship are enjoying the Tivoli while wer going around and try convince every one that its not real, stop enjoy it….


Last edited 4 months ago by sam esfahani
Chris Fernandez
Chris Fernandez
4 months ago

Whatโ€™s that Arnie? What are you saying Arnie?

Diane Considder
Diane Considder
4 months ago

I left this channel six months ago,I was watching videos and TV shows and I saw the Notnic with their claws in everything. While I was gone I noticed again how strange people were and how they didn’t notice the deceptions right in front of their eyes. I started to think there was something wrong with me and then I remembered this channel and everything started to make sense again. Thank you for having critical thinking in a world that no longer makes sense, and hasn’t for a long time.

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
4 months ago

How come in Russia and China and Latin America, women are NOT complaining about being oppressed or lack of equality? How come most other countries do NOT have any battle of the sexes like America does? Why does America always polarize people into opposing camps like that, as Matt says, but other countries don’t? Why do truthers never tell you about that, other than me? Matt keeps forgetting that the rest of the world is NOT the same as America, or he knows it but he’s afraid to tell you because it’s taboo in the truther community to say otherwise, hence he has to pretend that the US and the whole world are all the same. But as someone who has lived and traveled in 14 countries I can tell you 100 percent that that is WRONG.

Last edited 4 months ago by Winston Wu
Landed Zentry
Landed Zentry
4 months ago
Reply to  Winston Wu

Yeah it’s a spreading virus. Battle of sexes, woke, trans, feminism, Liberal.
We have it badly in UK and Europe.

303 Lauren
303 Lauren
4 months ago
Reply to  Landed Zentry

Andrew Tate is the new Alex Jones

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
4 months ago

I agree with this. The best way to solve racism and sexism is to NEVER talk about it and just treat others with respect. Talking about it only creates friction and makes everything worse and exacerbates a neverending issue with no point. It’s also divisive and toxic too and accomplishes nothing. Giving women equal rights has NOT resulted in a female creativity boost and created female versions of Einsteins or Mozarts. Give it up man.

Last edited 4 months ago by Winston Wu
Jeremy Marquart
Jeremy Marquart
4 months ago

Who made those posters. Bill, you need to run a clinic for them on how to make effective and attractive posters! Lol! Thanks Matt and Bill and everyone!

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
4 months ago


Michael Snodgrass
Michael Snodgrass
4 months ago

Yeah Bill, always cool and witty, and FUNNY artwork pal… we love it keep up the good work.

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
4 months ago

Thanks so much.

Gregg Thib
Gregg Thib
4 months ago

Maybe best thing to do for women in America would be to end their suffrage. Things should start working themselves out shortly after.

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
4 months ago
Reply to  Gregg Thib

I agree. Suffrage is suffering. Like truth hidden in plain sight. lol. It’s a neverending vendetta. How come in other countries women aren’t raving about equal rights? Like in Russia, China, Latin America, etc. Only America is toxic and polarizing like that. Did you know there’s no battle of the sexes in other countries, only America?

Matthew Cattell
Matthew Cattell
4 months ago

I remember the southpark episode where they paraded the cojoined fetus lady “nurse gollum” and “celebrated” her disorder. This notnilc fetish for highlighting differences is the game they play to shame the living daylights out of anybody who refuses to go along with their nonsense and just wants to be left alone. A cult is a cult and when I recognised it as such the burden of compliance lifted and it felt like when you take off a tight shoe.

Joseph Antoinette
Joseph Antoinette
4 months ago

Well since we are celebrating it and all

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
4 months ago

I personally donโ€™t think the picture adds to the topic and you didnโ€™t mention what you weโ€™re celebrating?

Please share why youโ€™re celebrating the vulva? Why did you choose this picture?

Lisa Jarv
Lisa Jarv
4 months ago

There’s vaginal rejuvenation for that problem, reaction, solution.

Matthew Cattell
Matthew Cattell
4 months ago

Check out the glaring emerald green and magenta in this 80s gem

EthericBliss -EB
EthericBliss -EB
4 months ago

@13:05 yeah, the ONLY, really TRUE “topic” to cover here, is that we are experiencing a looong, slow slide into “Nouveau Communism”.

It really IS that simple… at least in the “rip off the band-aid” sense.

Just need to read Marx’s “Communist Manifesto”. It’s ALL THERE!!! Every step, every “agenda” and every “woke!” conversation that y’all EVER had… it’s all in The Manifesto. THEN you’ll understand the “Why?” of it all.

Just comprehending this is MOST of the “battle”… simply read this and y’all will understand MOST of it. At least you’ll have a VERY good start and jump on all of this CR@P and the “World S#!T-Show”… Instead of focusing on the SYMPTOMS, focus on the DIS-EASE!!! Just sayin’. : )

Edit: Corrected a spelling oops!

Last edited 4 months ago by EthericBliss -EB
David O'Neil
David O'Neil
4 months ago

Funny synchronicity Matt. Visiting my mom today and she wanted to watch Moon Johnny Cammareri Struck fromm1987 and then afterward pop over to freevoice to see a music video from 1987. =)
-Dr. Dave

Last edited 4 months ago by David O'Neil
Michael Snodgrass
Michael Snodgrass
4 months ago
Reply to  David O'Neil

That’s happens alot to me… but hey, the world is but a reflection of the past so it is what’s to come. ….. so be prepared my friend, keep those memories pal.

