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Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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I couldn’t have sat through the opening ceremony of the Olympics without knowing you guys were there with me, holding my hand. The video now at is of two parts. The first part is an overview of the madness with many video clips… mostly making fun of it. The final 10 minutes is a serious analysis, and I think we now finally know why the Notnilc uses Snoop Dogg so heavily!

Matt McKinley

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1 month ago

All the pedos from the Epstein flight log running the satanic ceremony. Disgusting.

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
1 month ago

well worded…

1 month ago

If pizzagate was cake in a lake, then I’m inclined to think the flight logs are cooked up too.

Craig Ralton
Craig Ralton
1 month ago

Pappa Smurfette left me with trauma, and the bearded tranny. It is like they were aiming for maximum revulsion.

Craig Ralton
Craig Ralton
1 month ago
Reply to  Craig Ralton

Mark Bajerski … good spiritual channel , he also did a video about this. He isn’t full of sht , doesn’t talk in hippy-dippy code

Earthling Carl
Earthling Carl
1 month ago

They really topped themselves this time with the satanic messaging, it’s almost too blatant now lol

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
1 month ago
Reply to  Earthling Carl

right…I mean…hello Grandma do you see what I see???

Last edited 1 month ago by William Lodderhose
Michael Dyer
Michael Dyer
1 month ago

Ships of fools on the River of Sin

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
1 month ago
Reply to  Michael Dyer


1 month ago
Reply to  Michael Dyer

I saw a shirt “Sinners are winners” while driving my truck route in NYC lol. I’m starting to think that it is true. They are definitely winning and having fun with magenta speed boats. I want to be in the Magenta boat yacht club too lol.

C Stevens
C Stevens
1 month ago


Lin Thomas
Lin Thomas
1 month ago

I immediately thought of the Bocklin painting Island of the Dead when I saw the figure in the rowboat. Bocklin to a patron – “you will be able to dream yourself into the world of dark shadows.” He painted 3 different versions. The river Styx separates the living from the dead. The ferryman is Charon. He collected a toll. The entire event looks menacing. (also, love the screen of snoop surrounded by a magenta snoop and a green snoop.)

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
1 month ago

Maybe I can’t remember (but) I have no memory of opening ceremonies like these of the last 20 or so years, when I grew up in the 60’s / 70’s, those seemed sports centered back then. I’ll bet the last one I even bothered to watch was in the 80’s in L.A.
These ghoulish ceremonies (having nothing to do with sports) like the one in England (I think it was) with the kids in beds, wtf, or that one (Barcelona?) with the Covid germ made of people and now this shit…

Russ Gary
Russ Gary
1 month ago

It’s the “Long Con”. Bait-and-switch.
Nobody would have tuned in during the 70s if they had to watch something like this years (for the record i haven’t seen it)

Genuine value and entertainment in the beginning, big toe in the water next, testing the waters, just a few guys in dresses (usually funny guys, we all laughed) then the knockout-kick in the nuts move closes the con out.

Brands (material brands, entertainment brands, and political brands) usually follow this pattern.

A friend of the channel Owen Benjamin breaks this progression down really well

Jay Kvam
Jay Kvam
1 month ago

13:14: A Hitman-looking man (Agent 47) torched the kids before giving the thumbs up sign, which caesar used to approve of a killing, then the kids get on a boat ferried by a shrouded oarsman, a Charon-like character, to cross the River Styx, in the underground, before passing the white light at the end of the tunnel and surfacing… in paradise? Nope! Paris 2024, surrounded by all the worlds most ghoulish leaders and ]notnilc minions!

Diane Considder
Diane Considder
1 month ago
Reply to  Jay Kvam

I took this scene as the hooded figure Satan rising to pass the torch to a well dressed tall human man, the antichrist? That would make for a fitting ending to a satanic ceremony.

Matthew Rohde
Matthew Rohde
1 month ago

I was just watching The People’s Republic of China vs. Fiji women’s rugby match, and I’m glad that the People’s Republic of China got the victory, but the real win for The People’s Republic of China was maintaining a homogeneous population. Congratulations to the women of the East for not screwing it up like the West did. Anytime I see a non-Babylonian empire, that’s not total chaos like India I’m impressed. Then I look outside my window, and I just see a mixed amalgamation chaotic mess of a people. An empire on its last leg. By the way, I just want to say these ‘elites’ ‘controlling’ things are so fraudulent. They don’t know how to do anything except get attention through the media by creating, and inflaming unhealthy tension, and harnessing the energy from the tension they create. They know that mind control techniques, and also dick and vagina jokes. That about sums it up here in the west.

1 month ago

City of Lights goes dark on the opening eve of the 33rd Olympics.

1 month ago

3 predictions. Bridge collapse. Shark attack in the Seine, or, terror attack against Israel… Oh, and Effiel Tower collapse. Let’s see what happens! My brother in law saved for 5 years to take his wife and daughter to this spectacle. Unreal.

Russ Gary
Russ Gary
1 month ago
Reply to  C G

Wow. Epic foresight, the listeners on Matt’s channel make it even better.

1 month ago

Notnilc’s century of destruction is right. Seeing the degradation of the arts today I’m reminded of what Jack Heart wrote about H. P. Lovecraft’s 1931 book “At the Mountains of Madness” where the explorers discovered a region in Antarctica where some evil non-human entity had subsumed the previous population and replicated them. Here’s a quote from the book “Guided by the murals, Danforth and Dyer resolve to explore the entrance to the sunless sea beneath the frozen cadaver of the Old Ones great city. In the dark corridors, which lead to the unknown ocean, they are taken aback by the sudden decline in the artistic quality of the illustrations. They had already noticed the inferiority of the newer work. “But now, in this deep section beyond the cavern, there was a sudden difference wholly transcending explanation – a difference in the basic nature as well as in mere quality and involving so profound and calamitous degradation of skill that nothing in the hitherto observed rate of decline could have led one to suspect it.”

