Give Matt a Tip:

Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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I  didn’t intend for most of the video to be about the ISS, but once I started covering the “breaking news” from NASA, well… one thing lead to another. I don’t think I have talked about the ISS for years. Other CNN “headlines” are covered in the back half of the video. You may notice that my mood improves as the video gets longer! It’s nice knowing you guys are out there. 

Matt McKinley

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Gary Tucker
Gary Tucker
22 days ago

Come on Matt, you know we got a frying pan and fancy mattress from NASA, that has to be two trillion dollars well spent?

21 days ago
Reply to  Gary Tucker

Don’t forget velcro and betadine. And the big hair calender.

Russ Gary
Russ Gary
16 days ago
Reply to  purrroudbeauty

It goes without saying, at the risk of getting an award, if you can have giant frizzy hair on women, then they could also have giant, epic bearded guys on board with rockstar hair. Just sayin’

Chris Fernandez
Chris Fernandez
21 days ago

The fact that they always show women with wild hair is just ridiculous. There’s no way they would allow this, at the very least they would require it in a ponytail or a bun with a hat. Hair falls and breaks off constantly and it seems like we would see little pieces floating around before they made Their way to an air vent. There’s a reason why people have to wear hairnets in restaurants. It’s absolutely ridiculous. The only reason they do this is to pretend, “see look my hair is wild because of no gravitation”. So dumb.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
21 days ago

Was in one of those moods too when I got up, just thinking about how sadly crazy folks around me seem to be getting. I think this place is simply too much for them to even begin to comprehend, but some of it is seeping into their world now. Thanks for another great video Matt. Your Freevoice videos have become a cozy replacement for the Sunday dinners at Grandma and Grandpa’s decades ago. Thanks for giving us a place that feels like home. <3 Big hugs to you all!

Russ Gary
Russ Gary
21 days ago

What are the chances? Actors/Astro-nots that look like Harris/Walz, stranded in space, by Boeing, the week of the DNC, the day after they announced they’re going to be whistleblowers

Bill Cullen
Bill Cullen
21 days ago

Ain’t nobody go up invthe sky…they go down in a pool, and play the normies for fools. Or they be in front of a green screen grabbing at objects unseen.

Russ Gary
Russ Gary
21 days ago

Awesome. Hilarious. So hard to breath.
Space gave us general Mills space food sticks and Tang, stop hating.

randy desnoyers
randy desnoyers
21 days ago

Im sure they can still order grubhub and ubereats wherever they are.

Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon
21 days ago

In all fairness I have coached nationally ranked high school football teams and played for the like but I’m in no way bragging, “pootie tang’ warning, I could take a couple of my second grade PE students and teach them to be better break dancers than raygun WTLF 🙂
Blessings everyone, armor on.

Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon
21 days ago

Matt is one of a few sane voices among billions of brainwashed zombie lunatics. “Did you hear that random family member?” Listen to your cousin he will save you a lot of time and effort. Or don’t…… Be blessed either way random family member,be blessed. ghee-sh

Richard Clark
Richard Clark
21 days ago

Matt, clearly they ran “lifelines” out there. Like that questionable friend that arrives in an RV that looks like that masterpiece from Christmas Vacation. You don’t dare say anything and hope they don’t ask. Sure enough they do. “I just need to park this for a few days…” 8 months later, have too many extension cords ran out to the pile and they have your wifi password as well. 🤪 What I am getting at is, Matt, you’re not accounting for their back up air, water and name brand Ramen Noodles. Clearly they are in space just scared they won’t be brought back home. 😅

Appreciate this, Matt. Thank you.

Last edited 21 days ago by Richard Clark
Richard Clark
Richard Clark
21 days ago
Reply to  Richard Clark

“We are going to Mars!” “Woo!” “We need to make laws for space if I am to go, though. For humanity’s sake. Is the lawn chair secured on the IKEA ship wrapped in Dollar Tree tin foil?!” 👩‍🚀🚀

Richard Clark
Richard Clark
21 days ago
Reply to  Richard Clark

Kamala attempts to say “scrumpdidlioumptous” while removing her kneepads. 🌝

victoria gale
victoria gale
21 days ago

Nitinol metal. Nitinol wires are used in braces and nobody can really explain where it came from. The wires held shape but bent like a rubber band. Compliments of NASA, y’all!

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
21 days ago

🤣🤣🤣of course ” June 6th” 🤣🤣🤣 these idiots

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
21 days ago

Who changed the English language overnight when we weren’t looking I am laughing so hard I’m crying while I’m driving!!!

Jeremy Marquart
Jeremy Marquart
21 days ago

Hey Matt, thanks for everything! I reciprocate the sentiment! Indeed, I find solace in knowing you’re out there making fun of notnilC! It helps for motivation towards putting the effort into part II: the wirk!

Justin Freeman
Justin Freeman
20 days ago

I started watching this at 1130pm. Thanks for the nightmare fuel before bed.

18 days ago

Another great Sunday vid Mat, but sorry man call it Notnilc winning but yeah, I truly don’t care about anything of whatever % of real or crisis actor war is going on over there, yes sucks that people have to suffer but when I go to the fking grocery store and put 9-11 items on the belt and the bill comes out to $66.66 I could give 2 shits of what’s going on in Sand Land. But yeah Notnilc has jaded me. I’m starting to think Notnilc is undefeated.

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
13 days ago

Matt, what about the huge direct truth bomb I sent you from Werner von Braun about the “Apollo 11 astronauts being actors in the greatest show on Earth”? That was huge, not even cryptic, but very overt! I sent you the clip 5 times already. Why aren’t you mentioning it? Instead you are mentioning obscure things like sports. I don’t get it. Illogical.

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