Landed Zentry
Landed Zentry
4 months ago

Help is worth thinking about. There are problems with Helping.
Help mostly takes people’s power.
However. Fair exchange for work isn’t “help” here. Help here means charity, with no return – this is the double edged sword.
Helping a group member doesn’t take their power as the group is enhanced and the fair exchange follows when others in group Help you.
Only helping people that ask for help is less disempowering for them , but it could be that they are freeloaders and Helping a bum encourages this behavior…it badly hurts them spiritually actually.
Also…Helping people makes them hate you! It’s something to do with inequitable exchange or communication (a one way flow only) – I’m not sure why.
Help people at your peril, at their peril. Try to extract fair exchange , it’s better for all concerned.
Find your own truth!

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
4 months ago


Landed Zentry
Landed Zentry
4 months ago

I just found the laughing clip on yt.
Truth drop? The Notnilc/ psychotic overlords feed off it . Am reminded of WHO Bill Gates with his smile and millions will die look.

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
4 months ago
Reply to  Landed Zentry

Yeah I kinda twisted that look on that punk’s face and here’s what I created~

Simone Van Dorp
Simone Van Dorp
4 months ago

I love 80’s music, and 70’s too. Lately I have been listening to “Ship of fools” (of course!), “Love resurrection”, and my favorite 80’s Kate Bush. There is so much great 80’s music. Thanks Matt!

Patricia pellegrin
Patricia pellegrin
4 months ago

“Claire i s a fat girls name.”
Breakfast Club detention was 40 years ago 3/24/84
“Demented and sad … but social.”
“Now go fix me a turkey Pot-Pie! ๐Ÿค˜

If you find the exit! call me!๐Ÿค™ #OgWoot

Meind Jawb
Meind Jawb
4 months ago

I hear you on the addictive escape of those 80s videos. Donโ€™t forget the groovy truth drops in this classic one hit wonder by the new radicals. He sure dropped off the map quick after that one, I used to wonder why it was allowed through the nilc filter. I dedicate it to all my fellow matthewtarians here, โ€˜donโ€™t give up youโ€™ve got the music in youโ€™. Crank it up-
-Hey Matt, when you say things like โ€˜reality isnโ€™t realโ€™ which we all resonate with, I believe you basically mean the reality as we know it in the modern world with the presence of the notnilc influence.
In your opinion, what percentage of the world is basically exempt from the influence of the notnilc? (Basically off grid self-sufficient communities with handed down knowledge & traditions.) And, why donโ€™t you ever talk about that kind of stuff, wouldnโ€™t it be interesting to imagine a walk through this place without the notnilc involved? You feel like youโ€™ve done that ride before?..

Timothy Anon
Timothy Anon
4 months ago

Not related to this video but I just learned that sci-fi author Philip K. Dick in the latter part of his life believed that a supreme being from the Sirius star system used pink light to alter our perception and minds. Which is interesting with regards to what we’re noticing with the ongoing magenta stuff

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
4 months ago

I agree with everything you say Matt, even in the words of Morgan Freeman yep the guy from the electric company ” the way to get rid of racism and discrimination is to stop talking about it” don’t know why he was allowed to say that but they let him.

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
4 months ago

I love the ’80s break!!!

Michael Snodgrass
Michael Snodgrass
4 months ago


Michael Snodgrass
Michael Snodgrass
4 months ago

Oh wow… dude I can’t help but Jam Out !!! To that bass in the opening song heck yeah !!!!!! Hehehe… I’m an 80’s kid what can I say… hahaha. The big half a century coming up for Me in just a couple more tears… I mean years… heheheh. Much love and respects to All You here and of course Matt for another video and a chance for the very select few that see reality without as many (vails/veils)… to get together and have our free voices be heard…. (which one is it again? ) Hah.

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
4 months ago

OH Yeah, I had a lot of fun in the 80s

Bill Lodderhose 1984.jpg
Forged-721 721
Forged-721 721
4 months ago

“”If I could Slide “”was the HOOK ,,,man wat a world away song trip ๐Ÿ˜‚

Vince Long
Vince Long
3 months ago

I love all your videos Matt, but, as I have said before. This place does not like people talking about your channel. I was talking about you to someone online who sounded really down and out about the WEF, are you kidding me?!? I spoke of your channel and did mention that rule #1 was to not talk about it. The conversation was going in circles and I gave up and said that I did break Rule #1 and this guy typed โ€œyou didโ€. The next day my business exploded. I had online surveys returned to my franchise with negative reviews and many other issues. Iโ€™ve had this business for 2 years with very little issues. I asked my account about this and they all said that they did not send in a review and they were the only ones that fill them out. I made a verbal declaration to this place that I would not discuss your channel again and ALL of the issues went away that day. Later, I tried being โ€œloopholeyโ€ and did not mention your channel but instead spoke of the lessons. The next day I got into a car accident. So, lesson learned, shut your mouth, worry about yourself. Iโ€™ve also posted about the unusual phone issues that I had in the beginning of listening to your channel and when it hit me after maybe 3 weeks, all the phone issues went away. Keep doing you Matt. You really are helping your fellow Man.

Conley Smooge
Conley Smooge
3 months ago

Did you know? Madonna Ciccone was this bands original drummer.? I can’t tell if that ruins the vibe or confirms it, but that is gourmet perfect that a man took her job. And it being this videos theme. But give em half their DEI points back for making it a black guy.

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