Last edited 1 month ago by PETER
Ricky Bobo
Ricky Bobo
1 month ago

They’re switching out the torches with blunts per Snoop Dogg’s direction. You don’t even want to know what the newest Olympic event will be.

Raymond Warren
Raymond Warren
1 month ago

Yeah got to love the illegal immigrants boat. Stop oil should have there own team.

Russ Gary
Russ Gary
1 month ago
Reply to  Raymond Warren

I’m pretty sure “stop oil” is funded by big oil. They (stop oil) do things that make regular people recommit to oil.

Gerald Turner
Gerald Turner
1 month ago

Thank you for the post Matt. Now while you mocked Hoda,I think that perhaps you were fooled a bit by her, as most people are.
For I noticed that you did not start screaming uncontrollably when she appeared.
Hoda’s super power is the ability to make you somehow overlook and not notice that she is gruesomely ugly, and also she is in TV roles where only beautiful women appear. It is quite extraordinary that people do not notice or think about it.
Obviously if you happened upon this creature scrubbing out toilets, or shoveling out a stable there would be nothing to take notice of, but in this situation how could you not be startled?
Since I am unaffected by this paranormal shimmering holographic overlay that obscures her hideous visage I find myself suffering greatly from this stuff of nightmares that haunts my monitor from time to time.

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
1 month ago
Reply to  Gerald Turner

yep, scared the Heck out of me…ahhhh….

1 month ago
Reply to  Gerald Turner

In my opinion Hoda is a dude through and through. I’m with the Paco Taco army camp on this woman, I mean MTF deceiver.

James Hawke
James Hawke
1 month ago

All the globies in their Covid masks sitting at home getting all sweaty over Kelly Clarkson. *makes Beavis & Butthead noises.

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
1 month ago

Thanks Matt! ✨💖✨

Todd Burgess
Todd Burgess
1 month ago

What’s a little rain on on a drag queen parade?
What are the odds?
Power failure in the City of Light.
What are those odds?

Amy B
Amy B
1 month ago

Those can-can kicks were pathetic! My dead grandma could lift her leg higher than those dancers!

1 month ago

Drunk Kelly Clarkson and Steel Panther

Mandy Morris
Mandy Morris
1 month ago

This keeps buffering for the entire presentation. Does anyone know how to stop it? Cheers

Russ Gary
Russ Gary
1 month ago
Reply to  Mandy Morris

Matt’s presentations are pretty fat (bandwidth hungry)
Try downloading it first. I had a marginal connection at my old place and this worked.
Remember it’s free, and uncensored, a rarity.

Adrian Pansky
Adrian Pansky
1 month ago

I haven’t watched the olympics for over ten years. why do you?

Atanas Dimitrov
Atanas Dimitrov
1 month ago

The Olympic flag was upsidedown while raising it.

El Koposo
El Koposo
1 month ago

Lady Liberty has sure let her/himself go…

Last edited 1 month ago by El Koposo
Jeff Spicoli
Jeff Spicoli
1 month ago

Faggots, trannies, dikes, and luciferians. What a celebration!

1 month ago

The way you reacted to Gaga …LOL

But seriously, what a freak show. You didn’t even get to the LGBT+ segment, definitely not family entertainment. 🙁

Fraser Riak
Fraser Riak
1 month ago

Murder was the case was about HIM! He literally beat a murder rap (pun intended) I think that’s when they’re offered the notnilc contract, when they’re in a sticky situation- are willing to do anything? O.K. Now you’re under the dragons wing. Ain’t gonna lie, I was into that music back then, now snoop makes my skin crawl! 🤢

1 month ago

About once per week I ponder why all the tricks and deciept and lies from this show we call Notnilc…Do you all think Clownworld would be boring if they didn’t trick and deceive us? I wonder what this world / reality would be like if it was just normal? No show, no cake in lake mall airport and comet ping pong adrenochrome agenda,no gematria, trans poca taco, no fake nukes, no cooked up events, no fake politics left right nonsense, no Really all of this for us? Do ” they” is ot solely for harvesting loose? And distracting us? I wonder if the fun is all in the game? Help me out with your thoughts please

don seymour
don seymour
1 month ago

Olympic 33 Electric Boogaloo with Snoop Dog. Its just to much, Notnilc is runnin on No Doz… Thanks Matt

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
1 month ago

Douche Dogg is such a POS sellout! He’s been pathetic and irrelevant since doggy style album,for shizzle my nizzle, SERIOUSLY!? Made people sound even dumberer and more ZOMBIFIED more than ever. Snoops got a new definition for the dreaded horseshoe!

Meg P
Meg P
1 month ago

I would never dream of watching the olympics even though I coach competitive swimming. the only way in hell youd get me to watch is with Matt as commentator. Thanks Matt!

smoken mirrors
smoken mirrors
1 month ago

Hi matt. how do i stop monthly tips… ive been tipping for 2 years every month. i can not find where to stop or change tip jar type to when i can afford to tip. it over drawn my account every now and then. appreciate some help

smoken mirrors
smoken mirrors
1 month ago
Reply to  smoken mirrors
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